>(32 bit)

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>The current year
>(64 bit) meme processors


>the next year

>be working IT in a hospital
>standardised on windows 7 32-bit back in 2013
>new pc's now, 32-bit drivers are worth less than a fuck
>every new deployment is such a fukn hassle


>most of software is still 32 bit

I'm using multilib in Arch just to run muh gaymen through wine-staging because .net doesn't like 64 bit.

i just threw an athlon xp build in the garbage the other day, it was 32 bit.

Ehh I'm using a 32bit laptop and fucker is still live and kicking. Why would I replace this little fucker when it's great for shitposting and web dev?

why is Sup Forums so slow right now?

Which hospital?
I might have a rootkit for it. Hehe

>he uses 64-bit on

Are you the one who made that decision? Why the fuck, 64-bit had become the standard long ago even in 2013.

Why would that matter?

pointers are bigger and waste more space

What's wrong with 32 bit?

It's a smaller number than 64.

Years are going up, so should everything else.

Even windows 10 64 bit works well on 3 GiBs of RAM, even though it uses up ridiculous amounts of memory.

>that gif

32 bit can access RAM up to 32 GB and can handle multi-core processors as well. It also runs java applications faster that 64. Stay uninformed, kiddo.

> 2012
> Apple goes 64-bit on iPhones
> Everyone on Sup Forums was like "lol u don't need 64-bit on phones"
> 2016
> every android phone is 64-bit

Apple, aways ahead.

>mfw windows 7 64bit and 2gb ram and it just werks

You can get down to 350mb on w7 if you know how to de-bloat it

>machine used only for browsing
>implying 64-bit would be the least bit beneficial

Do you even do jack shit worthwhile with your "64 bit" cpu?
32 bit has its uses, its not as obsolete as some of you retarded fucks make it out to be.

Why do we have to stop progress? Because some retards think it's enough for the next 2 centuries?

Some need 64bits processors -> others make them -> become better at producing 64bits processors -> no reasons to still split production in 32/64
-> go full 64 -> retards kill themselves because of "muh progress is for sheep" -> everyone else is happy.

You may be talking about embedded or old ass computers and you're right 32bits is not dead but accept the fact that the average desktop/laptop is 64bits because there is no reasons to do otherwise.


No, 32 bit can only access 4 GB of RAM

That's where you're wrong.


>not using OS X, the full 64 bit operating system for desktops


>cis male

Cant stop watching this gif.


get rekt, faggot

I got it to < 120 mb lad

x86-64 has twice the general purpose registers compared to IA-32, which is starved for registers, and can waste a good amount of time shuffling them around. It is much, much more worth it to use the 64 bit version, even if you only have around 2 GB of RAM.

Why not just dual boot? Or do vga pass-through?

Go watch a gaki no tsukai 24hr batsu game

>he uses a 32-bit OS on a 64-bit CPU

Back in 2012 I was studying to take the GRE, and the study book came with some software that was supposed to contain practice GRE tests. However, I was unable to run it. Every time I tried, it would give an error and tell me I needed to use a 32-bit OS, and I wasn't about to reinstall a 32-bit version of windows just to run fucking GRE practice tests.

They've since put out new versions that don't give that error but it was shitty at the time.

> 2016
> still no 128 bit CPUs and OSs

Virtual Machines?

>It also runs java applications faster
>implying running java applications at all
maybe it also runs adobe flash faster?

>4 GB of RAM
>3.5 GB usable

>there exist faggots who can't do calculations using long longs and doubles cause they decided to cheap out and buy 32 bit hardware

fucking kill yourself

Nice bait

Now I understand.. Nvidia made a 32bit GTX970

Holy shit I audibly chuckled.

I love looking at OS's and distros that discuss dropping i386, and then looking at the rage in the comments. "I can't run this anymore without i386 support!!1111"

Yeah because nobody uses old hardware

>fuck infrastructures using legacy hardware
>muh new hardware

Didn't occur to me at the time.

my laptop is 32bit only... I only need it in the rare cases I do go outside and need a computer to go online for something...

distros include PAE as an option or default. Pentium pro and up will support this.

Show me the way senpai.

Using a 32 bit operating system on a 64 bit platform gives you better temps and lower power consumption since only half of the cpu is utilized.


Nearly Intel processor since the Pentium Pro supports PAE, which allow it to use up to 64GB of RAM.


" It also had a wider 36-bit address bus (usable by PAE), allowing it to access up to 64GB of memory."

>mfw you're full of shit.

Laptop I'm using right now shipped with win7-64 and 2GB of RAM. Ran horribly, Couldn't do shit without swapping. Memory consistently pegged at 100%. Installed another 2GB and this helped, but it was still shitty. Yanked the 4GB out and threw in 8GB and now it works well.

Thats too easy, and not the Arch way

Thanks mate
I never said it works buttery smooth, but it werks

>Pentium 4
sweet jesus

> Winblows by Microshill