>positive info about new amd product
>constant spins, denial, false charge accusations
>positive info about new nvidia product
>wew the new nvidia products are so much better than the old ones
Positive info about new amd product
it's not like nvidia has ever lied or spun information to make their cards look better
>>positive info about new amd product
>implying this ever happens
Is this real? It can't be but if it is then this is amazing
>AMD sponsored game
ITT: victim complex
>It's okay when Nvidia does it
Yes :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
difference here is that nvidia has the majority of the market and can afford the 'hit' to gimpworks a game, when AMD does it it just makes them look incompetent and indian to their (potential) customers.
>be OP
>go to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums style/quality posts
>complains about it
kys my man.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>He posted it again
>d-don't spread the truth
>amd don't have bad autodesk drivers and black screen problems
>s-stop talking about my bby amd reeee
End yourself shill
>Don't call me out on my shitpost
Also I own a 670 but keep projecting, moron.
Why did you post a picture of yourself?
>I know you are but what am I
Kek, spotted the mad amdrone.
xD you got me, I`m the guy in the shitpost
I found a picture of you :^)
Pascal cant do Async compute.
Top jej
Don't you fucking retards realize that GPUs are fancy calculators?
You dumb faggot will reply to anything.
Just buy what's the best at the moment, also don't go out of half ass med-high cards, just enthusiast grade. Unless you're a poorfag, then get something what has the best price/performance ratio around your budget.
You fanbois are truly amazing.
>implying AMD has enthusiast grade hardware
kek nice one user
>what is the pro duo
Why do you keep posting this? It proves nothing, makes you look like a retard everytime
I said I wanted a video card not a small power plant
>dual gpu card with 4GB vram per gpu
>gaming at 4k
>multi gpu
pick one
>bring proud of a cuckstamp
Why would you do this? At least the pork chops guy one can be disguised as something else, and doesn't look like full blown cringe
>New AMD product.
>Look at what its going to be able to do.
>New Nvidia product.
>This is Doom at 200 fps and our card is running at 2.1GHz on air.
A stupid tripfag, how surprising
how have you not killed yourself yet?
Really? No way nvidia can be THIS retarded...
Oh, wait! 3.5 GB, 1.7%, woodscrews, fermi housefires, etc.
At least they're not going full fucking evil and supporting DX12 over vulkan.
Computers in general are fancy calculators.
Jesus christ that's basically a 1080SLI with HBM and no CF/SLI driver bullshit. Must eat up at least 600W
>AMD product comes out
>does exactly what they told it would
>Nvidia product comes out
>does nothing like the demo promised
>wood screws
I'm no way defending Nvidia, but the wood screws thing is bullshit, they are threaded metal screws, like the ones for hard drives, I even have a Radeon with screws like that. Man, city hipsters know nothing about hardware (construction hardware, not tech).
The Pro Duos aren't meant for gaming though. They're for rendering models and videos.
And cost 5 times as much as a titan x.
>aren't meant for gaming
>beat Nvidia at any game
Wait, what?
So, if its good at it, but not meant for it, you can't do it? KEK
Can you enlighten me as to where I can buy a Titan X for $300?
>5 times as much as a titan x
Uhm, no? About 500$ more then the Titan X
actually they as same if you check out amazon
Only 375W
Come friends!