The nvidia pascal bait and switch
>Every single instance of “Founder's Edition” can be replaced with the word “Reference,” using previous-gen nomenclature. There is not one difference in its market positioning. They are synonymous. NVidia has replaced its “Reference” name with “Founder's Edition.”
>There are not two GTX 1080 models made by nVidia. Only the “Founder's Edition” exists; there is not a cheaper card made by nVidia than the $700 Founder's Edition, which ships first.
>The “Founder's Edition” is not specially binned.
>The “Founder's Edition” is not pre-overclocked.
>The “Founder's Edition” uses the new reference cooler. The cooler is more-or-less identical to the previous reference models.
>This card is not "limited edition," despite its name that would indicate as much, and will run production through the life of the GTX 1080 product line.


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This your first time using graphics cards?

The most expensive shit always comes out first

>implying nvidia didn't try to make people think the cards were $100 cheaper than they actually are

That's fucked.

I get the premium if they're including the backplate and metal cooler shroud, but the misleading branding is horse shit. Typical for nVidia though.


i don't worry about new shit because i have the best card

Nvidia survives and thrives on misleading branding and advertising.

it's unbelievable how many people are so easily fooled by nvidias announcement, on so many levels - this one was just one of them.

the other one is that people are so excited about a paper launch.

That's not true at all. Udually the highend versions come last.

As far as we know there are zero $599 cards unless a board partner decides to charge less than Nvidia. This is pretty fucked up for Nvidia to mislead people like this.

So same price and performance of an OC 980 Ti then. I think I'm skipping this one for the 1080 Ti.

So, if you want one of Nvidia's standard coolers, you'll pay extra for it?
And if you buy a card from a 3rd party vendor, you'll get their cooling solution, custom PCB and better overclocking while paying less?

Is that what I'm understanding? What makes paying the premium worth it?

that's just so fucking false it's hilarious

Nvidias shroud is metal so you'd have to care about materials.

You can actually buy it since there won't be any custom designs for months

Nigger they said it was significantly faster

We'll see what 'significantly' means when reviews go live.
Apparently tech reviewers at the event got sent home with cards so they'll probably have videos go up soon

980 was 550 at launch, what are you getting at?

Buy a 1080 for 599 at launch then. Prove me wrong.


So when the cards launch it will only be the more expensive reference models available?

was already planning on it :^)


That's how it went with the 980 ti. The reference cards more or less stayed at the msrp of $650 while quieter cooler running custom non-reference cards sold for $50~$100 less.

And as usual amd apologist try to spin it the other way around.

It will be their shill reviewers though like James 2centz or whatever.

How is he a shill?

That never happened. There were no $500 980 Ti's.

I was just going to ask the same thing, the dude did an APU build and showered AMD with tons of praise.

He also ran an AMD build for a long ass time before finally upgrading to Intel when the performance gains became necessary

I'm sure you can put in an order for 10,000 units and they will give you the big discount that the non reference card sellers get and you can come up with your own cooling regime and and overclocking firmware. shit will be so cash

nice reading comprehension

you have to be 21 years old and under to fall for nvidias marketing and trickery

the pc tard race is full of idiots

Who cares.

I'm worried about nvidia sending the cards home with reviewers after showering them with gifts and a fucking ranch vacation.

When people are given the item they review for free, they're more likely to spin it in a positive light. I'll wait for people who didn't get free samples to review it.

The majority of people who review stuff professionally get it for free

When AMD launches their cards they'll most likely throw a huge spread as well and invite people to come party.

amd cant afford to pay shills


Jay is many things, but he isn't a shill. Although...

This is absolutely on point. They got an all expenses paid vacation and a free top-end (likely binned) video card. That can color basically anyone's opinion. I'll be more interested in the 3rd party vendor's cards and how they end up running performance-wise against retail examples of the Founders edition card.

Nah, people give positive reviews because nvidia can effectively deny people cards if they felt like it and if you are a reviewer professionally, you would be screwed.

AMD isn't in the same position because even if you don't get some AMD cards, you can still just write nvidia reviews and still get tonnes of nvidia fanboys to follow you because there is so many of them.

gtx 660 all over again?

Reminder amd lied through their teeth about overclockers dream when you couldn't oc at all. They all do it. It does rub me the wrong way though.

You mean last year you had the best card

>amd are the good guys, i-i swear!

I for one look forward to Nvidia being more and more audacious. It's interesting to see just how deep the throats of their consumers go.

Watch the vlogs that are going up

It's sickening at how much they are buttering up the reviewers

>free plane ticket in 1st class
>free luxury hotel room
>free steak dinners and custom omelet bars
>free booze
>horseback riding, skeet shooting, wine tasting and poker tournaments at a private Texas ranch
>get sent home with free top of the line gpus and probably a couple hundred dollar bills in their back pockets with a wink as they left

But oh no, we'll definitely be objective and point out any flaws during our review sponsored by EVGA

Custom omelettes? Damn

I'm of the belief that businesses should be expected to eat the cost of whatever they use to conduct business.

If you're business is to review hardware, go buy the fucking hardware.

