Are dual monitors a meme ?

Are dual monitors a meme ?


Nah, great for productivity. I also recommend portrait mode for web browsing.

two shortscreen monitors is pretty dumb
if you have one landscape and the other profile, it can be rather productive

contrary to popular belief, once you start using two, you can go back to using one

It's great for programs that take a shitload of screen space when you want docs/refs/etc to also be visible. IDEs, graphics editors, layout editors, anything that gets too cramped when you run it at half width.

If all you do is shitpost then no it won't help

This thread is a meme.

No. Dual monitors are the nectar of the gods

i like it a lot

NO, but i cant deal with the borders in the middle so i just have one off to the side.

I just use multiple workspaces.

You know, 10 for free made in software, instead of two with each costing a couple hundred with a limit on how many you can have.

I've ended up with three now. One 19" on a wall-mount above head height for a music player or youtube, anything that needs checked on occasionally but i don't need to be looking at all the time. A 24" for gayming, photo editing, schematics, whatever. Depends what mood my autism is in. Another desk level 19" beside that for shitposting, porn, general web browsing.

Works for me because i need multiple things going on to help me concentrate, probably a complete nightmare for anyone who is used to a mac or likes minimilist setups.

I've got a 16:9 and a 4:3 I pulled out of a dumpster hooked up and I love it. Used to have a CRT as my secondary monitor but I need deskspace more than I need a great picture. One day I'll splurge on a 16:10 monitor to turn sideways and replace the 4:3

>Why buy a three bedroom house when you can sleep in the same room as your kids?

dont need it at home but would be lost without it in the office

yes, i'm


100% meme.


Nice subliminal messaging OP.

Yes, for windows babbies how can't into proper window management.

More importantly, portrait for coding!

>web browsing
>not reading books in portrait mode while sitting in a comfy chair.

>Is being able to play a game in one screen whilst watch a movie in another a meme?

>not tiling docs and refs on one monitor and tiling multiple emacs/vim windows on the other for your programming files, and using virtual desktops to test the output of the actual program

step it up senpai

>2 monitors
>nor 3

I'm pretty happy with my solid 200cm of monitor senpai

Hell just use it for everything that isn't HURR VIDEO GAMES or HURR MOVIES

Workspaces and window management are great but they don't replace the ability to see multiple things at the same time.

t. xmonad user with 10 workspaces + BSP tiling

They're a total meme and waste of money. You can only look at one monitor at a time. In the time it takes to turn your head and focus your eyes on the second monitor, you could have just alt-tab'd to another window on the first monitor. Two monitors is just wasting electricity and space on your desk.

>not just moving your eyes
>he takes longer to hit alt-tab than he does to move his fatass bearded neck to look to the side anyway


>I'm pretty happy with my solid 200cm of monitor senpai
wow you have a 1D monitor?


>Are dual monitors a meme ?
it can be.

2 * =40" 8k in a few years, since 5k will probably only be sold in that worthless ~27" size.

dumb tripfag cancer

Nice feet and setup. Do more people on Sup Forums run Windows 10 than I think?

I am being memed?
beyond 27" is too big

it's win 8.1 but thanks, it's pretty cool, although honestly I'd run *nux if my work didn't involve reverse engineering windows binarys

you can filter me you know ? but hey I know you just like getting upset babe.

> I am being memed?
no, master race circa 2010 was (1200+2560+ 1200)x1600 20"/30"/20" PLP.

A 40"-45" UHD is basically the same amount of pixels and display area (44" UHD = 100 dpi) with no bezels and a taller aspect ratio for people who code, etc.

> 27" is too big
27" 1440p is just the less useful variant of 30" 1600p, which was the patrician starting in 2007 or so.
27" 5k is just a 2x sharper variant, where something in a larger 39"-35" size would have been a lot more useful to most people.

>Bullshit proc near
>call nignogjamal
>jmp short Whyareyoureadingthis
>jnz short Bitch_Ass_Shite

I'm not goimg to adopt 4k until
> scaling issues are resolved
> there are 16:10 32" ips screens available

Even then I will keep at least one 1080p monitor for watching animes and shit that would look like ass when upscaled to 4k

Dual 16:9 is a meme.
16:9 in the center with 4:3 on either side or both is god tier.

>but mom, I NEEEEED a 16:10 monitor!

> pleb scum doesn't use thick 16:10 monitors for portrait mode

> my tiny 16:9 cock is good enough slurp suck choke

>I'm going to leave an actual "work" program up so that my employers can know I post on 4chin
yeah right

My monitors are 256:135 and 5:8, respectively. But it's stupid to not buy something just because it doesn't support your favorite meme aspect ratio.

>I'm not goimg to adopt 4k until
>> scaling issues are resolved
>> there are 16:10 32" ips screens available

Just get a bigger 16:9 4k screen, faggot.
The 43" Philips IPS is ~102 dpi and will kick the shit out of your old 30" 2560x1600, and it's not "too big" you pussy.

The loss of 16:10 means very little when you can get 40"+ screens for less than a grand.

> aspect ratio is a meme

16:10 is objectively better than any other aspect ratio for portrait mode.

Dual monitors are retarded unless you like a dumb black bar in the middle of your screen.

Triple monitors are the best.

no, 4:3 is better than 16:10 in portrait mode, since it's closer to most paper documents' natural aspect ratios.

and the portrait mode argument vanishes when you start going much over 24" anyway.

I used to use dual monitors, but once I got my 40" 4k monitor there was no longer a use for them

Seconding this. 3:4 is amazing for fullscreened pdfs and documents.

for programming it's very good.
I have one for my editor and one for terminals.

> pdfs and documents

Your are forgetting threads on the 4chins and manga. Both of which are better with longer screens.

