Doing the starter program in the sticky. It tells me to do deadlifts, but I don't own a barbell. It's literally the only thing not doable with dumbbells.
What do?
Doing the starter program in the sticky. It tells me to do deadlifts, but I don't own a barbell...
dumb mobileposter
Wrong board buddy.
Install SS+GOMAD
buy a barbell, faglord.
I don't understand your picture. Alot of children died how is any of that perfect.
Get a broom handle, fill two Clorox Beach bottles with sand/water. Rope loops around the bleach bottle handles. Dead lifts.
>What do?
Install Gentoo.
But all that edge. You can see how sharp it is because the girl managed to cut up her brand new jeans on it.
She's perfect.
Pic related.
I recommend 3 x 5 for most excercises, though.
Start slow with the weight.
To get the inital weight for each excercise, try to put the weight on it, so that you can perform the excercise about 12-15 times before it gets difficult to continue.
Get out, normie.
I like her sense of humour.
conservative wannabes, boring, trying to be like daddy of a bygone era, poser without informational things and such, watch out for ripped cloth, yikes!
Buy dumbbells. You want to work out, but you don't to get the equipment for it? Stop being a cheap ass.
go to a studio or buy a barbell like anybody else
now get off Sup Forums
/fit/ said it was a good program to get rid of my androgynous looks and wide hips and all it did was give me a bigger ass and thick thighs. It's a fucking meme.
>bigger ass and thick thighs
>not wanting to be high test
SS has you deadlifting and squatting every session. you could have known that would work out the muscle groups around the thighs and ass just by doing them once.
that being said, SS will build muscle you can then use to do some high intensity kcal burning shit, which will most definitely take care of androgynous looks (combined with the right diet, that is) for good. wide hips, on the other hand, might be something you're simply stuck with. you can try to counterbalance it by getting bigger around the back and the shoulders (which you could do by simply adding a shit ton of upper body stuff to SS after about 4 to 6 months) but i'm afraid you're stuck with your set of bones, buddy.
thick thighs and fat ass are good man
There's no way you can actually misclick/press on Sup Forums.
Have you tried extending dumbells to a new object and overloading it to function the way you need for the exercise? It seems pretty obvious to me.
Time to buy a gentoo
My sugar momma loves my ass. She always grabs onto it when we're fucking and occasionally gives it a slap. I've been told that I have a nice ass before by random chicks too.
What I'm trying to say is, having a big ass means you're strong, and the chicks dig it breh.
Thanks Rippetoe.
>bigger ass and thick thighs
Women love this
Note I say WOMEN, not GIRLS
pics faget
Is she acting like she has an invisible shotgun?
>buy old tv
>install gentoo on it
>lift it
Doing this daily, you'll either become the strongest person alive or your back will break and you become paralyzed for life.
Holy Fuck archive this
Assault napalm rocketlauncher*
Fuck right off
that's not even going to weight 50lbs.
Fucking retard
you can do deadlifts with dumbbells
yoh just need to put more weight in them
Show boipussy
>comic sans
Don't post in the wrong board next time, faggot
lmfao get rekt fag
next time don't listen to Sup Forums
Stupid demented bitch. Not for this board. Piss off!
>alot of children