>these guys still exists

Just got called by a "Windows certified technician"
We was trying to figure out why "[WindowsKey]+[R]" was not bringing up the "Run box".
It took one "Windows certified technician" and 2 "Senior technician" to figure out that I wasn't using Windows...


I think we should genocide the world of all that trash

It's your fault Hitler killed himself, you stupid anglo-fucks.

>They called me for the third time in one month
>I was ready for it

As soon as the pajeet lady was about to explain my virus i yelled in an indian accent:


I heard screams, people shouting "NONONONONO", computers/elektronics getting dropped to the ground and people running for not getting arrested.

it was so fucking fun.

>people shouting "NONONONONO"

Oh, good thing they translated their distress for you

kek, OP, post full story

This never happened

and then I woke up naked in the woods with a pinecone in my ass. Apparently I was missing for 3 days, PCP is a helluva drug

You think they're retards, but it's actually smart as fuck.

They have pajeets calling people non-stop, and while 99.999% of those people are too smart for it, if they even get 1 old or retarded person to give them all their savings, it makes the whole scam worthwhile.

But yeah, I agree with

>I hate people that are different from me

people don't shit in the streets.

No, I hate people who try to scam me

Human nature.

>"I'm running linux, there are no windows machines in this house."
>"But miss, we are detecting a veeroos in your computer please"
>Go on rant about how they are scummy people and whatnot
>Guy sounds really angry and tells me that I am "being very wrong" about his intentions and whatnot before hanging up

I don't want to be racist about it but Jesus Christ was he a stereotypical Pajeet


My wife got a call from Pajeet, aka "Max". I had him connect in to a secure VM that I got setup running Windows. He ran " tree" in a command prompt, and claimed there was a virus. He also opened the Event Viewer as proof of all the virus.
Then he opened a notepad and asked for CC info to sell $99 PC repair service. Obviously we gave him falso info.

I was very disappointed in Pajeet. I made sure that my wife stated that it was the only PC she had, that it was used for work and banking, and had "all my important stuff on it", yet he was too stupid to install some ransomware.

Got the exact same call. Cringed 2bh.

OP reporting,
they called me from this number:

I blacklisted them

My mother in law got a call from one last year. She's completely computer illiterate, but not actually stupid - just, you know. Old.

Anyway, with me prompting from nearby, she had a lovely conversation with her pet pajeet, which ended with him threatening to cancel her microsoft account if she did not give him remote access to her windows PC.

He refused to believe her netbook ran ubuntu.

here's your (You)


[spoiler]I'm just a man with a fag voice[/spoiler]

All the good ones are already out, glass it and make a good country so they can go back.

protip: airhorn into the phone works wonders, they all wear headsets

I wish I had a girly voice, you lucky user.

I pass until the second I open my mouth.

>tfw you don't live in angloscum country so you'll never get a lovely call from a caring Windows™ employee concerned about your cyber safety

They make bank off of old people.

They'll also call back a million times in the same day if you hang up on them before giving them money.

back to pol you faggots.

lel, this is good

If you stay on the phone long enough with the pajeets, they'll try and get you to install a remote desktop viewer so they can try and lock you out, steal any personal info they can find and then usually ruin your computer. What I was thinking was if there's any way to hurt them on their end? You can get their IP when they've connected to your desktop but what about sending them a virus or something? Assuming they all use Windows as their OS.

With the remote desktop app, they can download a lot of files in bulk before attempting to ruin your computer and they probably save them to their computer for later use, bank details, whatever. So I was thinking if someone were to hide a RAT virus in a My credit card details.txt.exe with a notepad icon as it's icon, then poo-man would probably grab that file and eventually execute it on their end. Does this sound like a legit plan?

You know that the average IQ in India is about 84, right? It varies massively by caste.

they probably use some pirated AV on their pirates Wendys

Hate those fuckers. They honestly don't cause that much more work for me, but the calls I get about them run on too long and interfere with my other duties.

