Does the fact that Linux is unarguably better than Windows in almost every single way (muh gaymes being the only...

Does the fact that Linux is unarguably better than Windows in almost every single way (muh gaymes being the only exception) prove that communism is superior to capitalism?

How is it that people who don't expect to receive any payment at all are able to come together to create something that's better than something that's made by paid "professionals"?

I'm a pro-capitalist/anti-communist.

Windows/OS X are superior. They can actually use MS Office and Adobe.

Also consumers don't want to fuck around with a terminal they want something that "just works"

>ms office
>not wanting to use libre office
>wanting to use any adobe software
Even adobe doesn't want you to use Adobe's products

LibreOffice is either just as good as or better than MS Office. And free, no need to pirate.

Adobe products are overrated as fuck, Photoshop is the only thing without a decent Linux alternative (fuck off Gimp you unusable piece of shit)

I love photoshop but ive got to say gimp isnt actually that bad, it looks like photoshop with mac default settings

thanks, your image gave me an erection

When I find myself embarrassed because I have to google simple things like "How to deselect in Gimp" , it's bad software. Photoshop is incredibly intuitive. I wish the devs behind Gimp would realize that they're essentially Linux's flagship Photoshop and put more effort into normie usability.

As someone against communism, I'm curious.

No because the success of linux lies at the heart of "open source" philosophy instead of GNU philosophy, and the failure of BSD lies at the heart of legal troubles that resulted in it gaining no support inertia

Which is the similar to the reason OS X and windows eclipse linux!

MS Office is leagues better.

>it just werks

I would love to completly switch to linux, but Lightroom is the only reason I still have win7 on my tower. My notebook runs with ubuntu.

There's a fix for that, it's called dual-booting.

I have Windows 10 and a Linux distro on my tower. I had a few programs on Windows that I considered absolutely essential, and therefore had to keep Windows

However, I use the Linux OS everyday and haven't logged into the Windows partition in two months.

Try the dual-boot crutch to see just how much you really need Windows. Chances are you'll find that you rarely if ever need to use Windows.

Why not just use Windows without this hassle?

Because Windows is a hassle

have you tried darktable or rawtherapee?

This is what I dont understand.

I've used windows my entire life and have maybe one problem every 5-6 months that is fixed within a couple minutes with a google search. I've had to reinstall it once due to a hardware problem...

Meanwhile theres an entire thread dedicated to helping people figure out simple problems on linux because it's shit and breaks constantly.

>breaks constantly

This is a meme and only happens if you seriously fuck something up, which by the way you can do on Windows too.

Meanwhile on Windows you get things similar to pic related and you don't even get a proper error message telling you what actually went wrong so you can troubleshoot the damn thing, fuck you Windows 10 why won't you let me do anything :(

The cool thing with Linux is that, if you get a good stable distro, you'll find out that you've been missing out on a lot of cool things that you just kind of let MS deprive you of without realizing that there were other options.

Seriously, get a good reputable stable distro and customize it. So much fun and so much better than Windows. This is coming from a previous lifelong Windows user.

Give me some examples of better features/software that windows 7 doesn't have.

I used linux for a couple months and EVERY day I was searching for hours trying to fix minor problems.

Also the gui on 99% of linux programs looks like garbage, skype looks like it was made in the 90s.

used darktable sucks at whites and blacks, i dont really know why, but in.catalog reasons darktable is good
But gonna try out rawtherapee, thanks for the advice

Every day? Holy shit lol and you used it for a couple of months? What the fuck did you do install Gentoo? You know that's a meme right? Not really meant for Winbabies.

Nah, ubuntu.
No programs worked correctly.. nice list of features that are better than windows.

> it's shit and breaks constantly
Stop using Arch

Ugh Windows. Windows 10 to be exact. Oh the settings are so annoying. There's a settings app(?) in the start menu that looks all pretty and windows10-like, but the setting you're looking for isn't there. It's in control panel, which you don't know exists unless you happen to search for it, and which still looks the same as it has since xp.