Yes, one monitor and workspaces is more functional.

If you're going to go multi-monitor, need at least 3

>objectively better
lmao, by what standards?

the only objective things are resolution and display size

and both are going to be better for a 3840x2160 display than for your 1920x1200 memeshit

Was surprised no one else saw this. Don't mind dual monitors if they're asymmetrical, but having the bezel in the dead center of your straight-on line of sight is horrid.

That's why you have one head on and the other to the side.

34" master race reporting in.

Not like pic related with a giant bezel in the middle. You want 1 screen as primary and a smaller second one for secondary

> ultrashort
> master of anything


get a 40" UHD you poorfag

The fuck you talking about. 40" is not 21:9. Enjoy your retarded pixel density.

Multiple monitors are a symptom of terrible window management skills and/or facilities.

Do note how most "battle stations" with multi monitor setups run Microsoft Windows, an operating system renowned for both its terrible window manager and its incompetent users.

>colored WASD keys
>he's going to tell us he needs 34" for "productivity"

Haha, old gayman keyboard. Work computer (not visible in photo) has Filco w/ blues attached to it.

Conveniently ignores the Sup Forumstard mouse

Almost got the LG 34UC98, but the $1200 pricetag kept me waiting on it.

Then I saw a sale on two Asus PB258Q, $540 for two of em.

Less than 1/2 the cost of the 21:9. But 5120x1440 instead of 3440x1440. Sure there was a small bezel, but for $600+ savings.... I'll buy a GTX 1080 with my savings and just deal with the bezel.

G502's sensitivity is actually really bad ass for photo editing.

You're even more dumb for
>not filtering
>not setting all anonymous
>replying to them willingly

No Dumbass

>the "making a thread about dual monitors being a meme" meme

As an owner of an LG 31MU97B, never fucking buy LG-branded displays. Every single piece of the firmware is garbage

>Changing the resolution randomly breaks the display sometimes (requires hard reboot on the display)
>Sometimes it randomly doesn't detect (also requires reboot)
>Enabling picture in picture with no second display cable attached softlocks the display (requires hard reboot, can you see the trend?
>Advertised “preferred” mode is not the actual native res (it advertises 3840x2160 as default, not 4096x2160)
>The OSD needs to load for 2 fucking seconds after you press the button before it shows up
>Controls are some gimmicky joystick shit
>Only supports 60 Hz, even if you force another signal (like 24 Hz) onto it it does internal pulldown
>EDID doesn't list all supported modes (e.g. 2560x1440 is missing even though it's supported just fine)
>Plugging the USB hub into your PC will actually cause *other* USB devices on the same hub to randomly not work (I spent 2 years with this issue before I accidentally figured out that the stupid display was causing it)
>If you have no signal on the configured input port, good luck trying to change it again
>You can't even disable the onboard speakers doing their stupid jingle when you start it. (Yes, it has fucking cancer speakers built in)
tl;dr it's a complete waste of money and I am never buying from LG again

They clearly outsourced their firmware programming to some shitty currycorp 20 years ago and never bothered to fix it since then. I can tell because the EDID still identifies as “Goldstar Company”.

It's a Dell:

>tfw original adopter of the first 21:9 displays to hit market a few years ago
>tfw everyone laughed
>tfw everyone is running 21:9 now

Yes, just buy a superwide

Oh and of course it offers jackshit in the way of debugging or signal information; let alone a clear explanation of what the options do.

For example, it has two features called “SUPER ENERGY SAVING” and “DFC” (which I found out from the internet stands for “Digital Fine Contrast”). One of these features automatically turns off the backlight if the screen goes completely blank for a few seconds. The other adjusts the backlight intensity to match the displayed picture.

Guess which one is which. Just motherfucking guess.

Oh wow - I can see all 200+ contacts on skype with that.

productivity must be through the roof!

You said the same about black dicks. I trust you, user.

It's pretty fucking sweet, homes.

>“DFC” (which I found out from the internet stands for “Digital Fine Contrast”)
It's actually Delicious Flat Chest, a setting for proper viewing of loli.

It was just for the memes. Back when I still had two monitors I ran it like this. I've since got rid of both those panels and have a single 30in 16:10

My 21:9 negro brethren.

>huge case, display, phone, mouse
I was going to say you're overcompensating for something but then I saw your hilariously tiny keyboard.

>jds labs amp

Is that a TN panel on the right? That color distortion seems through the roof

It's clearly on a warmer color setting, IPS or TN wouldn't matter.

can confirm

its a pretty standard size mid-tower mATX case.

AH IPS - it's a color calibrated monitor for photo editing.

is this the part where we herpderp about our setups?

>once you start using two, you can go back to using one

You never really stop using one if you own a laptop.

please tell me where pink is on this spectrum

might as well.

Not mine, but a favorite

Mine is really lame. I am moving in June and building my epic battle station finally

Multiple monitor setups just look trashy to me. It looks messy and it looks like you're too much of a fuckup to work on one large screen. It looks super poorfag tbqh. I cringe every time I see a "battlestation" with like 3 60hz 1600x900 (different brands and ages of course) piece of shit thick bezel monitors glued together with dorito dust.

This setup looks like absolute dogshit.

>vinyl player
>IBM thinkpad
>tenkeyless with an external numpad right next to it
>trackball instead of mouse
>shit stack
damn, this guy fell for all the memes

I legitimately feel sorry for him

green/magenta tint balance

The monitors actually look decent (one of the first I've seen that I like) but the rest of everything is full meem. Also if those aren't 120 Hz or greater then I take all of that back.

Plus he's got the fucking 10key on the wrong side, all the lols.

They're 60Hz Dell ultrasharps circa 2006-07

How can I turn my 1:1 off landscape mode?
please help