Well, this is the final nail in the coffin for Linux anti-windows faggots who don't know what they're talking about

Well, this is the final nail in the coffin for Linux anti-windows faggots who don't know what they're talking about.

There you go retards - you now have Linux bash on Windows. You mad? You mad that Windows is now more powerful and easier for development than your meme desktop bullshit? Topkek. While you're over there breaking shit by downloading everything for a package yourself, I'll be over here working on shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>While you're over there breaking shit by downloading everything for a package yourself

You don't know what you're talking about. That doesn't happen.

Install KDE desktop and remove explorer and then comeback

>wow I have WINE installed XDDD.

>logged in as root
What a pleb lol

Lack of GNOME
Lack of Privacy
Lack of Freedoms

How am i supposed to even be productive?
>Meme Desktop
But you're using it right now. Works flawlessly on all my machines.

>i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about.
Ok Pajeet if you shill the fuck out of it then show us some nice script working on Win10.

What are you going to develop on windows? Bug fixes to programs that you bought with money?

>bash on Windows

You can't run it as a non-root user.
You can't run X11 apps.
You can't run "server" software.


And I would use Windows 10 with Ubuntu bash, if only my keyboard and Wi-Fi drivers worked with Windows 10.

>still using the word driver

uh cygwin has been a thing for awhile.
I also bet cygwin is a more feature complete POSIX -> WIN32 shim as well since you can run X.org on it.

>What are you going to develop on windows?
Actual software that real people use. Linux is all meta shit that no end user will ever use.

this is a fucking joke right?

how the fuck is this better than fucking cygwin then?

why is everyone jerking off to this memey shitty faggy M$ tier garbage Linux (POSIX) -> WIN32 shim?

Evidently it's just moron Windows fanatics like OP who think they know what they're talking about.

>Actual software that real people use

Such as?

What is the last major project you've worked on?

Without linux, windows would have gone to shit as they would have nobody to compete against. They would literally taking a crap and selling it.

Bill Gates is actually doing this btw. He is working on making drinking water from sewage. As I said, microsoft are selling crap.

Games, Android Apps, Web browser addons, specialized calculators, various editors.

Not that guy, but I had to drop Linux because there is absolutely no art or video editing program worth using for Linux (also tablet drivers are horrible).

I just watched a Linux talk where the speaker said windows desktop exclusivity is dead because you can get *photoshop* on android. linux fags are delusional.

There probably are but they are too far up David Stahlmans ass, bathed in freedom lube that you cannot find them.

you can run photoshop in wine tho

with enough wine everybody is possible

>but I had to drop Linux because there is absolutely no art or video editing program worth using for Linux

GIMP and krita?

That's MORE than enough for probably 95% of users.


What Gayme have you worked on?

>Android Apps

This can be done on Gnu/Linux.

>Web browser addons

This can be done on Gnu/Linux.

>specialized calculators

This can be done on Gnu/Linux and made cross-platform as it doesn't use any specific system calls.

>various editors

Such as?

Holy shit are you retarded?
You do realize that Windows is the most widely used OS available, right? And as a result it has all the best software made by actual companies with real professional software developers, right?

Literally you don't gain anything from a developer standpoint by switching to Linux. All that happens is you lose all of the best dev tools in favor of shitty horrible freeware alternatives made by hobbyist morons which will ALWAYS pale in comparison to their proprietary cousins on Windows, because of how the markets work.

And then when it comes to actually doing things, Linux takes way too fucking long to set up the tools on. I spent 45 minutes installing Steam to talk to my friends because I apparently needed some 32 bit open gl libraries that weren't downloaded correctly, and then, I had to use shitty, horribly made IDEs for Python development.

Not to mention the fact that you lose access to languages and development opportunities at that, such as .NET, Visual Studio, etc.

Using Linux as your primary desktop OS is just fucking retarded. It's good for servers and laptops. That's it. Only hipster morons who want to talk down to other people use that shit as their primary OS.

Tell me ONE SINGLE THING that you gain by switching to Linux that isn't
>o u hvae more power :D

Like here's the thing: I don't doubt that when properly set up, Linux probably can make development just as easy and good if not better than it is on Windows, but the thing is I don't have TIME to sit here and fuck around endlessly with bullshit. I have work to do.

>This can be done on Gnu/Linux
>This can be done on Gnu/Linux
>This can be done on Gnu/Linux
>This can be done on Gnu/Linux
Yeah, and it can also be done on Windows, probably much more simple as well.

"but u can do that on linux xD"
isn't a valid argument as to why you should use Linux over Windows

Look mate, I'm real proud of you. I'm real proud that you spent an hour installing Linux and then 5 days setting up your desktop environment, but in the real world, people don't have time for that shit. They want to actually get work done. That's why Linux is bad for development. That and for the reasons listed here

Where can I buy windows pro cheaper?