>911 what's the address of your emergency?
>It's not really an emergency, but somebody called me saying that my computer was broken into and I think it was a scam
>Okay, what's the address of your non-emergency?
>Not just that! They were so rude to me too.
>Okay, what's the address of your non-emergency?
>They were so rude and wouldn't listen at all to what I was saying
>Do you want to make a report with a police officer?
>Then what's your location so I can send an officer that way?
>Oh I don't want to meet with one, I just wanted to talk like over the phone
>I can have an officer call you back, do you want that then?
>What's your name?
>Oh, I don't want to give that either.
>Okay, what's your phone number?
>Can't you just transfer me to one so I don't have to give that too?
>No. I have to get off the phone to answer 911-emergency calls at this time, but I can give you a non-emergency number if you change your mind
>You haven't been very helpful!
>I need to put you on hold to answer emergency calls now. Do not hang up if you want a non-emergency number to follow up with later.
>they're bitching in the background about me asking 20-questions and refusing to help them with somebody else

>I pass until the second I open my mouth.
No, you don't. People are just polite enough to not mention it.

I work for Applecare as a senior advisor and I actually don't mind getting their customers after, all we do is clear cache and install malware bytes, easy af positive surveys.

>we was trying
Inbred fuck.

Even if you succeed all you get is a random Bangladesh IP

>live in sweden
>get indian'd at local library
>"nobody loves you, just kill yourself you sad piece of shit wannabe sandnigger"
>get looks from everybody at the library
literally had to leave. don't get why anyone would support these scummy brownies (the bad kind) trying to scam people.


You are doing Babby Jesus's work, user.


I swear that they somehow know the age of every homeowner and specifically call the older ones.

My grandfather is nearly 80, and we get one of these calls at least once a fortnight (we work together)

Next time they call I'm going to tell Pajeet to take the poo to the loo and see what they say

Tell them you don't deal with Harijans.


Why don't you just say two weeks you pajeet sandnigger?

Just start yelling FACK YOU BATCH at them really loud like a redneck

this isn't edgy

You still think they're talking about Indian callcenter people and not phone scammers, don't you? You're such an idiot.

they get these names lists from hacked sites dumped databases they can probably see the ages and even more scarier personal info so best not fuck with them too much

>answering the phone

I'm sure some of you will read this post and be fanny-flustered, due to having been on the receiving end of this, but -

Does anyone else here just not answer the phone if its outside of your area code?
Usually if it rings when I'm at my desk, I quickly google the number, and if there is nothing that can be found on it I won't pick up. If by chance the call wasn't spam or other gay shit, they leave a message and then I know what it is.

>answering unregistered numbers in glorious caller ID age, 2016

I simply assume anyone who really needs to get a hold of me would leave a message an everyone else is cancer that I just avoided.

no better way my friend, I've been doing this for 5 years now, and I haven't had cancerous calls in 5 years.

I got a very large string of these about a month ago, along with a lot of other scam stuff/seemingly legitimate people trying to sell me solar panels. Completely stopped since. Makes me wonder about the methodology for choosing phone numbers that these people use.


This, they can leave a voicemail or send me a text message if they really need to contact me

No, he just hates specific people that are different from him.

I don't mind Germans or some chinks, they're different to me, but I hate inidians.

Why? Because they perform the job adequately and cost literally a fraction of what it does within the US to run the same operation.

I wouldn't hide any virus, but a self written program that wipes the drive or something...

>taking my jobs
Shitskins need to be killed every last one.

I work at the geek squad. This is 90% of my customers. Then I rip them off for another $200 to remove their viruses. Just run malware bytes and a few other free removal tools. Job sucks because I only deal with literal retards all day

Give them ransomware and make them pay buttcoins.


scholar right here

How much do you make user?

I want a job I don't have to put mental effort into, and at least make $12 an hour. I'm halfway to an IT associate's degree, and plan on continuing for a bachelors in business after that but I want something to have a little cash to blow on the side.

Should I apply to geeksquad, or try to get an internship with my local PC repair shop?

Depends on the position.
CA goes up to 13.xx
OA goes up to 15.xx
ARA goes up to 18.xx
In-home Agents go up to 28.xx

Realistically, you won't get anywhere near the max. And there are slight differences depending on the market where you live.

That's an internet number
Literally using magicjack

Average IQ is 100 by definition.


