Does anybody here use Netscape Navigator anymore?

Does anybody here use Netscape Navigator anymore?


ya it's my favorite, but we need an update.


it's a lot better than chrome




how isn't better than chrome


>tfw cant view the catalog

speak of the devil, just posted in the desktop thread

a brother

Nobody here is old enough to remember netscape navigator. This is Sup Forums plus hardware board. All these faggots can remember is when modern warfare 2 came out and they got it for christmas when they were 12.

Works well with my titan x sli setup

I know right

>Nobody here is old enough to remember netscape navigator.

This is not entirely a bad thing.

The last time I used Nutscrape I was able to listen to my computer dial netzero. I believe my dad was still using Eudora at the time. This was on a 486 (and later a pentium 75.) I actually found a pic of my setup from back then but it's not on my phone.

Pic related, the first computer that was actually 100% mine a Toshiba 105CS (the 75mhz pentium) and an old parts mag.

lol we're such 90's kids XD
kids these days don't know what they missed out on XD

Anyone Compuserve here?

yes, it's called firefox

How much ram does it use compare to chrome?

Been years since I fired that machine up. I remember I figured out how to write drivers for Windows 98 for a Panasonic kxl-d740 cdrom that worked through a pcmcia card. Lasted 1.5 hours on 4 (or 6?) aa batteries.

Those were the days.

I use its successor as my secondary browser

I was being post-ironic, you dip!

I miss it. It had the best ui and most importantly the best name and logo. That animation; I could stare at it for hours. It defined 90s internet to me. That and Earthlink.

Firefox, like many things now, is a farce--a modern perversion.

Really? No shit? You don't say! (Your xd says you're still much younger then me)

I wasnt.

Is that a legit cd-rom rewinder?

Netscape had gorgeous art assets.

That's beautiful.

It also had the best motif; commander of a web browser, navigating the great internet like a ship over the ocean or a shuttle navigating the deep space.

Compared to today: Chrome and Firefox. And Safari. Okay.

Lol Netscape.. Altavista.. Geocities.. Lol xd nostalgic upvote xdxs

it's an external cd drive

I could tell it had some extra features, but it looks just like the one we had at Blockbuster for the old PC rentals.

>It also had the best motif;
Is that it joke? It literally used Motif widgets on Unix platforms.

Netscape a shit. Who /earthlink/ here?

Netscape Navigator or Communicator?

Netscape is still alive?

sort of, seamonkey is active, which is a continuation of mozilla (application suite), which was based on netscape code
so, seamonkey is a direct ancestor of netscape communicator

That's not exactly direct in the sense of the word but I'll take it.