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That's what you get for using a fucking cricket as your carrier

Nope, as always this is capitalism's fault. Why do we let small local business get taken over by humongous multinational corporations?

Taken over? It's a subsidiary, you dipshit.

Time to switch to Verizon

>people shouldnt be able to do what they want with their stuff!

Lmao, my ISP barely gives a shit about collecting data. Never had a copyright email strike or shit like that in all my 10 years with them

>you work hard
>become successful
>have people under you helping you become successful and helping clients
>don't want to make more money to benefit everyone
>don't want to reward the people who got you where you are
nice meme

Enjoy being spied on and never having gigabit Internet.

>not using straight talk instead

I wanna be able to use my phone without big money throttling my connection, eavesdropping on my traffic and intercepting my NXDOMAIN responses in order to redirect me to their ads, can I do that?

So apparently the hard work I put in every month to pay for my internet bills isn't worth as much as their "hard work". Nice.

>replying to bait

Cricket rents at and t phone towers and they have to listen to them or find a new company to host them

Cricket was fully acquired by AT&T as a wholly owned subsidiary in March of 2014...

Th-thank you, free market...

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

>he fell for the """"smart""""phone meme

>he fell for the '''''''''''''''''''''privacy''''''''''''''''''''' maymay

Are you guys fucking stupid? It's not like they suddenly decided to collect information. They've been collecting information and you agreed to do so when you signed up with them, and agreed to their user policy. This isn't the first time they've updated their user policy. Every carrier doesn't something like this in one form or another.

I'm surprised they weren't sharing it with AT&T this entire time - they are the parent company and Cricket is just an MVNO.

They were, because you know, AT&T fucking owns Cricket. AT&T is a parent company.

>free market will fix it

Am I supposed to be alarmed or something?

>not using fido

Use Ting