Something about the PreUnibody MacBook Pros/PowerBooks reminds me of ThinkPads, but online they all seem beat to shit. Are they solid devices or are they consumerist shit? Be neat to throw GunooLynnox on one if it was worth it.
Classic Mac/PowerBook Thread
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They're pretty robust, I have no idea how so many people managed to dent them to shit like the ones you see for sale.
They can be rather nice. My 550 w/ 512mb can barely shitpost. Clean ones come up every once and awhile. I cant wait to see how faster tiger is on it compared to leopard.
>thinking normies will treat their $2k laptop as anything but a toy
not even worth fitting a battery into that aged piece of shit
It's a cosnumerist device from a company that is known for planned obsolescence. How do you think it held up?
If you're the guy from the Macintosh thread that got spammed: get a KingSpec PATA SSD. Big difference even over IDE. You'll thank me.
>PowerBooks / MacBooks useful long after PC contemporaries are recycled
>"known for planned obsolescence'
I bet he can shitpost faster with that then you can with your Walmart Windows 10 Cuckbook.
>PowerBooks reminds me of ThinkPads
They were built for the same users and with the same quality.
PowerBooks are generally pretty nice quality (you'd expect it from such an expensive system), great keyboards too. The 1400 series has probably the best keyboard I've ever seen in a laptop.
I find the old pre-2000 ones aesthetically hold up better than ThinkPads too, they're a lot harder to scratch off than that weird peeling textured shit they had a hard on for until lettered-series systems started coming out.
>regurgitates irrelevant memes
>can't even spell "consumerist"
>types in all lower case
Go home
>>can't even spell "consumerist"
>>types in all lower case
sorry for not spell checking and capitalizing my essays on this gook toon board
fucking autist
If you don't give a shit about what you're saying then why the fuck are you saying it at all?
>icucks delusional to the point they can't admit their shiny toys are consumertard garbage with planned obsolescence built in
Please stop regurgitating this tired meme.
>I care about my grammar and punctuation on a anonymous vietnamese puppet board
I think you're too used to >>>/reddit/
Just go back
Redditors are the ones like you who treat this place as their personal meming ground. It seems more your speed anyway, since all you want to do is repost garbage day in and day out for (You)s.
How new are you?
The aluminum is weak, but the magnesium frame is pretty solid. You might be able to refurbish a bunch of them into a solid like-new unit, but you're getting a very outdated Core Duo chipset. Not even dual core, and the maximum upgrade of RAM is 2 GB on the first gen model MBP, 4 GB for second gen. And it cannot run anything past Snow Leopard.
>Redditors are the ones like you who treat this place as their personal meming ground.
This board is tech support for Sup Forums and purchase advice general for Sup Forums. You would be literally and figuratively mentally retarded if you actually come here to post spellchecked proofread quality posts.
If you were here for more than two hours you would know that.
I do suggest you go back now. You can always get some karma for providing quality spellchecked content on your username
I would get a ssd for it but i cant justify spending that much on a device that i will fuck with once or twice a month at most.
I am really tempted to grab a top-end PowerBook G4 off eBay just to dick around and see how the architecture holds up today. Maybe install a PPC Linux distro for shits.
ComfyBook Pro
>are they consumerist shit
Do you even need to ask?
You should dual boot Leopard and OpenBSD. Best two operating systems with Tiger being debateably better than Leopard
>r/Sup Forums told me this place is shit so I might as well suck it up like a REAL oldfag and make it shittier!
Guess what: you're the reason it's shit. Sup Forums is not your personal nigger Twitter feed, and treating it as such is not endemic to Sup Forums "culture"
Now once again, go home to or whichever shithole you think will get you more attention.
your projecting too hard
Nice meme
hey, a thread
I acidentally installed debian on my powerbook g4 when I was retarded
I have a retail 10.5.6 dmg and a windows 10 desktop... how the fuck do I get it installed on my powerbook? I only have single layer dvds to install. When I used dmg2iso it seems to only show windows bootcamp and remote install files. The powerbook doesnt show the remote install as a bootable option when running with an ethernet cable
dont even fucking get me started on booting from USB. Christ almighty.
anyone got tips to either get remote install working or to get the image on a single layer dvd?... or do I just buy a dual layer dvd likea chump?
also, where do I get a new battery?
those are literally the biggest pieces of shit ever made.
but if you need a hotplate to cook breakfast off of, go for it.
install gentoo
Can anyone runnung leopard send me a for some reason the text doesnt have the background but has the circular edges and it bothers me a bit.
>not getting the revolutionary convection oven cube
Clueless retard detected
sent ;^)
>Are they solid devices or are they consumerist shit?
wrong. ive used one of those things and they are garbage. not even trying to fit in on Sup Forums and use linux on it would change that fact.
you are a fucking tool
They're still great laptops whether you're running Mac OS X, *BSD, or Linux.
