Color schemes

What are Sup Forums's favorite color schemes for IDEs, text editors or whatever?

I've been using quite a few dark ones in Eclipse but now I'd like to find a nice LIGHT one. Any suggestions?

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Solarized Dark for everything. I don't know if there's anything to the supposed science behind it but I think it's cool.

I use desertink in Vim, and whatever's closest to it in anything else I might use.

I use brown with gold, which is poopie rich.

make your own

HotFudgeSundae in Notepad++

Sounds like a porn movie.


I always end up coming back to tomorrow night eighties

Monokai fo lyfe

I just threw up a little.

Motherfucking jellybeans.

Like vim, hybrid, and 9x15 (or 9x13, might have that wrong) or consolas, bunch of other fonts I like so I switch between them now and then.

man, that's a lot of noise
(cr, cursorlines, indent)

Monokai on Vim (molokai color scheme) and Atom

Darcula on all the IDEA-based IDE's

What font is this

This has been doing well for me.

Usually Monokai, but this is Darkokai.

>indentation indicators

He stole the screenshot from the github page

follow the link, I got it from the source

but do you know what font it is

a vim theme doesnt have a font in it

Not , but I'm also interested in what font this is

Comfy af

Mac Classic

I love atom's theme. A shame that it's slow.


Everything about this is shit

GruvBox is pretty good for Vim. I just turn on text highlighting for Nano

Use your digging skills.

>anything not


I swear mac users have the gayest color themes.

defaul themes

iv been coding on dark themes for so long now white makes me uncomfortable.


That font is disgusting

i can't see shit on dark themes. My monitor is usually at 70% brightness

True. It's Arch though.

ty senpai


My color script is fucked up though.


I like my own

makes me more productive cause I hurry to stop looking at it


I change around a lot but I always come back to Gruvbox

It's basically Solarized Light with a slightly darker shade of yellow for the background.

Another webdev thread, kek

i used white on black with the default ibm vga font as a kid. Still do.

i just use the dark theme for visual studio in notepad++

standard xterm with -rv flag to get white text on dark background
standard theme (no theme) so i can use both the terminal version and graphical gtk version without colorscheme issues

What is this font type?

(if (graphical-display-p)
(load-theme '1)
(load-theme '2))


>not using your own color scheme

Someone please answer this.

Looks like Free Pixel by levelb


It's terminus

Came here to post this, not only good for Vim, good for everything, I have to use .NET at work so I ported the soft version to Visual Studio. Truly a patrician color scheme.

Whatever Apple gives me, I really am not THAT autistic about it.

It's been muted grey for like 10 years now though, I approve.

>TFW you could use the entire Nextstep look and feel with OS X until 10.5 by accessing resources left over from the old days though

my negro

this produces a "custom CPU led color meme image" effect

for example, the last one is "embedded assembly hacker" and the 3rd one is "JavaScript webapp"

what font is this?

I don’t use Acme, but the colours are pretty slick.

Lately, I’ve been going with comment highlighting only: black background, white text, grey comments. I love it. Just me and the code.

I just use whatever generic dark theme that's built in + Source Code Pro for the font.

Bump this question

Good old Railscasts color scheme + Anonymous Pro font. They've been my standby for years.

From time to time I'll switch it up and use Menlo or PT Mono instead.

What IDE's or text editors do you guys use?

intellij idea or emacs

gnu nano master race!

I use neovim as an IDE

my own (based on batman colourscheme)