I hate "professional" reviewers in any capacity. They're just paid shills 99% of the time.

Yep, AMD can deny cards and the reviews trash AMD and make a fuss, Nvidia didn't give out a single Titan Z for review and everyone is hush hush and try to not piss nvidia off.

Did you not read my post? That's exactly what I said.

I know, and I'm agreeing with you

anybody in their right mind would be positive about nvidia after all that

it's human nature, nvidia must really hire psychologists and shill experts

i'm pretty sure nvidia also paid people to cheer and yell during the livestream when they announced the cards

if you rewatch the stream you can hear people yelling and cheering at ridiculous things such as the price tag announcement, a girl was like "OMG YEAHHH OMG!!!" like really?

There are good ones like Kitguru who will just say the cards are bad even if it makes companies MAD.

I think those shouters were plants too. But sometimes nerds can't control themselves.

not giving anyone a review sample and only giving certain favorable sites a review copy are totally different. amd didn't give any sites the fury x2 either i believe.

also amd have actually BANNED these review sites from review copies and they're also banned from any future amd event. nvidia blacklist reviewers and totally ignore them when they give their feedback but they don't explicitly ban them from everything. everyone who has shitted on nvidia has received a review copy eventually, even if it was months later.

My bad. Sarcasm detector isn't on point today.

Awesomesauce drank the whole trip and bailed on most of the shit aside from the actual reveal conference. I'm looking forward to his review video, though he's not my favorite and I have no idea how biased he is one way or the other.

Also interesting that they sent Luke from LTT. Possible that it'll be a less biased review when Linus gets his mits on the review sample.

KitGuru is another one I'm looking forward to. They have a zero-fucks mentality when it comes to reviewing product that I greatly appreciate.

And the fact that they're better at it than AMD.

>everyone who has shitted on nvidia has received a review copy eventually, even if it was months later.
LOL like anyone cares about months later

So the founders edition is just a lube me up and fuck me card? Sounds perfect for all the nvidia fan bois. The presentation was terrible with apple tier graphs. Overall it was a wow fucken nothing presentation, at least the cards are good for the price point not the overpriced shit they always do.

that's the point. they receive a review sample eventually but the whole point here is that they're not being perma banned from samples.

What we're getting at is there will not be a $599 1080 for sale, definitely not at launch and definitely not until Vega or the 1080ti are out, and you can likely expect to find 1080s for sale from third party vendors at $650-$670

Luke's so dreamy. Their reviews are shit though. It's like watching normies play computers.

It's actually worse than that. The founders card is literally the only card.


they can and will

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ means yes, they most certainly can.

what are they getting away with?

Making money while AMD doesn't.

Misleading consumers. I've got to hand it to them though, everyone thinks it's a $599 card that was critical for a positive reception. It's fascinating watching this Huang operate. Better than any business course.


Implying AMD doesn't do the same.

>its ok when nvidia does it

This just in, nvidiots are the retard!

Making cards that get beat at all price points by AMD yet still selling more

who said that even?

It is.
Its called having good PR.

Sup Forums and AMDcucks demonstrating once again how retarded they are.

Reference cards are always more expensive than aftermarket cards.

This is nothing new, try finding a reference GTX970/980 and look at the price.

people who bring up AMD to defend nvidia's wrong doings

>Reference cards are always more expensive than aftermarket cards.

So, 1070s in SLI or single 1080?

>getting two 7.5gb meme cards

What does founders mean anyway?

Nvidia marketing term for reference design

We know that, retard. Try reading OP and try again.

Absolutely nothing, amazingly.

>buying nvidia ever

Wait so nvidia are making people pay $100+ for a fucking reference card?


It's not a 'reference' card in the sense it's a stock model. The new 'reference' cards will be high quality and high binned chips. There will probably be vendor partners with cheaper cards that have the low binned chips. It's a pretty good idea imo. I like the new look of the reference cards and I'll be picking one up for a mini itx build in December just because of that blower design.

Just to clarify. There are several different youtubers who are saying the opposite of op's post. Saying mostly what I just said.

lol, you are a delusional faggot

So when can we expect to get the non reference 1070/1080?


Be srs pls

July obviously at the latest

so the bait and switch is just for people who spend extra preordering the founders edition?

People thought they were getting something better? I thought it was just common knowledge that you're paying a premium just to have it early

how can anyone be mad at this?

you are paying a premium to have it at all when the card is supposed to be "released"

oh, so is that what I'm missing?
That there is no set release date for the card, sans founder edition, at all? What a fucking joke, that's hilarious

what about the 1070?

same story

top fucking kek
So Nvidia only won the press conference... I guess AMD still has a chance

So is the 1070 really $379 or was that bullshit too?

The "founders editions" is $450. I'm assuming the other vendors will be around $379.

Nvidiots BTFO, holy shit.

I thought op was blowing shit out of proportion, but Jesus Christ.

I'm salty FOR Nvidia lovers


its 450 until custom cards are out which will be a longggg time because designs take time. It took like 4 months before the first 28nm cards got aftermarket coolers.

>what is marketing and non reference cards
oh wait its just another shit flinging thread