How does Sup Forums feel about Xubuntu?

How does Sup Forums feel about Xubuntu?

bretty gud but it's hard to resize using the corners

Dual screen support out of the box.
>Ubuntu Unity nope
>Mate nope
>Ubuntu Gnome nope
>Kubuntu can't be bothered to try
>Xububtu works perfectly.

X screen that is

I have had it installed for my parents since 14.04, to replace XP. They still call the word processor it ships with "Word", and Gnumeric "Excel", non the wiser to the OS change.

Ubuntu unity has plug in dual monitors, wtf?

Ah yes, reverse neo-ironic shitposting

Manjaro XFCE outperforms it on my laptop. My parents like it though. 4-5 years and no issues so far.

16.04 uses libre now instead of gnumeric etc.of course you can just install.

Meh, prefer lububtu, but that's me.

i have quad monitors and unity/gnome are the only ones that work out the box

That's issue with xfce
It's my favorite *buntu spinoff since around 12.04 (used debian before that). Overall bretty good. Definitely better than memeshit like manjaro or mint if you are starting out.

gonna keep shilling budgie

it's available in Arch, Solus, and Ubuntu throughbudgie-remix. set to become an official *buntu flavor by 16.10

it's essentially Gnome 3 but just better. more flexible, more lightweight, easier to customize. it's just awesome

Solus itself is fine but optimus graphics isn't so good. if you have an intel laptop i wholeheartedly recommend it. shit boots in less than 5 seconds off of an ssd and at less than 400mb ram usage; you read that right, with a DE that's a gnome 3 fork

forgot pick

eh. never heard of it. i don't mind gnome 3. looks like and just works. or it always has for me. been awhile since I been on it though.

fuck me

i only use linux on my laptop and gnome 3 lags a lot; both on arch and ubuntu. i even have a haswell cpu so it's not even old

Its simple and works nice. I used to use MATE but i prefer Xfce it seems.

I like the idea of it, but screen tearing is shite. If it was fixed by default, I'd probably be still running it.

Is screen tearing actually a thing?

Waiting for bugs to iron out, like the hidden cursor one which requires flipping through virtual consoles to bring back (old people can't remember keyboard shortcuts).

Yeah, I tried it on my laptop with Ubuntu 16, so far I like it the best, but haven't used it extensively because of suspend problems with Ubuntu 16.

>xubuntu thread
>let's talk about a gnome fork

still the comfiest

it's pretty bad for me, but the proprietary gpu driver fixes it

>screenshots itt
Is ricing worth it?

why wouldn't it

he's a kool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

Use a WM theme with a bigger border.

alt + rightclick

I disabled all alt functionality of Xfwm because it made the key unusable in Blender.

That depends on the theme.

It's fine, but last updates to xfce were made in 2012 - it could look and feel better if it wasn't deprecated DE.

Good base distro, easy to use and just werx tier.

There is actually workaround for it, requires you to set acceleration method for intel driver to UXA.

>literally no way to get icon view in the file picker

Except you can. There are patches for the gtk2 file picker.


brety gud if your machine sucks, if not, get a bigger DE



pretty nice so far. I've been using it for about 2 months and it works well.


Lol, go ahead and show me a patch that's actually compatible with 16.04.

I use ubuntu since 2010. No problem. Never lost a fil3. Same notebook. Never slow down. Very happy. Today using 16.04 lts

what do you mean by file picker? i get thumbnails for me?

also plenty of other file managers.this meme always confuses me unless there is something I don't notice

By file picker I mean the window that comes up prompting you to pick a file from your file system. The window you pick your reaction images from.
It doesn't natively have the option to view all of your pictures with icons of a viewable size. They are only ever listed in list view with little icons next to the filenames.

There is in fact a patch that fixes this, but for Ubuntu users, it is only compatible with 14.04 and maybe below that, but not above.

Of course it's really not that big of a problem, but it still really annoys me.

Garbage, like all of the other Ubuntu's.


Enjoy your screen tearing.

better than ubuntu itself

XFCE master race
Would rather XFCE + debian desu

Not separate x screens though right?

compton solves that and it's really easy to setup.

It's just Ubuntu with a different WM

Not separate x screens... X SCREENS!

Stop with this fucking meme.
It's called compton.

It does not work for everyone.

I did the exact same thing to my grandmother. She has had 0 issues. She used Windows 7 before and the viruses...

I dont understand the image. do you prefer OS X or gnu/linux?

You want to share sexy thinkpad wallpaper?

compton is shit. it's a fine solution when you're all out of options, but its in no way a compositor that can compete with, say, windows or aqua on OSX

the only ones capable of doing that are Compiz, KWIN, Mutter, and their various forks

actually, the test compositor for wayland is fucking amazing. im really mad nobody has instituted it into a DE yet

Linux, but i like old ppc macs and recently got a TiBook to fuck around with.


Thanks for the pape!

that's a terrible resolution

You're retarded

this is called arandr shitfucks, it works with everything and has multi monitor suport your distro must have it pre-installed or something


fuck you faggot
that's a terrible resolution

No, it's fine. You're just a moron.

you're a moron

fucking awful res, kill yourself faggot

>you're a moron
>no u
Great comeback!

>"You're retarded"
>"You're just a moron."
Great comeback!

Why don't you comeback and say that to my face!

Xubuntu is my go to, no hassle, no headaches recommendation. If you need to ask, you dont need arch or gentoo or whatever

At least I'm not recycling my opponent's insults.

XFCE is the best chinkbook choice.


Oh yeah, and it's running on Google TM kernel since it's a chromebook : )