It may look pretty but it's the same old stuff underneath, which would be ok I suppose if the old stuff had just been maintained to keep up with the times, but the new stuff seems to have just been plastered on willy-nilly without any thought for consistency."

Haha yeah... Ubuntu is far from the user-friendly distro it's trying to be, I remember my roommate trying to switch to Linux, but having a bad experience with Ubuntu. He ended up going with Debian.

I have no clue what Canonical is thinking, but they've had all these years to improve and Zorin is still better

Because most people don't live to make money, they live to live a fulfilling life, it just happens that we live in a system where money is the most effective way to achieve it, if you change the way to fulfill yourself and the community, people will just start doing that instead. The "human nature" argument is retarded and the communist theory is nothing like the media portrays it to be

>The "human nature" argument is retarded and the communist theory is nothing like the media portrays it to be

OP here, please elaborate, looking for pro-communist perspectives

Yes. People who do something out of love for what they do and wanting to help others will make a better product than those whose incentive is money. When you work for money you want to do the bare minimum to survive because that's human nature: least amount of calorie expenditure for most gain. In a salaried environment that means meeting the minimum requirements.

Do what you love and you won't have to work a day in your life.

Communism is not a system where the government tells you where you have to work for the rest of your life. In communism you'll be allowed to choose where, when and how you work. You can be a coder for two hours a day, then be a teacher for another three. Or you could be a carpenter for a couple of hours then do some programming (or webdev ;)). As long as you contribute in a meaningful way no one will feel bad giving you enough to fulfill your needs, and if possible, your wants.

>inb4 Stalin, Mao
>inb4 muh trillions of dead
>inb4 Soviet red herring
>inb4 it works on paper but...

I prefer Paint Tool SAI (No Linux version as far as I know) so I wouldn't really know, but have you tried Krita?

It looks a lot like what you're looking for. It has some KDE dependencies though.

your question is a bit more politically inclined that most of Sup Forums shitposters are willing to discus...but ill tke a small crack at it...mind you a proper response WILL get lengthy...

First off linux is not entirely a good analogy for communism, save for its community flaws. Some linux development is for cash and does have usage that can tie it to capatalism and business venture. This would be for example its usage in the server world, where there are entirely capitalistic reasons for its use and support/expansive. These are the ways in which linux is great and its most capitalistic.

The ways linux utterly fails are the ways in which it is most communist. An example would be as such...if you forcefully switched most user desktops from OSX and windows to linux the users would in many cases suffer for it but a swarm of people blinded by ideology would begin insulting them and insiting that they simply were not using linux/communism correctly rather than admit the system was not suitable for their needs.

What do you mean linux sucks? oh you were using ubuntu...thts not real linux...try ARCH.

What do you mean communism sucks? oh you were in soviet russia...try moaism thats REAL COMMUNISM.

and of course the intellectual elitism that come with such attitudes and the absolute refusal to admit failure is shockingly exactly the same with both groups. Linux users have extreme difficulty admitting their OS is not the one perfect way of computing and will insist everyone else has a flaw not them...much like supporters of communism Can never dmit their system is not one people can actually function within.

The problem with linux/communism is that its adherents ARE the biggest issue with both solutions. They both refuse to accept that the vast majority cannot or will not work within the system but instead of changing the system to suit the people they insist the people change to suit the system.

Krita is more like an artist program (awesome by the way) but meant for drawing/painting, not really the same as photo-editing/photoshop

>In before everything that criticizes my platform

At least you could have been hip and post a bingo board.

this is beautiful if this were Yahoo! Answers I would give you best answer

Guy from here.

Communism at its root has the idea that you should own your own labor and means of production, and therefore how your labor is used.

For example, lets look at surplus value (e.g. profit in capitalism).

You are a chair-maker and you work for chair-making Corp. Chair-making Corp has a CEO, an HR officer, an accountant and chair-makers. For the sake of the example let's say you're the only chair-maker in the company. Now, all this company does is sell chairs.

