How do we resolve systemd?


Install Gentoo

>it's another sunnyD thread

what's up with that

What's actually wrong with it again?

Other than
>it's new so it must be shit

its not really new, it just shits up aPid1 for something that i dont need in Pid1. atheres a


If it ain't broke, don't fix it xD

I don't see how that potter faggot still doesn't understand that everything he makes is shit, no matter how many connections he has to distro maintainers. Literally everyone hates him.

people that use those things are super gay

>how do we resolve performance?
>how do we resolve ease of use in free software?
Oh I'm laughing my fedora off

>How do we resolve systemd?
>I really mean how do you resolve systemd because I never have and never will contribute to an open source project in a meaningful way.

install openrc

Write a replacement

I get the hate for systemd, I really do. However, for the average linux user it works. It does what it needs to do and does it relatively quickly. Most computers come with SSDs so boot times will be quick anyway, no matter what startup software is used.

the only argument against systemd that is really reasonable is that it does too much in PID1, which is risky (if PID1 dies, the system dies)
this is fair, we just need to ensure the PID1 component of systemd is rock-solid

the rest boils down to just "it's too different", yea, it's different, but you can't move forward without allowing for change, systemd may not be perfect, but it's the best one yet overall



>people still giving a shit about unix principles
linux is not unix
it's better than unix ever was

Fuck. That picture reminded me of that time I did this with a friend when I was like 4 years old. Fucker pissed all over my pants. Never again

That's hot

For someone who don't give a fuck. What is systemd?


I use systemd and I'm not gay

Use BSD. It's your best option if you hate systemd or Lennart.

>unironically using BSD when it has the exact same "base system" attitude as systemd, as a way to avoid systemd's problems.

Your average Sup Forums poster everyone.

It doesn't do much in PID1. PID1 is a simple init program.

I don't use systemd and I'm super gay.

yea, but it's not as bare as sysvinit's pid1

i'm not saying it's definately something to worry about, just that it's the only argument i've seen that is at least sensible, and not just preference/opinion

>not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.


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