Is Linus a cuck?
Is Linus a cuck?
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Yes. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to how overrated he is, but i'm not exactly surprised when his mean audience age is 15
>cuck for opting to not put his kids in danger
He's a wimp for letting his wife drive instead of sitting in the back with the kids, and this is the road that leads to cuckoldry.
This is possibly the most idiotic thing i hsve ever heard
I still don't understand why a dude with so much money would get such an ugly wife, Thai traps look better than her.
fuck off reddit
So you are saying that sitting in the back while your wife drives isn't a sign of being a cuck?
He is right though.
It's inconsequential, you fucking hermit.
Nothing wrong with the picture and cannot confirm whether he is a cuck but he is
a) A shill
b) A terrible driver
I remember pictures of his car completely fucked up from terrible general driving
Because if you want to spend time with your kid in the back and your wife drives it changes nothing.
le edgy redditor
Well you are wrong, it does changes things.
if you'd seen the condition of his car, you'd change your mind
Ive seen it, i've seen the episode where they paint it, and the condition of the car has nothing to do with this.
Her driver the car is just symbolism and consequence of her driving the relationship.
It lowers the value of a man in the eyes of his wife. She will lose respect for him.
le ad hominem
Glad we have some expert PUAs in the thread. Should Linus have "held frame" and sent her a few "negs" to make sure he was the alpha?
his wife is asian
The only thing it lowers is how awake he is. I let my wife drive all the time, why wouldn't I? Gives me time to sleep or fuck around on my phone.
Only faggots worry about shit like this. Hell, if anything, I'm in a more dominate position being served by her, by her driving.
Y'all are some insecure fucks, lol.
>having a wife
>letting her drive
>having multiple kids
These are the small mistakes that will lead to JUST in no time
>It lowers the value of a man in the eyes of his wife. She will lose respect for him.
She doesn't want to respect him, she wants to control him.
He should have done nothing other than said "I'm driving" and got in the driver's seat and let that be the end of it.
Do you let her drive all the time while you sit in the back between the kids?
Riding in the passenger seat while your wife drives is a bit weak, but forgivable in a progressive society.
Sitting in the back watching the kids while your wife handles the long haul is simply a bitch move.
>Hell, if anything, I'm in a more dominate position being served by her, by her driving.
Is that what you tell yourself?
>He should have done nothing other than said "I'm driving" and got in the driver's seat and let that be the end of it.
This. NEVER let your wife get what she wants. She is YOUR property.
And this is how she begins to take more and more of it.
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Get the fuck out of here.
>I'm the dominant male in my family hehe
>I have to prove it on anonymouse manchild board
>So I can feel better about myself when I hear muffled skin slapping in the middle of the night and no one is next to me
If I want to crash out in one of the back rows, full-spread, why the fuck not? Shit's comfy.
Riding in the passenger seat doesn't make me weaker in any regard, lol. There's no "primal" position of control in commuting, or whatever alpha male bullshit you're trying to espouse.
I drive enough on my daily commute where I work to support said wife and kid. Let her do something outside the house.
Like I said, you all are too scared, breh. When you worry about shit like this, you lose bitches because of shit like this.
Explain the difference
No, you should let your wife get exactly what she wants when it is her right as the wife in the relationship to dictate how things should proceed. This is not one of those situations.
She is no more your property than you are hers. You each have a role and responsibilities to live up to.
Me and my wife's son disapprove your post
I'm not proving anything, ya damn troll. I'm continuing the conversation.
>post retarded opinion
>someone counters with their opinion
>lol you're just trying to prove yourself on anonymous board what a faggot
Sigh. I remember when shitposting was an art.
I'm on my phone, else is put up some fishies and hooks.
The cuck thing is a meme. It's like the evil jew thing, where 9/11 people are just vomiting it out for shiggles.
have you ever actually been on reddit? it's gotten so alt-right that the "cuck" bullshit's caught on there too
Sup Forums is technology, not "lets call youtube celebrities cucks".
