Tfw you modify free software

>tfw you modify free software


Why do most reaction pics on Sup Forums depict females, as if the poster empathises with a female's reaction.

I've always noticed this on Sup Forums.

>Tfw you modify proprietary software

everyone on Sup Forums is a little girl
pic related, me with the stuffed neko

>tfw you want to add in a simple feature to your favorite software
>tfw you don't code or have the autism to do so

alias unmount=umount

Me, wearing glasses beside you!

>being useful is considered autism
This board makes so much sense now.

>tfw I can but I don't because I don't work for free like some idiot

>would have a new useful feature which you could use
>"b-b-but muh money???"
>don't get new useful feature

>tfw you route the ip/domain of a license server in /etc/hosts to localhost for unlimited trial software

I'm a guy, though. You know, with hairy legs and all.

>lying on the internet


Make a wig out of then bitch boy, fuck outta here.

Not me. I'm a doggo.

>tfw your modifications are merged back into the main project

>ywn be a little girl

>tfw you change the GUI (or make a halfway decent one) and sell it as proprietary software

Do you work for Apple?

He said he makes halfway decent GUIs


Save the day: pull request as typo fix

Little girls can't install arch

Nor should they; install Parabola

>i can wash my clothes
>but i dont
>because i dont work for free like some idiot

You notice some weird shit, my friend.

why am I gay and feel like Im being a 'real man' by paying child support to my dyke girlfriend and by doing what my patriarchy smashing mom tells me to do?
