B-b-b-b-b--b-but CAT'S CAN'T CODE

>b-b-b-b-b--b-but CAT'S CAN'T CODE
Take your hand off the grill Sup Forums, you're getting blown the fuck ou~t

What a qt :3c

now all he's missing is a mouse.

>now all he's missing is a mouse.
Fucking hell

>b-b-b-b-b--b-but CATS CAN'T SHITPOST
Take your hands off the wheel Sup Forums, you're getting blown the fuck ou~t


Mild kek

Holy shit.


>using the smiley with a carat nose

>dock visible
>launchthingy in dock
>system prefs in dock
>you know what
>using the dock at all

fucking plebs



cd ..
cd mouse
cd ..
cd ..
cd mouseKode
cd ..
cd mouse

Made today better.

thanks user

>Not being able to recognise upward less than sign, which means greater than less than.

>tfw no qt 3.14 cat programmer gf

How often do you two penetrate each other?

Sup Forums - Cats

Post more of this lewd catfu



We should have never given pussy the right to vote

In reality, cats lack the cognitive capacity to program anything meaningful





Are you slightly rused by le Sup Forums smiley face? V^)

fuck, kittens and peeps are so damn cute


This is the internet, son. Cats are always on topic.


If a human tried that with his hand he'd get bitten

please enjoy the (You)s, you deserve it


>gb2 /r/aww

God damnit, Carlos.

Notice me Senpai


that's a trap, just saying, gay af nigga