You can make one chair per hour and each chair's value is materials + one hour of your labor time. For you to live comfortably you need to make $50/hr. So you sell a chair for $50. But wait! There's the CEO, HR and accountant. They aren't making any chairs, yet they have to get paid? So they take a cut from the $50 (I.e. they steal from you). The CEO gets $25/hr., HR gets $10 and accountant gets $10, leaving you with $5/hr.

So the value of your labor is set at $5/hr. But it is actually valued at $50, but the rest is stolen by the capitalists.

Or, you can look at it this way: you keep your $50/hr. But the chair is sold for $500, to give the CEO $250, HR $100 and accountant $100. In this system you should get the full $50), after all you did all the work, but you don't.

How can a system like this be a good incentive to make anything decent?

But you pump the mouse all day long and because of that, unless you work in graphics or music you're at 100th the efficientlcy as a seasoned console user.

oh, well then.

what the fuck does this even mean

>and of course the intellectual elitism that come with such attitudes and the absolute refusal to admit failure is shockingly exactly the same with both groups.

We got close to communism in a couple of countries but it did fail. In the Soviet Union it turned into a degenerated worker's state because of Stalin/ism and the need to quickly advance the Soviet Union from an agrarian shithole into an industrial nation. That's why the five year plan and quotas were set. It came at a terrible human cost, but the USSR managed to become a nation that beat Nazi Germany in like 20 years.

Yugoslavia was state capitalism, barely socialism. It was socialism in that it gave people a decent standard of living at the expense of national debt and practically it created a bubble due to all the subsidies.

Those criticisms are based on strawman arguments.

Forgot to add. The first part of Marx's Capital vol.1 explains (quite beautifully and elegantly) how the thing that makes products valuable is the human labor put in it, nothing else. And how everything can be measured in terms of human labor. It's very humanist and more people should read it.


wait, but you're making the chairs? You can just do this on your own without the CEO, HR, etc.

Maybe you don't do it on your own because your business wouldn't thrive without proper marketing, funding, and resources.

Maybe the CEO, HR, etc. provide the training, tools, marketing, resources, etc. to actually create a situation where someone can profit from those chairs you're making. More like a team effort though, because you're in it for you, and the CEO is in it for himself, blah blah blah. You're all in it to profit in some way, contributing what you can.

Some food for thought my niqqa

part 2 of my rant....

Contrast the attitude of the linux community with the development of proprietary software.

the major and key difference is that while proprietary OSes much like capitalism has its flaws at the very least an attempt is made to address the actual nature of people when using the system. Thus while it has many flaws both real and imagined the vast majority will prefer and find success within it.

This is due to the capitalistic attempt to cater to people as they actually are instead of the communist attempt to force them to be as the should. This would be reflected in its most basic in the OS world via the interactions of users within the UI itself.

Proprietary software makes a great attempt to simplyfy the experiance with a GUI that many would call 'dumbed down' or overly simplified. Many may say its not even using a computer properly in the first place but users prefer it for the simple fact that it is the ability to use the system to obtain results that is important...not the system itself but the results matter.

Linux is on the other hand a system still heavily tied to a command line interface...A system the vast majority of users outright refuse to deal with. Rather than admit this however the linux community will insist the greatness of its approach and the it is 'true computing"...but this means entirely jack shit to the end user who simple is after the RESULT of the system not the system itself.

However when all is said and done linux/communism as an analogy is not a very good fit. Much like the machinations and corruptions of proprietary systems is not really much of an analogy to an actualy free market capitaist approach...think the microsoft anti-trust issues.

Niether GNU, linux, OSX, windows or even android actually fit in the analogy of political idealogy very well so the entire discussion is foolish honestly...the only similarity worth noting is with the linux fanbase...and that is only a small thing in itself.

He's weird and he wants you to know terminal is more efficient or something. Ignore that though.

