Be me 16 in school leaning the wonders of computers

>Be me 16 in school leaning the wonders of computers.
>Friend tells me to open a .bat file
>opens bat file.
>School servers crash
>Turns out the bat file opens CMD over and over again.
>Teahcer shouts get out
>Get's out.
>Set to headteachers office
>Get fucked by him.
>Suspended from school for the rest off my school year.
>Can only come in to do my GCSE's
>Almost got a criminal record.

shitty sysadmin

Why would opening cmd over and over on a client system crash the servers?

>opens bat file.
>School servers crash

>Be me 16 in school
Underage b&

I crashed the servers at my school and nothing ever happened about it.

schools overreact so hard whenever a student is capable of doing something the staff don't understand

it sounds conspiracyshit-ist but I honestly believe that school these days is more about teaching blind obedience to authority than anything else

>DDoSed school server with literally stuck F5 keys

>shut down all computers in the school network with that shutdown command, but blamed the other class for it

>admin network user was just called "1" with no password for months
Good times.

>switch computer off by flicking switch on psu
>it guy cant fix it so he throws it away and replaces it with a new one

>put a key in usb port
>shit explodes
>dont own up to it
>nothing happens

feels bat-man

>Year 2004-2005
>All classes use ibooks
>All computers on the network are sharing home their home folders
>Have complete access to every teachers documents/assignments/grades
>Never do anything about it

I know of two faggots that got suspended for using the "broadcast" command to send messages in PuTTy, it was so funny.

If they didn't come forward the professor was gonna suspend the whole class anyway so they did, obviously.

>I honestly believe that school these days is more about teaching blind obedience to authority than anything else


i almost got suspended for having a live install of ubuntu on a USB and booting into it on one of the schools pcs,, because the staff thought i was hacking. they even threatened to blacklist my name from computer-related college courses.

they went on about how it was a security breach and how i potentially had access to all the students personal files so i asked why its a problem because surely those files aren't kept on the same system that the students can access and they said that they actually were.

in the end i had to do a lunchtime detention because they're stupid enough to keep sensitive information on a system that students can access

>be me, also 16, enjoying my lunch
>screwing around in ICT classroom
>find the program via win+r that the teachers use to control everyone's computers remotely
>see some little ked playing his games
>kick him off the computer
>computer shuts down
>find it hilarious, so does my friend
>kid is confuse
>goes on another computer
>logs in
>2 minutes later, kick him off that one too
>eventually decide to kick the teacher off his computer
>we're around the corner of an L shaped room, so he can't see us
>leave the classroom, go to class
>eventually get called to technicians office
>get banned from IT systems for a month
>worth it

Why was cmd not blocked?

So, like a fork bomb?

kinda sounds like me atm.
>working on setting up a local dns poisoning attack on teachers computers
>redirects their mail server address to my debian server, debian server looks exactly like mail server login.

going to figure out how to redirect to their actual server as soon as they type user, pass

nice meme, friendo.

Tfw I had a live Arch USB i would boot off and show off muh games to other students

I guess the administrators felt I was too artistic to do anything of value so nothing happened to me

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>be me, in sixth grade
>messing around with friend on computer
>figure I'll delete his report as a joke
>"calm down bro, it's still in the recycle bin"

Except his report was on a floppy when I deleted it.

>school these days is more about teaching blind obedience to authority than anything else
>it sounds conspiracyshit-ist
you're just slow

I got suspended from school for cracking the Administrator password which was the same for 300+ computers across the school.

Sysadmin had forgotten to disable the CD/DVD Drives on a couple of computers in the library (all others were locked down) which allowed me to boot into knoppix & copy the SAM file (lol WinXP) and later throw some rainbow tables at it.

I got busted eventually because I set up a SMB share of Unreal Tournament and everyone used to have LAN parties instead of doing their work.

Oh to be 16 again.

How is that a conspiracy and not a well known fact? Educators have fought against this for decades.