Tfw you never fell for the apple meme

>tfw you never fell for the apple meme

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Instead you fell for ugly reforged Korean girls


I guess you mean
>having an IQ > 60

korean garbage.


I fell for the phablet meme and as soon as Apple put out a phablet I fell for the iPhone meme. But at least I have better emojis and blue bubbles now.

Someone shoud throw a nuclear bomb to Korea.


You poo in the loos WISH you could have enough money to buy an Apple product, that's all. All this hate is just jealous in disguise.

Pic related, you WISH you had $90 to spend on a charger for your laptop.

Having fun with your tablet sized facebook machine?

I own a rMBP and an apple display, plus an iPad/iPhone all of which I sought discounts plus haggled. Just because you have money to spend on technology doesn't mean you have to act like an entitled brat nor does it mean that anyone cares what you actually have.

There's an old saying in my country, "A fool and his money are soon parted."

This. What's up with people worshipping a country that eats dogs?

>using plastic surgery as a putdown

Women who get good plastic surgery always look better. Heck, most people get braces. Same shit.

I was being completely facetious. I love my rMBP, but I recently flew home to say hi to my folks and I forgot my charger in my apartment. Quite upset that I had to spend $90 on a fucking charger; going to be returning it when I fly back.

>hurr durr i was only pretending to be retarded
i swear i was only pretending

The problem is they're Korean.

Until you accidently knock one up and then you have ugly fucking kids.

*tips fidora*


>there are different amounts of list items on either side
I... What

> (You)
>The problem is they're Korean.

If you put frosting on a cake, it tastes a little better. Not much.

If you put spice on chicken, it tastes amazing.

Korean girls and plastic surgery go together like chicken and spices.


Just be honest, OP.
You only wanted to post the webm.

I bet OP fell for the Wintendo meme which is even worse.

>being proud of being robbed
>buying inferior hardware for more money
>having a self esteem based on stupidity
>being a retard who doesn't know shit about computers
>judging the hardware by how shiny the case is
>being a hipster
>having 100 stickers on a notebook cover
>sitting in starbucks while "being busy"
>being cucked by the apple ecosystem
>enjoying a shitty OS
>enjoying being spied on
>enjoying CPU throttling
>enjoying planned obsolescence
>enjoying a shitty trackpad
>enjoying a shitty battery

>accidentally knock up a girl

Alright Jamal, not everyone is a nigger who can't pull out.

>tfw want an iPhone for audio quality, keyboard, camera and production support
>tfw want macbook pro because no other hidpi laptops last as long on battery and I can still use loonix on them if I really want to.
Fuck it, I can tinker and meme and play vidya on my desk top.

lelno. Korean girls and plastic surgery go together like shit and expensive spices. They may look pretty but they're the nastiest things in the world.

People like to jack off to them, never actually be near one let alone date one.


I've dated a non plastic Korean and she was hot. She sounded like she was crying in bed though.

>Alright Jamal, not everyone is a nigger who can't pull out.
>he thinks pulling out is a good contraceptive method
kys, it's because of people like you that niggers and generally unwanted children were born. Like me ;_;

>I've dated a non plastic Korean
That's what she told you.

>having to paying for ridiculously overpriced adapters
>having only one USB port

Where the fuck did you learn pulling out doesn't work? Do you even know how babies are made? You cum inside a girl and the sperm combines with the egg. How the fuck does cumming outside on her stomach or mouth impregnate a girl?

She had a pretty wide face super Asian eyes. Definitely no plastic surgery.

At least you know what to buy your daughter for her 18th birthday.

>She had a pretty wide face super Asian eyes
Then how was she hot

Extremely cute looking.

>Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if theyalwaysdo it correctly.
>Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant each year if theydon't alwaysdo it correctly.

Enjoy that child support senpai.


>Where the fuck did you learn pulling out doesn't work?
Educate yourself.

iPod nano is breddy dang gr8 tbqh familia.

>what is precum

I can't believe we're having this conversation on Sup Forums, even.

Yeah, those men aren't doing it properly. Because I've been doing it fine for a decade.

Confirmed reading disability.
I'm so sorry.

You faggots need to master the technique. I'm withdrawing for 15 years now. 0 babies.

Precum has almost no sperm. Men with low sperm counts who cum inside can't even get women pregnant,. Precum can't even come close.

Even IF you do it right girls can still get pregnant. Most of those girls you fucked took pills after.

How many STDs do you have so far?

You dense motherfucker.

You know pills exist and women can take them without your consent right? Most women are actually pretty smart.

Yeah exactly, so its not impossible. Do you really wanna bet a fucking child on that?
You've just been lucky so far.
Most girls take the pill these days anyway.

Nope, I've only had sex with girlfriends. I don't hook up with randoms. Last STD check I had a year ago, which was 6 months into my current GF, came clean.