I have a PowerBook G4 from ~2003-2004 laying around.
Its still in a pretty good condition, used it as my homeserver for a while but switched it out when I had enough money for an Intel NUC.
Its okay for headless OSs but as soon as you put a DE on there, it pretty much becomes unbearable to use.
Had it running Debian stable with LXDE and Xfce and both would just lag like hell.
no they arent. if you ever used one you would realize that they are overheating heavy pieces of shit.
I used one daily until a few months ago. Try again faggot.
What percentage of your skin do you still have left?
no you didnt, and literally nothing you can say that change the fact they are garbage.
You can't just tell me facts aren't true, user.
prove it. prove you used one recently.
id say prove they arent garbage, but everyone who actually has used one knows that isnt true.
they idle at fucking 90*
I don't know how you want me to prove it's been used recently but here's its screenfetch. Been a great machine, after I get a few other projects out of the way I'm upgrading it to an SXGA+ display. Might even go back to using this as my primary laptop when I do that, the 1024x768 screen is the main reason I stopped using it.
Shit build quality
Shit everything
A unibody MBP is basically a slightly worse modern thinkpad, sans a couple ports, roll cage, and spill guard, plus nice trackpad
Why would you buy a shitty laptop just for a slow POWER CPU? If you like POWER that much, get a real workstation.
>Why would you buy a shitty laptop just for a slow POWER CPU? If you like POWER that much, get a real workstation.
Why not both?
>they idle at fucking 90*
Mine's idling at 45º. Not cool but in no way is it too hot.
>shit build quality
and you turn around and try to shill an aluminum unibody DentBook?
>Mine's idling at 45º. Not cool but in no way is it too hot.
Yeah, but you don't live in his fantasy world, do you?
move aside peasants, HR G4 coming through
ogle at my DDR2 and screen res
>not 17"
Why live?
dumb tripfag cancer
Nice! What kind of battery life do you get on that thing? Looks like a beaut
dumb tripfag cancer
Thanks. Didnt fix shit though.
come the fuck on dude
I want OSX on it. I'm having a real hard time. Anyone else able to help?
I couldn't get an old ibook G4 running Tiger to install a linux distro. Never looked at another Apple device since.
I have your pic related, top of the line (all options) just before the unibody.
I used to move it in my backpack everyday and working 10+h/day on it for 3 years and it shows. The frame is bent around the disk eater and any atempt at moving it in my backpack will lead to line disappeareance and / or the lower tier of the screen freezing a times for a few hours then everything is back to normal. Weird.
Battery is still 4+h though I almost never used it.
This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read.
just put tiger on it, leopard is shit
you can find torrents for it just about everywhere
burn it with nero or something that supports dd-style burning
like 3 hours or so with minimal use, 2 and a half doing slightly heavy tasks like web browsing, since that still is heavy for this CPU, sadly.
original battery died a week after it turned 10, I'm using a third-party one now and with it, the adapter LED will sometimes change to orange and back to green again within 5 seconds... but this seems normal.
the thing's gotten a complete teardown, repaste, cleaning, and all that jazz a couple years ago when I got it. I don't remember if I shimmed the GPU side or not, but it hasn't had a need to really bring up that fan much if at all unless I have g4fancontrol bring it up. I'm still on the lookout for either modern apps written for universal or just PPC that support Tiger,or anything I can compile to run using the crap from macports since tigerbrew is kill, sort of. a recompile of everything I compiled when the original install was in a Ti 500 when Fink was still working properly took less time than the 500 but still took ages.
but I can go into a starbucks and no one knows I'm using a powerbook unless they look at the power adapter when I bring it.
I do know I need to get some decent kapton tape and replace the old janky shit inside in some spots. it's either gathered dust and debris and lost its stickiness or is just old.
my first Leopard install used one of my 3rd-gen iPods as a firewire boot medium. that got really hot from the excessive use though and probably why that one died. the hard drive I was using at the time also failed, thankfully I had a backup.
+1 also for staying with Tiger. there's a lot of newer stuff that wants Leopard but you can get by just fine with Tiger. it's not called TenFourFox for nothing. just make sure to use TFF 31, and not 38. 38 has some weird CPU usage issues on G4s still. evidence points this to be taken care of in version 40 stuff on all platforms of firefox so sit tight for the next ESR release and TFF build.
>leopard is shit
The only thing Tiger's got over it is the ability to run well on lower clock G4s and Classic.
leopard doesn't have classic mode or really as good application support
most of the PPC hobbyist developers focus on tiger rather than leopard, it's better suited for most PPC hardware anyway
>leopard doesn't have classic mode
No fucking shit, are you illiterate?