Fuck off with this garbage
Yes. "Luggage" is his nickname for Tyrone, who was sitting up front.
Linus is gay. He doesn't care what she looks like.
Cuck has gone mainstream. I post on a sports forum that's as normie as it gets and it's the hot new insult over there.
nice backpedalling little white boii tell your wife to lose some weight the next time I come aroud.
>If I want to crash out in one of the back rows, full-spread, why the fuck not? Shit's comfy.
Until you get twisted into a pretzel and break your spine or get thrown through the windshield when the person in front of her stops suddenly and she rear ends them. Put your fuckin' seatbelt on, dumbass.
>He's too fat to lay down with a seatbelt on
>His car is too small to have middle seatbelts
I'm sorry for your luck, user.
I fail to see how I backpedaled at all. Come on man, step it up and shitpost with some flair.
Is Chris Pirillo a cuck Sup Forums?
..... I let every female drive for me whether it's a carpool to work or hanging out with family. I even let my gf drive me around.
I never knew it was a cuck thing. I just hate driving, gets boring after half an hour or so.
Shit I need to reevaluate my life.
People still watch this retard?
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
Keep the dumb memes on Sup Forums, thanks.
I see nothing in that photo to indicate it.
Tagging along or getting a random ride to work is fine.
Sitting in the back between the babies while your wife drives the family down the interstate is another matter.
>boohoo I'm not being aproved as the dominant male on anonymous board
>I know let's call him a shitposter yeah that will teach him
oh my small little white male
His co host guy Luke is even worse.
His mods and builds he does are absolutely shithouse. He even tries to make something decent and fails hard and it looks terrible. He is a KEK
>letting your wife drive equates to being a cuck
I'm glad I don't live with people with this kind of mindboggingly stupid mindset, but what do I expect out of this hellhole
> Not luxuriating in the back seat while someone else worries about all the shit going on around you
> Being pleb enough that you want to drive yourself everywhere
Do you even have a license..?
I see.
Eh, 3/10. I'm still responding so you get some points, but there's no originality or biting remarks, so three is the best I can give ya.
Keep trying, you'll get there someday, lolol.
Women have control of the household and if you attempt to interfere with her authority there you imitate her and thus become effeminate yourself. The only time you should intervene is when her decision appears faulty enough to have long-lasting repercussions.
You mean Sup Forums?
I am an immigrant from Turkey to Germany so I can't even drive yet. My wife has to take me everywhere. My friends make fun of me but honestly it's perfectly fine. Some people have the strangest ideas of what constitutes masculinity.
yes, he is a cuck.
Plus, I think he might be gay. The way he talks and acts leads me to believe he might enjoy the taste of penis.
>Women have control of the household
Ahh, now I get it, you still live with mom. Unless of course you're such a rudderless faggot that you cannot maintain control of your own life and affairs, and need to delegate it to someone else that is.
>Do you even have a license
This is a great question to ask, because the people cuckposting almost assuredly don't, since they're still romanticizing driving, which no one who actually drives would. Not even driving hobbiests would think driving to Walmart to buy groceries is enjoyable or necessary.
The people most likely to call cuck are the least likely to have anyone to cuck them. So fucking funny.
>I don't know what to say anymore
>I know let's rate his "shitposting" so we can dissolve how much of a cuck I am
I can understand your wife now
I question your faculty if you deem is to important that you would interfere with your mother's financial affairs, unless if you are planning to make sure that you are the inheritor of her estate. I don't know about your mom's husband, but it's likely that he won't outlive her.
No, a Britbong football forum.
Learn the difference between household and life, and maybe go for that GED while you're at it.
>Bringing my wife into it
Alright, you're starting to get closer to the mark. I mean, you aren't going to get under my skin, but at least I can help mold you into something worth a shit the next time a cuckthread comes up.
You probably want to drop some blacks into your insult next time, and something to do with Jews.
British people like football now?