Some of my GFs have had pills, and I didn't pull out. Otherwise I always pull out.

>every single one of Apple's laptops has a glossy screen
>on a fucking laptop

They make devices for maximum shininess, not productivity.

>tfw the XPS 13 is 10/10 in every way, except they shipped the hdpi one with touch and gloss

>being this wrong

It's a rMBP fuckwad, not a MB

I would go to a doc and get my friends checked if i were you

So, literally Dell?

>always bought MacBooks
>bought an acer with similar specs to the latest MacBook I wanted at the time
>it was plastic shit
>2 hours of battery life
>bought all iPhones
>fell for open android meme and bought Galaxy s4
>used tool to root it
>got malware through a Google play app
>tfw you realize that Google play is just an easier way for pajeets to distribute malware

I will never buy another PC and I will not buy another android device until security impoves. The only android device I would even think about buying is the Nexus 5X or 6P. Everything else is poo in loo.

Things I like about the iPhones and Nexus phones:

>readily available stock firmwares in case I fuck up the device
>reversible charger
>360 degree fingerprint reader that actually provides security rather than just convenience
>FDE enabled by default instead of having a meme passcode
>aluminum rear housing
>easy to find cases
>support from developers for rooting and all kinds of software
>timely OTA updates not controlled by retarded carriers

>taking an amazing screen and fucking it up with matte


>i bought an acer AND i am retarded, so i will never buy a PC without a glowing fruit logo again

Haha yeah, great accurate satire mate. It's exactly what a macfag would say who doesn't actually use his laptop outside his darkened room.

That's your fucking fault for rooting an Android...

It's open enough natively, no point in rooting it. It's not like an iPhone where you have to mod it to get customization features.

>didn't read more than 3 lines and decided to reply anyway

>taking an amazing screen and making sure you can't see shit

>you will never not be autistic to know the joy of owning an Apple product


I'm sorry, could you please give me an easier or faster way to customize the icons in my android status bar without rooting and installing xposed?

>not everyone is a nigger who can't pull out.
Casual sex means you're a nigger, too.

Troll thread. My work makes me use apple products. Inb4 faggot, cuck etc

I work in IT and everyone had android phones. When I whipped out my 6 plus (also bought by work) they were all asking for iPhones the next week.

No other company is yet to make an MP3 player that compares to the iPod classic release many, many years ago.
The quality of apps on android are dog shit compared to iPhone. If you don't believe me, load something like snapchat, steam, on both platforms. Plus did I imagine you don't get app crashes all the time. Jailbroken iOS is literally more stable than even stock android. (I've owned the following android devices, Motorola milestone 2, HTC sensation, HTC one international, nexus 4, Galaxy s4, galaxy note 3).

Now when it comes to laptops my MacBook Pro work gave me is the early 2015 model. 13 inch, i7 with 16GB RAM, and 512GB ssd. Prior to this work gave me an X1 carbon 3rd gen and it was ok but I had a few gripes. The trackpad is dog shit, the display is washed out and gross, build quality is cheap. A colleague knocked it off the desk and the top corner broke. I had the same thing happen with my second laptop when I placed it upon the desk. It was sitting on a pile of power chords for half and hour when I turned on a Mac nearby the startup chime was to make it slide off the desk and broke the top corner again.

As for Mac OS. It's shit. Apple desktops are also rubbish and in my experience the build quality of the iMac range is poor. Just about all always experience graphical issues after a free years. I'm guessing because of the shitty form factor as well as the warm display being next to all the components.


Apple mobile devices and laptops are best in class.
Desktop anything is shit.

faggot, cuck etc

The fact that you just wrote a blog on Sup Forums pretty much proves you're a homosexual irl.

Cuck detected.

>being such a failure that you're this good at justifying why you should be allowed to continue wasting air

When you can't write a rebuttal just name call instead. The only one mad here is you.

you know, that shit has always bothered me about Apple
Why the living fuck is simple shit like this so much?

had to get a power adapter for an iBook my brother gave me, fucking $85
that was the dumbest fucking shit

>better than anything
not a chance

you know, it's not like the security situation on iOS is much better than on Android either, although Apple at least has the advantage of providing updates for a while to all of their current models
the one thing that's dumb about Android phones is how you're pretty much on your own within a year of owning the device, you don't get the necessary security updates

>no better MP3 player than iPod classic
what in god's name are you smoking?

Don't buy Acer. Fuck, what a shitbox. Absolutely appalling build quality.
they're cheap as shit and have pretty decent specs per dollar, but that doesn't matter when the machine is going to fall apart within two years

you're just jealous of us who can afford apple products

my nigga

That's the cringiest web movie I've ever seen.


nice bait

>Google play store

Choose one idiot

Google doesn't monitor shit. Go away satan.

Leave your shitty basement, son