Confessions thread
What are your most well kept secrets Sup Forums?
Confessions thread
Nice try NSA
I fucked your mum.
I like to watch cute animu girls while posting on Sup Forums
heres a redpill for you
gentoo is only maintained to keep the script kiddies occupied and has no place in modern computing
I hacked FBI, NSA, CIA and Pentagon. They don't even know it happened because I ran CCleaner to delete all logs.
Which is why it is the base of modern operating systems like ChromeOS
I've been dealing in the black market for years, mostly industrial grade lysergic acid and marijuana. I also am currently fucking my married ex fiancé. Feels good.
I run Linux. I promote Apple and BSD threads and pile-on GNU hate threads.
I still use windows XP
>script kiddies
Of my unborn child. He would have been 3 years old in September.
I piss in the shower
I murder ever time I Jack off
Are you serious? Water washes everything down the drain
I pretend to shill for AMD but I use Nvidia because they are just much better and faster
Half of the people I know do this.
I, however, also piss in the sink
Script kiddies choice is Kali, and it ain't even close.
t. script kid
I killed my wife's son. I killed him with LOVE.
this but also cup my hands and piss into them
I use the same password for almost everything online.
I don't use GNU/linux while shitposting on Sup Forums
Don't fall for this thread. There watching us
I fap to doujins more than animated hentai
>put your bare foott in the toilet bowl,
>piss in a glass then drink from it after you washed
It took me a week to install arch Linux, it didn't work as I planned but I kind of liked the complete control over packages and how I built my system from the ground up. Despite that I hate Linux because I can't run my games and work related applications because I am feel suicidal due to the constricted and boring environment of Windows.
I will never admit it though.
I bought an iPod touch 3rd gen but sold it for a nexus 7 a few months.
most people do, dog
My private keys.