>processing power used to double like every year
>now it's like 200 mhz every five years
>oy vey buy our marginally improved cpu goy
Processing power used to double like every year
>Car speeds used to double like every year
>Now they barely get faster at all
>Oy vey buy our marginally faster car
It's weird how people blame the jews for situations like this
Have you tried NOT buying things?
Like it's the Intel/AMD/Nvidia fault at all. There are no superior products because there is no demand in superior products.
It took shit-tier developers over a 10 years to start utilizing more than 1 thread and it's the shitty braindead so-called "programmers" who are slowing the progress.
Pretty much this. I'm still happy on my i7 870.
Instead of bitching about no improvements, don't upgrade. That'll force them to improve.
Why didn't you do it yourself fampai-kun?
just look at dx12 and vulkan and how much that progressed driver speed
what they did, programming wise, has ALWAYS been possible. since the dawn of time.
>shit-tier retarded code monkey triggered
here is your (You)
>cars have speed limits
>computers don't
>using cars for computer analogy and vice versa
Absolutely haram
It's all 12 year olds with no understanding of the world outside of Sup Forums. You can't been them really.
>frequency is the same as processing power
I think you are the kike here
>clockspeeds not ipc
>ipc not clockspeeds
>not cache size
All these work in tandem to provide considerable improvements between generations.
we are reaching towards < 10nm
moore's law actually stopped being valid after 28nm
Cars nowadays aren't ranked by their top speed but rather the safety, style, comfortability etc.
I think he's doing the right thing.
His counter argument is as bad as OP.
maybe yours does
back to your imaginary oven
We know where you belong
>clockrate == processing power
Oh vey, better buy those AMD cpus