Pajeets everywhere

Is it just me or has every single app store, news site and tech forum been overrun by Pajeets recently? (last 1-3 years)

Even XDA used to have real people onit, now just Rahjeets and Parmeets chatting to each other with their broken english and stupid 3rd world emojis.

They have the reverse Midas touch, everything they touch turns into poo.

*on it




Wouldn't the reverse Midas touch make everything gold turn into... not-gold?

Also smartphone reviews

Should be
>Let's poo sir's

not gold meaning not the element gold? meaning not an element?


Pajeet has been pooing in it from the beginning.

let's try again



>XDA used to have real people
Wtf when?

Yeah but were their retarded articles, contributions and posts all over the mainstream internet and media? I doubt it.

>have a population of over a billion
>English is their lingua franca, so while most people don't speak it, the educated ones mostly do
>even their small middle and upper class is bigger than a lot of Western countries
>internet access is becoming more widespread globally
Hmm I wonder why. Also iirc Modi is more pro-capitalism than their past leaders and is opening up their economy, so everyone will be seeing more Pajeets soon enough.


a few millions of street shitters were connected to the internet in those years.

i remember clearly reading the news article.

I remember using some weird chat program to listen to pranku back in the day, it was pretty much paki central and everyone posted rose emojis asking for a wife

PIDF, please go

Pajeets are scarce near where I work but I am relatively backwoods compared to NYC, Philly or most of Jersey. That said, they are only a phone call away. I work 40-50 hours a week in IT supporting 80+ users in a large facility.

I remember a TED talk where an experiment was run in a native Indian village where they dropped off a PC running Windows without any instructions...just internet access. A year later, they checked in and the kids were asking, in English, for more RAM and CPU power. Look it up.

I started working in IT at a very young age, even before I drove a car. It used to be a culture of Matrix and Star Trek watching bros that would do anything to help you setup your rig and learn how to code or just hack hardware. Nowadays, it is filled with people that just want a job and they have no passion. This is why IT culture, disposable people, over saturation, changing trends, cloud computing, decentralization, outsourcing, degree factories, etc. Older guys know what I mean here.

They can have it.

More of them have gone on Spiceworks generally posting shitty "How do I computer" questions all the time in crappy english.