I'd rather counter your point (assuming you're >54473509 anyway) by saying that Sup Forums probably has a lot more "new to linux" people who would have tech questions. I haven't had my shit "break constantly" and although that's just talking from personal experience and it doesn't mean anything, neither is yours with Windows. I've used Debian and forks of Debian, but I don't know why anyone thinks this shit is difficult to use. Or "breaks" but maybe it depends on what they're using it for.

What I do know is that people's problems won't be as quickly as solved, because unlike Windows, you are not the customer. You didn't pay shit piles of cash for your Linux installation, so there's not going to be a dedicated Tech Support squad to answer your questions. This is why forums for "Easy to use!" distros like Ubuntu and Mint can sometimes look like absolute shit. The amount of people who don't know what they're doing and take it out on people in the forum in the same way they would with random people on the phone is disgraceful.

The only problem with Linux is that it costs nothing, and therefore, nobody is giving you a service.

Good points, but I still do not see a clear purpose to use linux over windows.

software and stability seems a lot better in windows in general.

>wait, but you're making the chairs? You can just do this on your own without the CEO, HR, etc.
Exactly. And if you look at any corporation today there are many jobs that don't need to be jobs. But because we're living in a capitalist world and everyone has to work we invent jobs.

People could achieve everything they do today with a 20hour work week. Most things can be automated, but it doesn't work that way in capitalism because it is an outdated system from pre-industrial revolution. You wouldn't use an OS from the 18th century, would you?

>Maybe you don't do it on your own because your business wouldn't thrive without proper marketing, funding, and resources.

In a capitalist economy this is true. Because there are likely 4-5 big chair manufacturers then hundreds of small ones and they're all competing for the same market share. Then they are encouraged to spend on things like sales and marketing, rather than the quality of product because not everyone is a rational actor (sorry liberal economists) who has the time to test out every single chair in existence and then choose the best one.

>The only problem with Linux is that it costs nothing, and therefore, nobody is giving you a service.

Probably the best way to sum it up. If you want tech support in the off-chance that something goes wrong (been using Linux for years and only had the occasional blip you'll get anywhere), stick with corporate services. But if you're even semi-competent with a computer and are able to google things, Linux's customizability is a must-have.

Okay, but even without tech problems the versatility and easy of use of windows is much better.

Why would you spend more time doing something more difficult in linux rather than doing it in a few clicks on windows with a near 100% guarantee of it working on the first try?

part 3

So in my opinion in the end the comparison you are attempting to make is not really a good fit for software discussion in the first place...linux is not communism nor its abject failures because in the end there remain capitalistic reasons for its use and development...and in such situations it truly does shine and prove its worth in a very capitalist way

The only real way the comparison with communism works lies not with the system itself but in the batshit attitudes of its idealogical adherents.

TL;DR linux is not directly comparable to communism in any way except for the worst most jackass parts of its supporting community and the attitude that the system used is more important than the results one can obtain with the system used.

Please forgive any typos...its 3 am and im in extreme pain due to illness right now so I likely fucked some shit up a heads not all here but hopefully ive made my point.

You may go back to sarcastic shitposting now.

People arent just used to the thought of a commandline. I was kinda introduced to it on sixth grade with cmd and the "net send" command. It was great to be able to chat during "computer" class wich was just office.

I got interested what else i could do with it. Now I love terminals and I love a mouse. Both are great and have their pros and cons but refusing to use one is just stupid

>Why would you spend more time doing something more difficult in linux

Excuse me, but what exactly is your experience with Linux?

This is not a mocking question, but did you really try to install Arch or Gentoo?

Most other mainstream Linux distros work right out of the box... Hell, even Arch "just werks" after you finish the unnecessarily manual installation process.

I've been discussing my own OS goals for fucking ages on this board, and I can assure you that I have no intentions of developing Linux BECAUSE I can't get paid.