Not trying to be typical poster wanting to be spoon fed, but what do those positions stand for?

I just want to make 11 or 12 an hour part-time while I go to college, could I do that there without any education or formal experience?


Consultation Agent
You sit down with people in the booth, explain the problem and sell the services. You also do low level repair work and work on clearing returned items for resale.

Operations Agent
You answer the phone, you call people, you do paperwork. You do mid-level repair work (which is honestly still fucking low). You'll help out the CAs and ARAs when you finish with your work.

Advanced Repair Agent
They stay in the back and actually fix any problem with a computer that corporate states you can do without sending it out to their real technicians.

In-home you have Cadet, Agent and Double Agent and Double Agent Repair. They're split into specialties slightly with Double Agent Repair being the only ones that touch appliances that aren't microwaves. The higher the level the more custom-level work you're expected to be able to do on the fly. Cadets are the only ones that don't have their own job boards, they travel to everybody jobs throughout the day and help them with theirs. They're basically assistants.

I have no idea about the car-techs.

As long as retards keep falling for it, they'll keep calling. That's just how the world works.

>We should not dislike people trying to scam us

Found the Pajeet.

Sorry, forgot to mention, yes. OA and above you'll be looking around 11dollars.

It's not a money scam, but I work as a pollster for an outgoing call center and about 1/100 people will waste 20 minutes of their lives answering a bullshit survey. Considering the amount of money involved in a successful scam, if I were a scammer I would be willing to deal with 10,000 declines to find one sucker.

You sperged in public and thought that people even knew what was happening in the earpiece. No wonder they gave you looks you retard.



>feel when pajeet

n-no bully pls

Their national language is English.

Pollster call center guy here again, on more expensive surveys we have numbers with all sorts of demographic info attached. Age race gender socioeconomic status, and even just the phone number says what neighborhood you live in. These are maintained by various private organizations, sometimes just for the purpose of being sold to the company making the survey and then given to us.

>not just looking at the ANI/ALI info and sending an officer to bash their thick skull in

>555 number

i love you in a completely homosexual way pajeet

most indians speak english to some degree

Have you never heard of a sandbox escape?

>being transphobic


>defending pajeets

how about you go back to your liberal shithole you fuck nigger

>Extreme wealth disparity encourages scams and fraud
What a fucking surprise.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's quite a market for old folk's contact info.

>Have you never heard of a sandbox escape?
Yes, all the time on Sup Forums. In the real world though, they're an incredibly obscure threat.

>how about you go back to your liberal shithole you fuck nigger
If you get triggered by interacting with non-Sup Forumstards, why did you leave the safety of your containment board?

some airhead woman was on the news last night in Australia, pajeeets called her saying they were the tax office and got her to go to 7 eleven and buy $5k worth of fucking itunes gift cards and read out the numbers

>sending something to a Phase 2 surrounded by businesses and apartment complexes on a non-emergency

I like to stay on friendly terms with my officers.

Let's be honest here.
Some pajeet scammer will not buy a 0day for 10 or 100s of thousands of dollars for the few that run a VM

user, you do realize that the police station in your city should have a publicly available phone number if you want to talk to them about non-emergency related matters, right? You don't need to waste the time of someone on a 911 line who could very well need to direct an ambulance to a person who is bleeding out and on the verge of death. Nice job misuing public resources, cunt.

Racism is not only an extremely disgusting personality trait but also a sign that you're societal trash.

neck yourself

Nice comprehension, retard

failing at dating so hard you chop your dick off. Not to mention i have never seen a tranny that wasnt bpd/histrionic.

Yeah, fuck hate! Love wins. Refugees are welcome to rape our women because of war n shit. Ancient kings live in mudhouses bc they b so progressive.

Fuck off pajeet.

>using made up SJW words

[current year]

average iq != average iq in india

if you're too dumb to understand that was the point he was trying to make, you're retarded

Whats this meme?


I have a VM with a bunch of fake documents in it. When these guys call I string them along and they think they've finally hit paydirt until they realize that the documents are based on a name/personal info generated at random and that none of it is real. Pretty kek-worthy. They get angry when they realize I was just fucking with them.

At the end I reset the VM and it's ready for the next pajeet.