Is this ok? It's the cheapest I found ( haven't searched very much ) - it is OEM, there's a 50 eur version on G2A but not sure if it's OEM or something else as it's not mentioned.


>Linux bash
argue what you will about a kernel being an operating system (it's not), but this is utterly and objectively wrong
it literally is GNU Bash you unhelpable dolt

>using nonfree software at all ever for any reason

why/how do people like op exist and think they have anything of value to say?

I don't doubt you can achieve good results with either GIMP or Krita, but I would never choose them over Photoshop or Sai.
They're mostly programs that "work," instead of programs that "work well," and I think it's kind of symptomatic of Linux mostly being an OS aimed at programmers and only programmers for a home desktop.

>I spent 45 minutes installing Steam

>lol le free ware xD
Why is freeware better than paid? Can you explain this to me? Or are you going to use your liberal socialist logic on your software now too?

>Lack of GNOME

Not having GNOME is a feature. Don't kid yourself.

>Yeah, and it can also be done on Windows, probably much more simple as well.
>"but u can do that on linux xD"
>isn't a valid argument as to why you should use Linux over Windows

It's not an argument for why you should use it over Gnu/Linux.

You(or someone else on your side) made the argument that people do not use Gnu/Linux because they work on """"real applications"""" creating """"reals software""""" that "People actually use".

I inquired on which specific software they worked on, and it was discovered that nearly none of it was Windows-exclusive

>I'm real proud that you spent an hour installing Linux and then 5 days setting up your desktop environment

Are you capable of using anything besides strawmen?

it took me 30 minutes to install and 2 minutes to download my scripts and dot files to setup my system as I like it.

>but in the real world, people don't have time for that shit. They want to actually get work done.

Again I just told you it can all be done.

Setting up your system for a few hours, ONCE and then never again does not impede your workflow you lazy retard.

How often do you install a new system? A couple of hours once for every new computer is not going to somehow destroy your productivity.

Please don't respond to these kinds of majorly mentally disabled children, ignore and move on, we have too many Indian shills getting attention as it is, don't give this Indian any attention

>I spent 45 minutes installing Steam to talk to my friends because I apparently needed some 32 bit open gl libraries that weren't downloaded correctly

This takes a very short time. Are you mentally retarded?

>to use shitty, horribly made IDEs for Python development.


There's fucking PYCHARM just like on Windows (the best python IDE) you utter fucking lying faggot

Here's what went down:
>Set everything up
>apt-get install steam
>it installs perfectly fine, no warnings
>start it up, it screams at me for missing 32 bit libraries
>the only way to get the 32 bit libraries is to install the 32 bit version of my video card drivers. Can't install the 64 bit and 32 bit side by side. No no, Linux is very powerful, but it's not that powerful I guess.
>Do so
>Installing the drivers somehow knocks out my network manager
>Fix the network manager, Steam still won't work, crashes and gives me some unhelpful error message

And that's not to mention how when I booted into fucking Linux the first time, it was all blurry as fuck, the mouse wasn't working at all, etc.

It's just such a hassle to set this shit up, and for what? Absolutely fucking nothing is gained from it at all. Like I said, you just lose shit in the process.

do you perhaps mean free software?

`better' is completely irrelevant
in a computationally centric world, when you don't have control over your computing, whoever does has control over you
freedom, personal sovereignty, and privacy are more important than capability, comfort, or convenience

He isn't talking about freeware dumbass it's free software, freeware is proprietary but distributed for free as in price, free software is free "as in freedom" and can also be free as in price, but can also be sold.

>They're mostly programs that "work," instead of programs that "work well,

You don't know what you're talking about.

GIMP is fully-featured and quite extensively outside of being a professional graphic designer or some shit.

Let's be real here a very very small portion of people on Sup Forums or any website need the specific features missing from GIMP and only available in Photoshop for their job.

>Just work

Krita is amazing

>Why is freeware better than paid?

Because we believe software should be free(as in freedom) to modify, redistribute and sell as people wish once they purchase it.

>actually doing things
>installing Steam

Are you baiting my bait?

That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my entire life and it literally proves everything that has been said about the "free software xD" movement completely and utterly right.

As I said, the quality of product will always be better if the product is for sale, as the people designing and marketing said product has to make it the best they can to compete with other software products like it. Money is used as a competition tool. They get money for making the best software in their given fields.

This is exactly why the majority of paid for software is better than their freeware alternatives. Freeware software is almost always made by hobbyist programmers, and is almost always full of security holes and bugs. This is because there is no competition in freeware.

You can swing your dick all over the place and wag it at me all you want how
>wel its not influecned by gred xD so its beter
but the fact and truth of what I'm saying remains.