Kek, USA wins again.
Fucking this. I work on the road, and if I had a soft pink thing to do the driving for me while I sat in the back prepping for the next service call my life would be a fucking dream. All the better if I can reach forward and grab dat titty every now and then.
I think it's fucking hilarious that people have to say they're confident enough to sit in the back seat.
It's really like these posters are still early or pre teens, calling shotgun for the front seat because the back is somehow the "bitch" seat, lol.
Oh children, you've got to grow up sometime.
>women have control of the household
If you let her have control of your house, she will fuck tyrone in your bed while you're at work and you won't even know about it. Letting your woman make your decisions for you is the classic sign of a lazy cuck. Stop being a beta shitlord and let your woman know who's boss before she stabs you in the back. Or maybe it's already too late, she could be getting rekt by multiple nigger cocks right now as you read this post.
>I just don't know what to say anymore
>I know I will throw some jews in the argument with yet another attempt to justify my manhood
>I will also post some reddit tier reaction image yeah that will show him
These threads are the best they bring the cuckiest of the cucks out
The thing is Linus does not work on the road. He makes videos for youtube. He's already on thin ice as far as his masculinity goes. He can't be letting himself be pushed around like this.
Women have left their financially successful husbands millions of times to look for a "real man" aka a jerk who tell them what to do. A bad boy. An alpha male.
The idea that behavior like he is doing in the OP picture is completely irrelevant to the future of his relationship is naive. She'll remember this. It will color her opinion of him, and perhaps not for the good as time goes by.
Depends. I wouldn't want to drive a 7 series Bimmer myself. I'd have a chauffeur for that. Don't be that Chink nouveau riche who drives a Lincoln sedan that he owns.
The mean age here is very low, just the kind of insecure teens that would call anything cuck just to feel less insecure about themselves
>Women have left their financially successful husbands millions of times to look for a "real man" aka a jerk who tell them what to do. A bad boy. An alpha male.
Sup Forums is not real life kid
The magic is to fuel the bad boy's ego so that he dies as early as possible. Nothing is better than to have a man who thinks that he has nothing to lose die early and lose it all!
Oh shit, you've hit Reddit already. You're running out of tools, but that's okay. Intentionally misunderstanding posts is another classic tactic. I think if I were newer to Sup Forums, you've have had a chance riling me up.
Unfortunately I've wasted the last 10 years of my life here, so you're far from it. Keep going though, it's worth watching, keeping me away overnight.
If you were smart enough to click through the rest of the comments in that conversation you would see that household refers to decisions regarding the actual house such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, dressing children, decorating, and organizing social functions. What is generally known as women's work. A man should not get in the way of a woman doing women's work unless he has a good reason.
But instead you have let your inner autist get out of control and jumped the gun to post memes. Typical.
What he said is the objective truth and I don't even use Sup Forums. You're a delusional retard.
>Tell my wife to drive me to the store because I want to buy beer
I'm commanding my wife, making her change her plans to accommodate mine, but she's the one driving. Oh fuck, Alpha Cuck Paradox, right? Three black men just balled out a white woman infinite times, that paradox almost broke cuck reality.
>oh shit quick he knows I'm from reddit
>let's pretend I have spent 10 years on this website to show him how much superior alpha male I am
>he must know my power level becuase this is what regular 4 chaners do right?
>also by the looks of it for a moment there I distracted him from the cuck argument
>here have yet another generic reaction image from my favorite place in the world re I mean Sup Forums
You let your wife do things for you there is no espace from that little cuck
Pirillo has been married two times. First wife seems to have gone lesbian and the the second one was a feminist.
But is he a cuck?
Of course I let my wife do things for me, lol. My career feeds her, she's gotta bring something to the table if she doesn't get a job.
I feel like your shitposting would work better if you weren't reinforcing my side of the argument inadvertently.
Btw these reaction pics are from Sup Forums. Reddit's design isn't really conducive to collecting reaction pics. Too many clicks.