The CEO of Peachy Printer, an organization Kickstarted to make a $100 3D printer...

>The CEO of Peachy Printer, an organization Kickstarted to make a $100 3D printer, pronounces that ~50% of their funds have been “embezzled by their monetary supervisor” to construct a home, totaling in a lack of almost a 3rd of one million dollars

Did any of you chucklefucks fall for this?

ive never given a dime to an online begger. never will.

if u got a good idea and needing investors, go about getting it the real way. with presentations and sales pitches to rich ppl.


Cannot genuinely think of one successful kikestarter campaign that wasn't a game.

Americans explain yourselves.
Where did the culture of calling every single retard in charge of a shitty company employing 1-2 people a CEO came from?
It sounds so fucking pompous.
Don't you have a more benign term for that?

Krita development team does kickstarter campaigns from time to time to fund the development of certain functionalities.


CEO just means executive officer, the boss

Under the articles of incorporation, you have to have titles. It's the law, and not a strictly American phenomena as you incorrectly assumed.

Meh, I think I should make a startup as well. What is the best way to scam kiddos? Tech or steam early access?

>chief executive officer

Should we just call him the boss instead?

that music and fancy graphic making this video truly fake

they have like 600k and not a single printer to be made this is scam company dude.

Is there no chance of getting into trouble if you fuck up your kickstarter?

I think this guy has authentic autism.

A dildo that connects to steam and plays games on it

The fuck do you call it in britbongistan?
Chummy Wummy Who Started a Company?

Aside from the OneWheel, pretty much every kickstarter that's interested me has gone belly up from incompetence. So I've never once backed a project.

Just slap feminist on something manly

>feminist boxing gloves

Literally some chinese shit with feminist printed on, overprice the shit, make some tumblr post about fighting white men

Or I got another one, portable safe space, some flimsy cardboard contraption attention seeking piece of shit, 200$ gets you you personal portable safespace

>We have to go deeper.

so nobody pressed charges including his this guy? Total fucking bullshit.

user, that's actually brilliant business idea.

>I know it was wrong but I got a new house and I'll get over it.

this is the major problem
as soon as you fond something like this out you call a lawyer

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

I'd find it hilarious if some white dude starts making money out of this feminist thing

you would think so. but he obviously didnt.

99% sure this is a setup to try and get more money so they can "finish" fucking your asses.

the advisor's got my respect for taking the money from all those retards and scamming the scammer "CEO"

Pic related is Yahoo's board of directors. Note the fact that the majority of the members are old white men.

Tumblr probably pays their salaries these days.

I own a startup with another person. You start a business to make money, so the first thing you do when you start a business is set up a proper bank account. That was also a requirement when signing up at the chamber of commerce. You don't use your private bank account when working with other people.

And I trust all people with access to money completely. But we both check the accounting every Friday. And we both have to sign above a certain amount. That's common practise pretty much everywhere.

oi vey

Watch the video. He's not a regular MBA sociopath, he's a mong who dipped into the funds without thinking about it.

he accidentally stole the money.

Because a Company has to have an Executive Officer no matter which Company and how many people it has,
by regulation and requirement of the law,
and that's what a CEO is; a Company Executive Officer.

A "Company" is a term for a business that has legalized itself, or rather put itself as an entity under the regulation and protection of the law.
Other than forming a Company, you can have a private business with a few people which isn't an artificial entity like a Company, but the difference is that when your private business is fucked, your house and all your life belongings become the collateral stake. While in the case of a company, the only thing at stake is the exact deposit that everyone staked, but never their belongings and wealth beyond what was deposited for the company.

There are people out there who are like that. If they're near a large amount of money, they'll just casually take it and spend it without even trying not to get caught.

He's cute.

Yeah, just how I went to a school and I accidentally killed 20 people. I told the police it was an accident so they said they understand and let me go.

Alternatively you could make something purposefully offensive and then make grand statements about PC culture and whatnot, I'm sure some people would pay good money just to stick it to SJWs. Better yet, make both products and get money from both sides.

It's pretty fucking idiotic to give money to these. If they don't have legit companies begin them, you'll either get scammed or get a watered down version of the product promised. If there's some legit, big company behind it, why the fuck would you give your money to them to develop a product?

that's why kickstarter can't work on a large scale, people are shit and they'll be shit forever.

Between Kickstarter and a Publisher, Kickstarter is the lesser evil.
Publishers are always evil. With Kickstarter, at least you can filter out the shit and focus on the few passionate faggot groups who actually deliver and do things properly.

There are a bunch of established companies that do kickstarters just to get capital to do new products in the range of what they already make.

Startups are fucking cancer though. They fold all the time.

how do you know who will or won't spend the money on booze and whores?