This is a problem of your shitty distro of choice. It's not Linux' fault that Ubuntu or whatever shitty Debian derivate you're using can't into package management/resolving dependencies right.

top kek

>As I said, the quality of product will always be better if the product is for sale

You do realize that many things major companies use every day are distributed as Free software, correct?

You do realize that the building blocks of the internet as we know it are free software, yes?

ok kid

>Yeah, and it can also be done on Windows, probably much more simple as well.
This is very subjective though.

>isn't a valid argument as to why you should use Linux over Windows
No one said it was, it's a matter of preferences.

>I'm real proud that you spent an hour installing Linux and then 5 days setting up your desktop environment
You're not convincing anyone dude

>but in the real world, people don't have time for that shit.
One of the reason why i use linux is because it requires less mantainance, at least in my own experience. When i put on the scale the pros and cons of windows and linux, linux wins for me, that's all.

>They want to actually get work done.
>That's why Linux is bad for development.
man, if you want to convince someone at least don't claim thing that are obviously not true as if it were how things are.

Literally you can sell free software, I bought a Debian CD, I bought a service from Ekiga for phone calls, software is software, there is tons of free software that can be better than paid (which free software can be paid too) it is code that gets executed, whether it's distributed free or not does not dictate quality

I was using Debian.
I also tried it on Arch, fucking Kali, I literally tried 3 distros for an entire day each and couldn't fucking get Steam to work at all on any of them.

On Windows, installing software is usually as easy and just running the installer. And then there you go you have it all done and ready to go.

On Linux though, it can't be simple. You have to fucking go and do x to do y, but to do y you need to do z first. It takes like 5 minutes to install something on Linux compared to taking like 1 on Windows. And that's just for a simple program. For larger things it takes alot of fucking retarded work.

It's especially fun when something breaks during the install and then you can't install packages at all.

>On Linux, you are free because you get to do everything that installers do on Windows! Don't you feel free yet?

the art of trolling lives!

>Freeware software is almost always made by hobbyist programmers, and is almost always full of security holes and bugs

Is that why the Linux kernel is infinitely more secure than the Windows NT kernel?

Is that why Windows is such a vulnerable piece of garbage and Gnu/Linux desktops have not had many major security issues?

>Paid software is better than free software

You are aware that Redhat for example is professional software developers, making a lot of money, with many years of experience who have worked on tons of free software?

You are aware that many Free software developers are actually professional software developers by trade and have worked in the field for many years and wish to work on their passion and design a project they like for the community? - It being free of cost is irrelevant.

And by the way, I would pay money for my Gnu/Linux distro and all the Programs I have installed if that were the case

Yeah, free as in free speech not as in free beer.

>I tried to install Steam on Kali

10/10 b8. You tried to install videogaymes on a bootable usb/CD pentesting distro.

all i want is to do is ssh without using putty or securecrt

thanks based microsoft

is this the newest pasta?

>Linux mostly being an OS aimed at programmers and only programmers for a home desktop.
Isn't you conclusion a bit slippery sloppy?
Even if photoshop and sai are better (assuming you're right) gimp and krita are not hard to use, i fail to see how you can jump to that conclusion.

b-but sir! i thought that paid for software was bad!!!?!?????

If anyone is wondering, the talk is Windows is awesome by Brian lunduke

>b-but sir! i thought that paid for software was bad!!!?!?????

No Pajeet, we are talking about Free as in Freedom, not free as in free beer.

The Gnu License actually allows you to modify existing software and sell it.

>The Gnu License actually allows you to modify existing software and sell it.
Dude, this thread is trolls trolling trolls, save your energy for when an actual Pajeet shows up.

OP never worked with an actual company that needs servers, databases, websites or any service besides user friendly management software

Kill yourself

you try Mint?

you can do a full install of kali. and you can install steam on it. itd probly be a pain in the ass because you'd have to install all of the dependencies and you might break ur install. but you can.

its stupid, but you can. thats why linux is best.

Of course you can, Kali is just Debian with a bunch of pre-installed tools for pentesting and a DE.

But it's beyond retarded


Enjoy your ads.

>building blocks of the internet

>cisco ios is open source

>I also tried it on Arch, fucking Kali, I literally tried 3 distros for an entire day each and couldn't fucking get Steam to work at all on any of them.

It's easy as fuck, at least accept it's your fault, linux doesn't comes installed with most computers and is not teach in schools to people when is young, it's pretty clear you was unwilling to learn and you tried to do everything "the windows way" even if the "linux way" can be more easy if you know how to do it.

>On Windows, installing software is usually as easy and just running the installer. And then there you go you have it all done and ready to go.

It's the same on linux, enabling the 32 bit architecture is literally one google search away in the first result.

