is there a ootb loonix distro that doesn't have a UI that looks like its from 2008?
Is there a ootb loonix distro that doesn't have a UI that looks like its from 2008?
yes, do your homework.
Yes, but then you'll bitch it doesn't look like 1995.
Literally anything from Manjaro, but KDE is the best.
hell even ubuntu but unity a shit
kys yourself
Ubuntu 16.04. That's about it.
Kubuntu has "flat" design, but it's "14 year old Deviantart user's amateurish, incoherent idea of flat design", not actual flat design.
UI design from 2008 is the same as UI design in 2016.
Did you call?
>Actually thinking this
Anything with KDE is package and ready for you to use.
Looks like something from 2009. Look at all that glossy gradient shit.
Windows 7-tier.
Gloss? Gradient? Where?
not linux, but you could try openbsd
it has a pretty nice non-2008 ui ootb
All over the fucking icons? The search bar?
Are you literally blind or are you one of those freetard hermits with no idea whatsoever of UI design who keeps insisting their 10 year old disgusting trash is "superior" because you automatically don't like anything new?
Gentoo. Install it.
This looks pretty comfy.
Love the colorscheme too.
The icons is stupid because you can replace them
Also, the search bar is literally two flat colors
You use a lot of insubstantial words because the opinion is not your own.
You can get a copy pasted version of OSX UI on top an ubuntu distro by using elementary OS, that's the most you can get ootb. This or you can go with Ubuntu 16.04 if you dont mind Unity.
no, its all poo in the loo. They add a few eyecandy to it but as soon you launch some software you will see little poo bits coming out. What else would you expect from a hobbyist OS?
look at this idiot he watched animoo about hackers.
This. Manjaro KDE is the only good looking ootb distro.