Prove you're not a pajeet or a code monkey

Prove you're not a pajeet or a code monkey


i dont know how to program.

please how do i prove to you sir

I don't have a job

I like go.

I take shits in the street instead of the toilet

I can't, I'm a pajeet tier programmer. I can't write good original code, only copy other people.



the actual pajeets at work are better programmers than i am

Came here to post this.

i can invert a binary tree on a whiteboard

whos that anime?

There are indian NEETs you know


int main(void)
int i;
for(i=1; i

I went for EE instead of CS

I can't senpai. Maybe I am Pajeet? Maybe I'm just here to rake in the Bing points? You'll never know :^)

I own a toilet

but do you use it?

underated post

>int i; for(i=1
dont do that

c89 > bloated meme standards


I shower daily.

I thought it would gain a lot more attraction but I guess my superior sense of humor is too advanced for the majority of low IQ sub humans that browse this subreddit.

Your mom

I for one Installed gentoo. Ph.D. in Math, any job, etc.

Stink isn't coming out of my computer so this thread is off to a good start.

pajeet gon give it 2 ya

I have a math degree, i'm white and the only languages i know are C, Haskell, Common Lisp/Scheme and Python
I've probably never seen java code in my entire life

No, there really aren't. If they live alone they need to work to survive and Indian families don't put up with that neet bullshit, they get sent to work with someone else in the family and or kicked out of the house

I worship it

Failed. Pajeets lack creativity

I don't smell like shit every day.

I dont use windows 10 / windows

no pajeet does either

> can't use code tags