Europe here

Europe here,
Walkie talkie here are shit because FRS and GMRS are illegal, we use PMR446.

How hard is it to mod a PMR446 radio to have more transmission power?
Would this influence the battery life significally?


>certain electromagnetic vibrations at specific speeds are illegal

lol yurocuck


You mean power

Retard alert

>what is the FCC

Certain combinations of ones and zeros is illegal you dipshit.

>importing a car is illegal

lol murrika

>How hard is it to mod a PMR446 radio to have more transmission power?
Obviously depends on the model, but if you know your way around electronics it shouldn't be that hard. Just figure out the standard output, see if you're able to amp it without frying the circuit and adjust the antenna accordingly.

Honestly sounds easier to just buy some stuff from china that can do it for you.

>but if you know your way around electronics it shouldn't be that hard

I got no clue whatsoever.

Then buy yourself out of the problem desu lad.

It's easier to just buy a radio capable of transmitting with more power. Most radios designed for use by the general public are intentionally weenie in the hardware department.

Where would I be able to acquire one?

Buy an amp, moron. Transistors inside your radio are rated at a certain voltage. If you "turn them up" you will blow them or cause massive amounts of spurious emissions.

An amp? is that a kind of amp that I'd have to mod into the radio or something similar to an audio amp?

The reason for this is, that our planes are not supposed to fly into buildings.

Why not just get use a Baofang ham radio?

If you bought a set of walkie talkies manufactured for US markets why wouldnt it work? or it would but its illegal?

They're not legal and they use 120v instead of 240v

I'm Canadian, talk shit, get hit

>Walkie talkie here are shit because FRS and GMRS are illegal, we use PMR446.
FRS and PMR446 have the same maximum transmit power of 500 mW and work on the same frequency band.

Not having an amateur radio license and wanting to fuck around. Stop being a tool and get licensed, its not hard if you're half way intelligent.

Stop wining about them being illigal user. I buy chinese shit in europe all the time and the cops don't give a fck. Do you really think the cops give a shit about shitty regulations like that? They have better things to do like catching actual criminals mate. Just order some from amazon/whatever and you'll be fine.