Would you live in a pod Sup Forums ?

Would you live in a pod Sup Forums ?

No. My home is my fortress. It has to be big enough for me to feel comfortable, as I don't like small spaces. Plus, a pod like that isn't really "mine".

We already do, user.


Nah, but I'd gladly live in this sexy beast.

Where do you take a shit in the middle of the night?.

In the street.

I prefer living in a unit that's part of a larger structure. Something about freestanding homes make me feel exceedingly vulnerable.

more like 'rape box' huehuehue

He might not be indian though

If there was a pod that came with a kitchen and one that had a bathroom then sure. Better yet, put them all together. I'll call it... A house.

I live in a trailer in a town in the middle of nowhere. So I would say close enough.

Fuck no, where am I supposed to cook and clean myself?

Wouldn't mind sleeping in it but I'd still need a place to shit and shower and whatnot.


Every time.

I'd live in that.


Three conditions:
* cheap as fuck
* good location
* a restroom where I can jerk off in peace

I live in a studio apartment so it's not too far off. Actually it's quite cozy. So long as I've got space for my desk, my bed, and a yoga mat I've got all the room I need.

did anyone ever confirm if this was real? This always made me laugh

>yoga mat
Nigga what.

>yoga mat


for starters I do practice yoga. Good for your muscles after spending all day perched in front of the computer. Second, sitting/laying on the floor is quite cozy. I have a couch but i usually sit on the floor.

yoga isn't just for chicks. Men invented it, men developed the practice and philosophy. It's unfortunate it's become associated with Starbucks sipping sluts in the west.


Not enough room for all my monitors. I need the deluxe one person pod so I can effectively shitpost across 8 4K screens.


of course it's not real, at most the guy who posted that is the one in pic

otherwise it's just something taken out of context with a stupid text post

Show us your yoga toned boipucci.

not much to see unless you like excessive body hair

Not gonna lie that looks comfy as fuck. But not for 2.5k Jesus.

If it was cheaper than living in an apartment or house, I would.

>no foundation steps

>AC, TV, 900W audio system with 100W sub, Xbox, and the box itself
that's actually a decent price. Still claustrophobic as fuck