>application support
I've had more issues with applications requiring 10.5 and up than I have with Leopard not being able to run something Tiger can
>No fucking shit, are you illiterate?
for some reason only saw "lower clock G4s"
>I've had more issues with applications requiring 10.5 and up than I have with Leopard not being able to run something Tiger can
I remember a few problems like that but not what programs.
really, when I ran leopard on my G5 it didn't bring much to the table for me, in the end I was running a heavier system with no classic mode and slightly less outdated applications, tiger feels much better suited to the hardware and really no less usable than leopard, I haven't run into many problems with major application support yet, but then again I do tend to use applications that are contemporary to my hardware
I tried running Tiger, it's nice having Classic but QuickLook and some other thing's Leopard introduced make it too hard to stay with it.
There goes your better suited to the hardware argument. Leopard runs beautifully on G5s, Tiger is for lower end G4s and if you use a lot of Classic programs
The white Macbooks (all models, I know there was the major unibody revision.) were probably my favourite looking consumer systems.
Shame I'll probably never own one because nearly every single one for sale on e-bay has a laughable amount of cracking.
Can it handle YouTube?
And it'll fry an egg at the same time.
Using youtube-dl and playing the video in VLC, HD videos play perfectly on pretty much anything above 1GHz G4. I've never owned anything lower so I can't speak for the 867MHz PowerBooks, and I doubt the TiBooks handle it well, either.
>I acidentally installed debian on my powerbook g4 when I was retarded
I read this as "I accidentally installed Debian" a few times.
As in somehow unknowingly just wound up with Debian on the computer through sheer incompetence, trying to upload an image reply or something.
>I need to get some decent kapton tape and replace the old janky shit inside in some spots.
buy the original 3m one.
kek; no, what I really was saying was that because I was retarded I intentionally installed debian netinst on it, which I now see as a mistake. Especially considering I dont remember my username or password, lel
You should try OpenBSD, it's the best non-OS X operating system you can install on a PowerBook
Any chance I could get that pape bro?
Yeah, problem is I dont have any ipods or other macs to assist.
I saw one tutorial online in which this kid used a mac to open the dmg file, delete the printer drivers and languages other than english, then recompress it to a filesize small enough to fit on a single layer dvd. thats what im trying to do now, only the problem is that after converting it to ISO format I dont see the normal OSX install files; just ones related to windows. shit is weird. Will post back with more results
If you're going to go that niche, you may as well install MorphOS, that at least has drivers written specifically for PowerBooks.
TiBook fag here. My firewire cable came today, but unfortunately it only shares a single disc off my g4 tower. I guess i can target mode the Ti and use the tower though... At least i have enough hdd space to get leopard on the dual 450 tower for keks. should have links to CD ISOs of Tiger.
>when I was retarded
>Past tense
>Implying that you're still not retarded
Nice blog faggot, but you should try
It's nothing about niche, it's about having a usable OS.
Yes, when I first got this thing (4 years or more ago) I was way more retarded than I am now and thought that linux would be better for it than old OSX. Now I'm less retarded and understand why I should use it, but I don't have the tools required to properly install it
Can you tell me again why I should use Tiger over Leopard? I have a powerbook g4 with a 1.33ghz processor. It should handle Leopard no problem, right?
To be honest, I put OpenBSD on a iBook G4 and it worked a heck of a lot better than Ubuntu and Debian, especially the trackpad drivers. Using the trackpad under Linux was torture. MorphOS still runs better, but it's just so fucking niche and weird, AND they want you to pay for it, fucking jews.
>it's about having a usable OS.
>power cpu
>it's not x86 so it's useless
Spotted the retard
Go play some more Battlefield, fuckwit.
i had this. loved the little fucker.
Best laptop ever
The titanium model is very nice. It's very well-built and I would say the aesthetics are some of the nicest on a laptop, on par with the G5 case. Another oft overlooked computer is the Wall Street. It's heavy as shit but built like a rock. Unfortunately they're not really viable these days. The Wall Street only came with a processor at around 300MHz (a G3), and the best titanium had a 1GHz or so G4. After the titanium the build quality started to decline. The 'silver' keyboard that they switched to after they started saving shekels on material and switched to aluminium both looks and feels like shit.
>There goes your better suited to the hardware argument.
G5s all shipped with 10.2-10.4
I need to clean my mac desk ffs.
My pre-unibody MacBook Pro died due to overheating. I've not really noticed much if any general improvement in cooling of any MacBook model since.
I got a $2 mpcie ssd to ata 2.5 adapter and a cheap 64gb ssd.
Ok... this seems to be an issue with the powerbook not the OS as its correct on my tower... Weird.