I've gone from:
>Maybe I'll make a Linux distro, kernel is free, but I can build paid software on top (found out this is most likely not doable, because GPL)
>Maybe I'll just make a paid DE? (Even if it's good, why would freetards buy that? Especially if I can't ship it pre-built on top of something?)
>What about an entirely new OS type? (But that'd be 90% compatibility repairs, 10% actual development)
>How bout a UNIX OS, possibly built off NetBSD? (Went with this for months as the idea, but recently discussed in another thread, and I found out from people more acquainted with UNIX that it's actually probably NOT a good idea)
>Guess I'll make something new entirely once it's time for that project to start... unless UNIX is interested in upgrading for the next gen.

Regarding Linux being "unarguably better", I disagree.
As much as I'd love to actually switch away from Windows, because except a few things, Windows is inherently bad, I can't find a valid reason to move to Linux, since it'd require a fuckton of customization just to get it to work the way I need.

I would say, essentially, Linux is a wonderful OS packaged completely wrong, and THAT is because it's free.
It's gotta have it all before it can be distributed. Smash all the important shit together, add EXTRA GUI options that make it so easy a Down Syndrome caveman could do it, and THEN it's something that can be made popular.

My favorite expression for OS's: Everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink, in designer colors.
If you've left ANYTHING out, someone will complain. If you TOOK anything out, there will be fucking rage. If you HAVE it, BUT it's NOT ready to go with no thought involved, no one will complain, because 99% of people won't get it in the first place.

as is refusing to acknowledge that there are good reasons for not using one. The problem here is once again rather than deal with the user/humanity as they actually want THEIR mindset to change to accomidate your system.

personally ive used command line myself since the DOS days but that shit just isnt going to fly with most people who frankly have other shit to do. Insisting they are a problem however is a problem with you...not the person who just needs to accomplish a task in a timely and convienient manner

shut the fuck up faggot

>muh gaymes being the only exception
that is not the only exception. if i can't fucking install drivers for my existing hardware that i've had for less than 5 years then it's a fucking shit OS.
keep your shitty hobby OS to yourselves you shit sperglords

OSX is more usable than your garbage.

Tired switching to Linux on my laptop
>HDMI output completely fucked up
>trackpad doesn't work at all
>shit ui
>ask for help in here
Alright fuck off

Linux is an unpolished turd with no software and it's users are worse than vegans and Jehovah witnesses

Yeah, installing them is easy but if you want to actually DO anything you've got to jump through hoops to get a worse experience than what is available on windows.

No adobe products, office, strange file types people on other operating systems cant open, files YOU cant open, no games, horrible hardware support, the list goes on.

At this point I'm convinced that the only benefit to linux users is the ability to plaster everything in chinese cartoons.

Quit samefagging

If you can't "fucking install drivers" on Linux, you are the definition of a downie.

The Linux kernel itself has almost every single fucking driver for any hardware ever. And updates for that kernel are released constantly to keep up with all the new drivers.

Every other driver that the kernel hasn't supported yet, can EASILY be installed, so easily in fact that I doubt you've ever even tried Linux.

i hope you continue to enjoy your comfort zone, user

I found that when i was learning photoshop that nothing was intuitive.
I also found this for avid protools, ableton live, propellerheads reason, and driving a car.

Ctrl+shift+a? What's hard about that?

if his 'comfort zone' continues to give him the easiest path to an actual result then yes, im sure he will very much continue to enjoy it.

Fell free to continue to enjoy...whatever the hell it is your doing...

Linux has almost zero support, windows has 360 support with everything.


> Much like the machinations and corruptions of proprietary systems is not really much of an analogy to an actualy free market capitaist approach...think the microsoft anti-trust issues.

That's a great analogy actually. Because people will say that we live in 'crony' capitalism or that real free market capitalism hasn't been tried. Sound familiar?

But the fact is capitalism is flawed because it assumes everyone is a rational actor, when in fact they are not. In the FSF world there are no profits to steal so no one can get corrupted.

>linux is not communism nor its abject failures because in the end there remain capitalistic reasons for its use and development...and in such situations it truly does shine and prove its worth in a very capitalist way

Never said Linux was communism, all I said was that people working on Linux is akin people working in communism. They are motivated by the love for what they do, not a wage, like people at Microsoft are.

