Just fuck my shit up

I should have just copied the files as they were for fuck's sake, I feel like throwing myself out the window for the atrocity 7zip has done.
Before reinstalling the OS I made a 11gb ~ backup archive and moved it to the external hdd. The archiving process was not interrupted in any way. Now the archive is unusable, it gives either of these messages: "Cannot open x.7z as archive" or "Is not archive" (fucking russians).
Of course I tried the "solutions" offered in the 7z faq but that guy can't explain for shit in english and I just don't get it. Took my issue to a tech support forum, to no avail.
I am DESPERATE to get the files back so PLEASE PLEASE help me Sup Forumsents.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the archive in hex editor.

Did you properly unmount the external USB drive or did you just pull the cord? This is the exact reason why I never compress backups btw. Try doing a disk check for errors. You can also try removing the .7z extension and opening it with 7z file manager.

I didn't unmount it? It's external so it's plugged it an all the time because I have the whole music library, and yes I ran disk check, it has no errors and have never had trouble with it.

Maybe some enlightened anons can chime in on these issues, but how do I find the end header in the archive? I also tried splitting the corrupt archive into 1098 volumes hoping it will actually extract but to no avail. I am really desperate...

you should have purchased winzip.


I have never had any issues archiving so far

Avg Alex bait

that's because I tried opening it with winrar

Does it list files?

No, I can't open it at all.

Probably your RAM is not working properly and this fucked the archive when you created it or your HDD is defect. If you used compression you are pretty much fucked. If you just used the "save" option in 7zip you could probably restore it.

I did change my RAM but I ran a memtest and it all turned out ok, and windows did not have trouble with it (or the motherboard)

oh yeah this shit
i had a skyrim backup when my SSD almost broke (inb4 get out to v)
it was about 11 gb too and got corrupted too :(

This is what TAR is for ya dunce.

How can compression fuck up the files so badly to the point the program can't extract? I mean, the whole archive is 11 gb, surely I can salvag at least some files out of it, right?
In fact, fuck it, is there any PAID service that can take care of this mess?

Looks like you learned a few things!

1. Generate a md5 hash of your file to verify that transferring it didn't fuck it up.
2. Always make sure that you can actually get data out of your backups.

Better luck next time, senpai.


How do I make sense out of this? It's so poorly explained...

that's not how it works
your error is between the chair and keyboard

Did you make an integrity check after copying to the external HDD?

at least an md5 hash?

>How can compression fuck up the files so badly to the point the program can't extract?
Do a little research on how compression works.
If the archieve is damaged and there's no additional repair data the archiever has no idea which file would probably decompress fine and which is fubar

upload the file and I will fix it for you

sorry op but im more inclined to think it's windows 10

All I want is to rule out all possibilities before calling it quits and learning from this mistake.

>needing to backup a 11gb game

it's >2016 nigga how slow is your internet?

what is the point of compressing a game? so you dont have to download it later and it takes less space when not using?

Never done much of it myself and seems could come in handy now that I have 2 ssd's

i'm guessing it probably had all his mods and configuration too

maybe saves as well?

oh, that makes sense. i don't play bad games so i wouldn't know much about the subject.


>windows problems

you so tarded

>and yes I ran disk check, it has no errors and have never had trouble with it.
I don't believe you.