Using java for desktop applications

>using java for desktop applications

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>2 people who's favorite movie is brazil
is this some exclusive no plebs allowed club?

>using java at all

The only reason to use Java is Hadoop, and you can use Scala anyway so it's not really a reason

Literally nothing wrong. Since browser applets and npapi plugins are dead "java is a meme" meme became stale.

>using scala at all

One person has asparagus as his favourite fruit. It's a club of retards.

Well, you can use Clojure too, which is comfy

>no one has 42 as favorite number

yup. 15 years ago when Java was super laggy then sure it was shit.

But today it is pretty good for the most part. The best thing about Java is that I can easily make a GUI program and it will pretty much work the same on every platform without any/much extra work. For business programs it works great.

How is that different from Python with Qt?

Also, Qt is a hell lot comfier to code in and it works much better than Swing without looking like turds.

Can you make native looking GUIs with JAVA?

Objective Caml and Common Lisp are the only function programming languages that are ever worth using.
And even then, they are extremely niche.

But it's funny that your fall back to the most poorly optimized "popular" functional language was the second most poorly optimized.

Python is more awkward to distribute than Java software.

Also there are a lot more reasons to choose Java over Python for software than simply the GUI framework.

Scala is actually pretty cool, user-kun

>What is Twitter

Not really. Just add a script that runs it, and throw a shortcut on the desktop. The Python runtime is small, you can easily bundle it. The Java runtime is way too big for that.

Python is painfully slow for anything serious with a GUI. If you think Java is slow you will want to kill yourself with Python.

Qt is excellent yes but it requires compiling and deploying multiple executables and not everything works exactly the same between platforms. I do think it is better than Java in same ways but unless you really need the performance gains of going C++ it can be more work for not much gain.

Sure just set the look and feel to the native platform. Some things dont look quite right but a normal every day user isnt going to notice in my experience anyway.

Things don't look close to native, and in some cases on Linux you end up with text being pretty much unreadable etc.

>Sure just set the look and feel to the native platform. Some things dont look quite right but a normal every day user isnt going to notice in my experience anyway.

So JAVA is basically emulating the native look and feel, and not calling the native widget API, right?

>favorite food

yeah font rendering can look shit. personally i just make everything using the Modena style. It looks alright and means all of our applications look the same.


>not writing desktop applications in shell script and tk.

Qt does the same, but it does that really well

Swing really doesn't

Swing emulates but SWT wraps around native widgets IIRC.

that is the dev being lazy though. As you can see Eclipse has nicely rendered fonts and is a Java app.


Looks sweet. Clojure + SWT could be the comfiest.

I thought Qt also wrapped around native widgets.

Why has no one mentioned JavaFX? Swing is deprecated, JavaFX looks much nicer and it's way better to develop in.

Yes, you can. I think you'd want to anyway because the Swing default style looks like ass. The default on JavaFX looks ok though.

Not sure why both are still being supported.

yup plus it is hardware accelerated (when possible). it is quite similar to WPF in .NET

legacy. Sun were pretty anal about maintaining solid legacy stuff even with newer JRE. For the most part they did an amazing job as well. You can load up a Java 1 program and it will probably still work on JRE8

>not using java for desktop applications

The"""java is a meme" meme"" meme need to die.

To get any look and feel correct in Linux you need to use Qt or GTK. Anything else is going to entirely fuck up.

TFW waiting for Planck meme

are you from 2001? I swear it's only chucklefucks like that who shit on java