E.g. I find a job in a kitchen because i need to pay rent and feed myself, I won't like working in a kitchen, but I'll do it because it pays the bills. You think the food that leaves will be great? Now you have someone who loves cooking, who thinks about recipes and ingredients all the time. The food leaving that kitchen will be better.

Same with software development, same with anything in life. Capitalism encourages you to find the best paying job because how many material possessions you have is a measure of worth in capitalism. In communism you do what you live because your basic needs are met.

Also, I'm not a communist, I'm actually an anarcho-communist. Marx's maxim "From each according to ability, to each according to need" is fine, but Kropotkin's is better: "All is for all."

Look up gift economy and the really really free market.

Then you have a very good reason NOT to use those programs. And thus a very good reason NOT to pay for them.

And you have a good reason to seek out an alternative. Which im sure you no doubt did.

Congratulations you have experianced capitalism.

Okay, continue to enjoy your pretentious and inferior software whilst parading it around like it isn't a steaming pile of shit.

Windows and proprietary software is better than 99% of anything on linux, and I'm giving the 1% out of generosity.

>No adobe products
Literally a perfect Linux alternative for everything except maybe Photoshop if, boohoo you are too afraid to learn a new software and boohoo it doesn't have the adobe name attached to it

Linux has an Office suite that is either the same as or better than MS Office.

>Strange file types
Just save it as .doc or .docx, or whatever extension, problem fucking solved you goddamn downie

>File YOU can't open
What the fuck are you talking about

>No games
Games, just not as many, but there's this thing called Wine

>Horrible hardware support
Absolute bullshit you goddamn liar, the Linux kernel has more driver support out of the box than Windows, on Windows you are expected to download the drivers from the manufacturer yourself.

i hope you understand that you're doing what you claim i am

I feel most of this is purely your own opinion, why should Linux change one of the things that makes it great

Also, why.... Do..... You..... Use.... So.... Many.... Ellipses.....

He... didn't... use... that... many...

Gimp has 1/5th the features photoshop has and what it does it does badly

Libreoffice is absolutely fucking garbage, you're blatantly lying if you say it's better than ms office or you've never actually used it

>save as .doc
Oops, formatting destroyed

wine is god awful and hardly ever works without performance hits

bullshit, some of the most common problems people have are the lack of linux drivers

And again, even if everything you said wasn't bullshit theres still zero reason to use linux over windows since you've got EVERYTHING linux has plus thousands of others.

Microsoft basically does have a monopoly on software. This is basically Microsoft's legacy built up almost entirely by third party developers. But you're paying premium for it, as I've said before. The main "reason" to use Linux if any is that it's not going to cost money to install. I actually only originally used Linux as a 'temporary' solution because I didn't want to pay money for anything.

Instability is a vague term, and I don't know what specific problems you'd be referring to. All I can say is make sure your hardware is supported by the software you want to use. Other than that, I've never had any issues.

Linux has become the operating system to use for servers for a reason, but for personal use I wouldn't blame you for preferring Windows. I still use Windows on my desktop PC because I like to play games. But for just about everything else I've had an easier time with Linux. Maybe it's just something I've gotten used to.

What tech problems are you referring to? And I outright disagree on ease of use, you should look at some of the "beginner" distros. I upgraded a shit-tier PC of mine to Windows 10 only to find that the "settings" app looked like an unorganized mess compared to the Control Panel, only to find it also had that. This is personal preference but that's not exactly ease of use in my mind.

There's absolutely office software available for Linux. Where do you think the open source office software available on Windows originated? "Strange file types" is just you being in an unfamiliar environment. The adobe products and games are the only legitimate arguments here. But they are legitimate, and if that's reason enough for you then so be it.

I had this problem too.
I updated the drivers, and changed the output within a 2 minute google search.

