Functional Programming & Math: General

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What is reactive programming and how does functional reactive programming relate?

no one does any real programming here. this is a thinly veiled anime image board

F# bestest
thank fuck it isn't getting the SJW attention like haskell/scala

up for some lambada programming eh

Heck yes. Let's do some currying

>tfw having to trawl through an unmaintained project fixing it for GHC 7.10.3

Thank mommy for good typing

It's only a small subset being retarded in the Haskell community. A great majority don't give a shit about that conference "problem" and support the nazifart's free speech.

Is functional programming the greatest meme of our time?

no installing gentoo is

why should I use scheme instead of python?

use python

>he fell for the functional meme



OO is mostly retarded and i don't work in a problem space where i benefit from it's paradigm. so clearly, we should all program in prolog, using the logical paradigm.

Use scheme

it's programming dumbass

google says it's olivia wilde. I don't believe it.
Who is that?

she is the goddess of functional programming. Here she is wearing the glasses Haskell. She bestows on us all categorical and functional programming knowledge.

Is this a meme?

Python is terrible for functional programming.

Don't tell him that

I literally have four threads pinned because I always forget to read the threads
pic related

Well it is the truth

This, you should do all your functional programming in Javascript.

Python for imperative programming (has to be done right now)
Javascript for functional programming (has to work)
Java for enterprise programming (has to make money)

Oh well..

I hope Elixir will get big, because it is an amazing idea.

Elixir was made by a Ruby guy who was not happy with some stuff in Rails (especially concurrency). And while Ruby is already a very beatifull langauge, Elixir gives you the additional power of Erlang (it runs the erlang virtual machine).

Erlang might not be just as sylphlike as Haskell, but it's hell of a langauge and very underrated. Whenever you think about distributed / concurrent applications - Erlang is the way to go. For example it has amazing error handling features, to bring erlang down you gotta nuke it from orbit.

But if you are interested in Elixir, I highly advise to master Ruby first, that will give you a better grasp of Elixir (i.e. about best practices or code structure).
Also Erlang is a functional langauge, which means to get the best out of Elixir you should sit down and learn to prgramm in a functional way..

// Ruby
def quicksort(*ary)
return [] if ary.empty?

pivot = ary.delete_at(rand(ary.size))
left, right = ary.partition(&pivot.method(:>))

return *quicksort(*left), pivot, *quicksort(*right)

// Erlang
qsort([]) -> [];
qsort([Pivot|T]) -> qsort([X || X

That's a sort, but not a quicksort, senpai. Algorithms mean something.

Last time I checked it was quicksort:

1) Get pivot element
2) Smaller elements to the left side
3) Bigger elements to the right side
4) Repeat with both sides

But you might want to tell me what I'm missing?

quicksort is suppose to sort in place. It more like a quicksort for linked lists

There's differnt opinons about that. See:

I agree you should call it quicksort, but surely some of them aren't as fast as the iterative implementation.

If you use partition you are acutally reading each element once per call, but if you use list comprehensions you are reading each element twice. It doesn't change the running time asymptotically, but I think it's a bigger issue than in-place non in-place argument.

She's just a random cunt on a website that sells glasses.

which you can't really do when you have immutable variables