Why do Amerifat Poo in Loos like Barnacles get upset because Indians took their jobs?
They go from praising Microsoft to muh botnet evangelists scare mongers
Vid related youtube.com
Why do Amerifat Poo in Loos like Barnacles get upset because Indians took their jobs?
They go from praising Microsoft to muh botnet evangelists scare mongers
Vid related youtube.com
nice try Rajesh
wrong board
>caring about people who will die before 50
hey look, another overcompensating pajeet post
How does this happen.
Holy fuck and they're all at Wal-mart. How do you not know you've shit yourself.
Your question is asked in the wrong way.
How do you not care that you've shit yourself.
You think they're away they've shit themselves? An interesting take. I never thought of it from that perspective.
Because Indians are taking up my jobs. I don't give a fuck about your country's problems. Get the fuck out.
>people vote republican and corporate democrats
>we need a small state, less regulation!
>somehow if we make is it easy to outsource, there will be more jobs! let's trust the neoliberals!
>complain about being unemployed
You amerifats bring this on yourselves, get fucked
> Indians are taking up my jobs
That's because you demand more (holy fuck, $2500 for a tier 1 support, are you serious?), but you know maybe even less than those indians. Free market at work.
tbf potentially the next president is against trade agreements that make offshoring easy.
shit jobs in america that nobody wants are considered top paying white collar jobs in india
be careful riding home on top of the train pajeet
Diabetes. Some treatments cause explosive diarrhea when the person overeats. Which is probably a lot of them.
Speaking from personal experience?
...I was also drunk, okay? No need to judge.
observing u'r'e mom
Lol you shat yourself whislt drunk? How scary
t. Pajeet
Well this is their CEO. What did you expected
So what if you take this attitude with every job, there's going to be top level engineering jobs that chinks would do for much less and still be competent.
Do we go for a fully free market? Because all of those American companies benefited from government tax breaks, funding, opportunity etc shouldn't they give something back?
Years of rhetoric, appealing to emotions, nationalism, anger. And now they get a candidate who embodies all of it: Trump.
Is it that surprising? And Hillary is literally owned by corporations, and she's part of the Clinton dynasty. You had the Bush dynasty, now you have the Clinton. I wonder who's next, probably Jeb Bush gonna try again after a few Skull & Bones meetings.
This street shitter shitposter is from Sup Forums and he lives in the US
> there's going to be top level engineering jobs that chinks would do for much less and still be competent.
You somehow think they won't get the same amount of money in China. Anyway, if we're talking about 'top level', there may be not enough Americans to fullfill positions.
> shouldn't they give something back
They do. You can be on a welfare and live fairly well.
I shit my pants once because of food poisoning. Thankfully I was at home at the time.
I saw on Sup Forums one time that amerifats shit themselves at walmart because it's apparently convenient, as they buy new clothes, shower in the restrooms, dispose of their shit covered clothes and leave in their new clothes. Truly amerifat laziness knows no bounds
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.