Most Distros have an application to do so for you if you don't know how to do it via a cli.
It's not that hard user.

keep talking shit you delusional assholes. i've spent hours trying to get an audio interface to play audio on a IT JUST WERKS distro where it'd take a minute on a fresh install of winblows.

no fuck you

boku no dick

Microsoft: one company
Linux: rhel, Google, hundreds of other companies.

One of the most important things about Linux is that it's not free dumbass

What fucking genius would pay for your shitty Linux skin when there's hundreds of completely free distros for download

Besides that if somebody is gonna pay for an OS that does everything for them they would just buy Windows

Yes I agree with this 100%, the team behind Gimp is lazy as fuck and needs to get their act together. Having said that, there is a perfect Linux alternative for every single other adobe product.

>Libreoffice is garbage
How? It is identical to MS Office but loads faster and is free, so your objections...?

>oops, formatting destroyed
Okay this is bait, or you've never actually done this, again have you used LibreOffice? When saving a file, there's a dropdown menu like in Windows displays a list of available extensions to save your file as, and doc and docx are included, and both work like a charm, and I don't think you've even tried, and...

>Wine is god awful
It's pretty hit-and-miss, works for about 50% of the games you'll try to play

>Some of the most common problems people have are lack of linux drivers
Bullshit, it's literally plug and play, I've actually been unable to use my wifi adapter on Windows because there were no drivers so I had to log into linux to download the drivers onto a USB and plug it into Windows just to install the drivers so I could get on the fucking internet.

>And again, even if everything you said...
What? What else is there? Everything just fucking works unless you're retarded.

Meh...thats a very sweet idealigy...but good luck applying that sentiment in real life.

Your problem is that you identify yourself as specifiically an 'anarcho-communist'. Which implies that you find there is a true way or solution. Which is the very flaw of ideoligy itself.

and as ive mention capitalism is also flawed itself. It simply happens to be less flawed than communism.

consider this, do not blindly adhere to any idealigy but instead realize you have a toolbox of ideas in front of you which lend themselves to different applcations based on need and the individual situation at hand.

Every system is a failure...because no system will fit every individual. No system CAN fit every situation. Capitalism is an abject failure...its just FAR LESS of a failure than any implementation of communism has ever been. however mind you this does not mean there is no place for communism or socialism...I would bring up the success of the british healthcare system as an example to be fair of where socialism is a good thing. As someone who has mentioned already, is ill at ths moment, I can assure you: fuck the american healthcare system right now.

But yeah your insistance on there even being a proper or true solution is your flaw...nothing ever works quite that simply. however we are digressing somewhat as this is a tech forum...and we are getting into areas best left for Sup Forums at the moment.

>install a distro
>keyboard doesn't work half the time
>ask for help in here

What a joke.

free software was created in the most capitalist society ever.

im literally sick and tired...BLOW...ME
also why should the user change if they do not like it?

Shut the fuck up this was my first post on this thread you tard
I literally tried every "just werks" distro, and for the problem I had there was nothing on the internet that could help me. In the Ubuntu forums when I said my trackpad wasn't even being detected they said
>lol impossible, that screenshot looks shopped to me
Reinstalled windows 10 and it had drivers for multitouch too, HDMI output back to working and stopped having to run a VM to run actual useful software I use for work

SHUT THE FUCK UP you guys are insufferable


linux is a fucking circlejerk clown fiesta for faggot neckbeards that think they're l337 h4x0rz for doing the same job that they could have done on Windows in 1/4 the time.
It's a fucking joke, grow up and be practical.

This thread belongs on Sup Forums not Sup Forums...

We'll..... Agree.... To... Disagree....

Noooo it addresses a Linux/Windows paradigm and on Sup Forums they would just say go to Sup Forums

i keep saying this.

Tried updating drivers, HDMI output was correctly detected and if I took a screenshot the image was perfect, but IRL the screen connected to the HDMI only had like 20 rows of pixels working on the top of the screen.
Same monitor worked flawlessly with my desktop through the same input.
Fresh installed Windows 10 Enterprise and worked like a sharm, this time for real


>you've got EVERYTHING linux has plus thousands of others
Windows is more demanding software so if you're using outdated hardware that matters too. And then you're still paying money $$$ for the right to use third party shit, to be honest.

