Foobar2000 mobile released
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it will be botnetted in minutes
good riddance
Pretty aesthetic desu senpai
Why is Android coming after WP -_-
Does it have component compatibility with the desktop version?
fuck off
>implying it's not relevant for both
This fucking douche made a mobile version but not a Linux version?
The guy is autistic about his source code apparently
>still no linux version
I will download this app. and if it doesn't suck, I'll use it.
hopefully he'll be rich soon and stop being a code-hoarding cunt that he is.
this fucking guy
this other sumatra faggot as well, jessus christ
>user themes
This is gonna get good
the point of foobar2000 is extensibility with user plugins
i don't think an app can't do that on iOS and Windows Phone
android ver is coming soon, user
gotta test the waters on normies
>that design
Sync iPhone with desktop foobar2000 library when?
>waaa this guy doesn't want to spend his free time releasing his app for my platform that no one uses
Based Foobar guy treating Windows Phone as a first-class citizen.
Does it support getting music from OneDriveā¢?
Well, Foobar2k Is now officially on linux, so that's one less thing winshill can complain about.
Technically correct is best correct.
People actually paid money of this. Why they fuck release a mobile app when there are other players?
Because the mobile version was crowd funded. Linux fags aren't going to donate shit.
And Linux doesn't neef foobar because it has deadbeef.
And foobar runs perfect on wine if you really want to use it.
There's no reason to not support user themes both on iOS and WP, as themes are not executable code.
no. it still isn't.
>Linux fags aren't going to donate shit
Sure they do, all the time. More than most other OS demographics.
Of course he could always just open source it and let people port it, unless he's trying to hide something in it.
Yes it is.
Android is linux.
It's not on desktop linux.
Please please please have support for playcounts.
>releasing for a dead platform (windows phone) and not Android
>requires iTunes sync
>no ftp server support
I'll stick with Golden Ear for now, thank you.
code is here , why dont you make a linux fork faggot
what media player do you gentiles use?
maybe because it was made for Windows and porting it to mobile Windows is nothing compared to porting it to fucking android you mongoloid
>not on Android
Literally what the fuck
>porting it to mobile Windows is nothing
actually maybe even harder than to android
and mobile foobar is written from scratch anyways
He built a Windows 10 Universal app. That means it can run in 300 million devices. Seems far away from being dead ;)
>Not Android
Garbage, and it's a shame because FB2K is tight as fuck on Windows
>>Of course he could always just open source it and let people port it, unless he's trying to hide something in it.
He doesn't owe you anything.
i use foobar on all my pc usage. but why should i switch from google play to foobar mobile, for those who are using/used it?
good work, pajeet
There's literally no reason not to release the source code for a gratis application.
He doesn't lose anything because he's already distributing the binaries for free.
probably is pretty shitty at coding
Probably because it's easier to port a Windows program to Windows Phone than move it entirely to Java and make it work with Android.
This. If you guys want a free as in freedom Foobar start coding it yourself. That's what rms and Linus did with UNIX btw.
Didn't his kickstarter get over 100K ?
I thought mpv was goat media player that nothing else could compare, wouldn't foobar be a step down from that?
>This. If you guys want a free as in freedom Foobar start coding it yourself. That's what rms and Linus did with UNIX btw.
Or I could just use mpd which is superior to foobar2k in every way
>comparing video player to music library player