What OS are you using and why?
What OS are you using and why?
Terry wouldnt aprove of degeneracy such as tohous or any sort of chinese cartoons.
Terry is a racist
>implying that's bad
CIA nigger...
Racists and bigots have no place in modern society. Since we discovered equality you are completely obsolete.
No one has discovered equality yet
Please take that disscussion to this thread is for desktops.
Desktop threads belong here
u belong here
Damn that is nice. What music player?
>Since we discovered equality
Equality is a myth. People who are below me should stay below until the get better.
t. Black Man.
fuuuuck how do you do that
I'm using Windows but it's boring looking as fuck
hi Jordan
I'm a sucker for these kinds of displays but it's really overdesigned. Try to cut it down to just 3 or 4 things, and get a simpler wallpaper.
hi >:3
First thing's first.
Install gentoo.
lol jk. I know that you're new so I'll help you out. Download and install rainmeter. I'm not sure if it works for W10 so my advice is to rollback to 7 or 8. But if you want a really nice looking desktop you're going to have to use linux. Any ubuntu derivative will be easy to use and easy to customize. Also
>Download and install rainmeter. I'm not sure if it works for W10 so my advice is to rollback to 7 or 8.
Thanks I'll look into rainmeter. But how are you getting all those cool gauges on your desktop? I'm guessing rainmeter is the very bottom right one with the 44 degrees?
As for Ubuntu, I tried that before and it deleted all my data.
All of that is rainmeter. It has different plugins and themes that you can mix and match.
>As for Ubuntu, I tried that before and it deleted all my data.
Put them on 2 seperate HDDs and don't access your windows hard drive from ubuntu.
ok well I only have one hdd, a laptop. I'll skip the Ubuntu I think. After all I think I just need rainmeter?
Also what is wrong with Opera? It's really good
You need some freedom in your life.
manjaro/win7 on this machine and arch on my other
because comfy
Oh, I also use cava for the visualisation. Running both in tmux to make it look they're one program.
Where are the minimize , maximize and close buttons¿?¿ WTF
Best SO ever
borders are turned off
You can't "discover" something that doesn't exist.
You use the SO always like this , using the keyboard for this actions or it's only for the screenshot¿?¿
Nice bait
just for the stuff i don't move around much...you can still min/max by right clicking the open tab and you can still move the window by holding Alt and dragging the mouse
terry seems to be obsessed with physics girl lately
>physics girl
havent used fluxbox, but coming from using i3, some tiling window managers try to avoid using buttons/relying on the mouse as much as possible; i think i3s defaults are mod+f = fullscreen, mod+shift+q=quit (close), and you dont really minimize things, just switch workspaces; in i3 you can change the defaults which is good because theyd give you carpal tunnel
google her
google what? just type in "physics girl"?
me again, just looked at fluxbox, its not tiling, but using commands to control windows still applies
ubuntu gnome
>didn't need to install it with new laptop
>didn't need to partition hard-drive
>no need to manually edit config files in order to watch videos and listen to music
>can shut my laptop without getting worried it will never come back from its hibernation state without a hard reset
>has the greatest amount of software I use
>better battery life
etc. I used Linux for years, but I never got around to reinstalling it after I bought a new laptop. I guess I don't really need anything Linux offers, and I don't want to deal with the inconveniences anymore.
GNU/Linux on this laptop and on my desktop. Work gave me a MacBook
Thanks for the explanation , I'm actually using XFCE but i want to try some of this desktops soon..
i dont really see the point of having a window manager like his without it tiling desu, if you dont want tiling xfce is great; im loving i3 so far, i haven't tried any other tiling wms to compare but its great
this b/c I needed an excuse to use my pentium 3
>tfw you play one or two anime games and steam thinks you're degenerate
you might be able to lie to yourself, but you can't like to gaben
>tsun tsun
Well, um...is there a game that fits all those categories? For research
This is a desktop thread. Reported
2 (clock)/10
Wew lad you fell for the temple OS meme
>All I want in life is for ftubuntu to stick a dildo inside of me
oh so this is the future
>desktop thread
>post your TempleOS rice
We should call them ricing threads
guy is fucking crazy!
who willingly uses unity?
Auto sage
is he really dead?
and also he loved fubuntu?
Why doesn't your Opera look nice and modern?
Because he wants to use Opera, not Chrome.
Cause it's ME and I don't have much resources to spare.
>command line terminal can display images, not just ascii art
based terry
Did Kisumi kill himself?
>sweaty neet "playing" his waifu sims on his chinkpad
don't reply to her posts
i hope the desktop threads get revived desu, it's been quite boring this way
tsun tsun
Is that vista or 7?
Are these ''games'' just reading simulators?
See filename desu
visual novels are super good and have cute girls
Thanks for pointing out
10 and fedora.
way edgier than you faggots
I really doubt you can outedge me.
they're literally called "visual novels"
CentOS because my clients run either RHEL or CentOS and I want to maintain compatibility.
So if you nerdfags like sitting around reading all day, why not choose something that will enrich your life rather than this worthless trite where you're a big brother and seduce some cat girl in every single book?
dammit, it would help if I posted the screenshot...
qt imoutos and cat girls enrich my life
Not a very dank uptime u have
fuc you jordan
I just updated earlier and rebooted
No default Systemd
Compile from source, like ports for FreeBSD but better
Awesome support
More control
More freedom
More love
OS X is better desu
Ubuntu 16.04 w/ Unity
I switched from Ubuntu MATE and while MATE has some really cool features, I really like Unity and will stick with it. While it's lacking some customisation, I really enjoy the launcher and the HUD. Also, window management feels like it's less of a hassle.
Same here.
I like the basic feel of Unity, but I did have to do some tweaking to remove (imo) unnecessary clutter. Scopes and filters I mean.
Now it's comfy as can be.
Ubuntu LTS which I customized a bit.
* Industry standard
* Reliable
* Secure
Using a reliable OS for my computing infrastructure allows me to focus on developing software projects that 99.9% of Sup Forums would see as something way above their ability.
Post yfw you realize I can do anything I put my mind to
Windows 7. I'm used with it, I like it, and it works just fine :3
Auto saged