I don't get it, is it really so bad that Linux is just a free 'alternative' to something you're paying money for? Maybe it doesn't have to be as competent for people to use it.

What audio interface are you using, and what Distro for that matter if you don't mind me asking? I believe there are only a handful of audio interfaces that actually work with Linux. (I.e. focusrite scarlett 2i2 from what I her.)

I probably don't know how to help you, to be honest. For some things it's better to pay a premium price to a business like Microsoft to do the job. Linux isn't exactly a favorite for people in the music industry.

>ask for help in here
Oh, so you asked a community that only collaborates when it's time to shit on someone for using different software than them, or call them names when they use the same software as them and STILL have problems, for tech support. I can't imagine why that didn't work?

Never said they had to, did I?
If a user doesn't want to learn how to use Linux then they're probably not the target audience for Linux.

but the analogy doesn't really fit. outside of the insufferable fan base that is.

So we are not discussing linux vs windows...we are just discussing why the linux user base is awful. And of course the same for windows, truth be told. And that isnt really tech.

>Your problem is that you identify yourself as specifiically an 'anarcho-communist'. Which implies that you find there is a true way or solution. Which is the very flaw of ideoligy itself.

That's the very reason I'm an anarcho-communist because it isn't really a firm system of ideological beliefs. The anarcho part is all about free association. I can choose what society to belong to and what ideology to follow. Right now I'm violently coerced to be in capitalism.

I would much rather go off with a couple of hundred like-minded people and form a commune. But I can't do that because capitalism is a violent system and any attempt to live in a non-capitalist way will be met with force. You need to buy land, get all kinds of permits, and even if you do have a commune it can't be self-sustainable so you still need to participate in capitalism (buy supplies) to survive.

I'm for a loose federation of small communes where each commune gets to decide how it is ordered. A horizontal association, without a hierarchy. Yes, 'capitalist' communes would form too, but they would be unsustainable because a monetary system requires a near-total acceptance. And why would you buy when you can just get it for free?

Yes, I also understand that this kind of system would need a complete revamp of our society, our family, our thinking, etc. It is a tall order and I'm pretty sure it's impossible. But someone has to be an idealist, people have to be thinking far out so that we arrive in some decent place.

Because let me tell you, the far-right is dreaming of a WASPy, fascist future. It's only natural that someone will be thinking about the extreme on the other end.

the sad thing is that I can't even tell if this is ironic or not because linuxtards actually sound like this

>Commies actually believe this

Nah, see, disregarding the fanbases, you have Linux distros which are open source and most of which are developed free of charge vs. Windows which is developed by people that are being paid for their labor.

It's a discussion of this and its implications, but has devolved into a shitshow of "My distro is better than yours" probably because of the way OP staged the post

>Trump will deport you
All Linux users everywhere

Dude I also asked in the Ubuntu forum and in other Linux portals, everyone was telling me the same things or calling me out because they thought I was talking bullshit

And again, is it really better to try and use an OS I'm not familiar with when every software I need for work doesn't natively work on Linux?
Is it worth the hassle if I don't give a shit about having anime girls on my desktop?

At this point I am at peace with myself, I'll just use superior proprietary software and never touch a Linux distro again

You could move to Cuba if you really felt like it. You have pretty strange idea of violent coercion, nobody is physical forcing you to do live in a capitalist society.

The loose federation thing seems reminiscent of homesteading communities.

spoken like a god
anime girls on your desktop dont make you cool, they make you a virgin faggot

Goddamnit you guys too what the fuck is it with Ubuntu forums, the people that frequent those boards either:

a) Don't know what they're talking about
b) Are only posting to say "Hey I'm having the same problem..."


c) Be a dick and yell at you for not being a l337 haxor

I've gotten more help out of the Arch reddit and StackOverflow, of all unhelpful places