>You have to fucking go and do x to do y, but to do y you need to do z first.
Package managers solves most of that things for you from trusted software sources, it's not like you're describing.

>It takes like 5 minutes to install something on Linux compared to taking like 1 on Windows.
Again, on linux you don't even need to open the browser to download and if a dependency was already installed you don't need to download it again. How windows can be faster than that?

>And that's just for a simple program. For larger things it takes alot of fucking retarded work.
In my own experience installing and uninstalling software on linux is more convenient, just try to uninstall multiple programs in windows or install a bunch of programs on windows that comes with different installers, with the package managers you only need to mark the packages you want to install or uninstall and do something else while you wait, everything is automatic in most cases.

>It's especially fun when something breaks during the install and then you can't install packages at all.
This only happens if your installation media was corrupted, most distros offers integrity checks dude.

windows cucks will defend this

They will and they don't care, every person defines differently the line of what's acceptable and in my opinion ads is the least of their worries. I'll just keep using the OS i feel comfy with.

Hey, fellow winfag here

shut the fuck up

nobody who likes Windows likes 10 you complete abortion

No, it's the other way around, dumb fuck. Windows is desperate. Hence the fucking GNU/Linux adoption. Just install GNU/Linux and call it a day, Pajeet. Windows will be a thing of the past unless you work for major Western entities, in which case migration will take a little longer.

There's still no feasible replacement for Active Directory, Exchange or Office. Microsoft isn't going anywhere unless someone steps up.

Libre / OO is fine so long as you don't need to interact with MS office. I still don't understand the appeal of Exchange and I've worked with it, OpenLDAP is getting there with AD (still a ways to go), but ultimately AD is only a necessity if you need policies on windows machines in the first place.

Too bad ping and ifconfig do not work. This needs a lot of work. Can you even compile a vanilla 4.6 kernel on this? Or rebuild gblic?

Yes you can moron.

>Lack of GNOME

even though gnome is my favorite DE, why the fuck would you need it to be productive?

That's just a retarded argument

Linux replacement huh?

Congratulations, you can run a useful OS in a toy one. That's neat and all, but why should I care when I can do everything in Linux without the Windows part?

Prove it. Run xterm.

Run named in it. httpd. ntpd.


I am running as a non-root user.

X does not work.

http shit does not work. The faggot nigger curry monkey OP seems to think this is the bees knees. Stupid indian nigger faggot bitch beaner coon kike wop greaser bitch.

I guess they fixed the non-root thing since the original release. Point taken - still though, only very slightly less useless.

Yeah Photoshop Touch, its okay, I have it, the way you have to save twice and go through menus to export an image is a pita though.

It's not real Photoshop though.

Why not actually use Fedora Core or Debian on hardware. Or a VPS over SSH? Anything is better than this. Theonly use I have for this is using SSH over a VPN with the bash shell or programming.

GIMP is a piece of shit.

GIMP also runs on Windows, so there's no need to switch to Linux for GIMP when you can just run GIMP on Windows anyway.

Instead of GIMP Windows users also have Paint.NET which is far superior (and free).

None of these replace Photoshop at all, but Paint.NET is at least good.

>Unix shell+utils
>for development
>without acme to tie it all together

This meme never gets old

inb4 vim babies

You have a computer to run software (or play games) you want to use.

All an OS does is run the software you want.

Stop picking your OS first then looking for suitable "alternative" software.

Pick your first choice software you want to use, then pick the OS that will run that software.

It's not that fucking hard, jfc.


But if people did that even less people would be using Linux than now.

you mean nobody would use anything but DOS

>it runs wordperfect what are you even going on about fucking nerds

Well it beats developing in Linux, you've got Visual Basic 1.0 and QuickBasic 7.1 PDS, you can link in libs written in assembly and C/C++.

you funny guy

i call you autist last

But ping does not work in Windows 10 bash shell moron.

Hey man Future.Library was the shit, assembly written library giving you access to high res high bit depth display, high speed blitting etc.. not more shitty screen 13 games, you could write some high res shit for DOS.

I get battery life. For some reason windows just gets terrible battery life on my laptop but Ubuntu can easily get 8 hours.

>linux didn't have a GUI in 1993
>GUI is the only feature that matters
>win10 has a usable POSIX interface

>linux didn't come up with
>64-bit support
>journaled filesystems
>large file support
>PXE boot
>usable built-in firewall
>with NAT, PBR, QoS, bridging, etc. etc. etc.
>modular kernel
>PAE support
>headless support
>lights-out administration
>boot and run entirely from memory
>boot and run from read-only media
>Magic SysRq, remote diagnostics
>profiling, tracing, numa,
>think I've made the point

>all years and years and years before windows

Linux did have a GUI in 1993, and it was actually more usable than the de-facto official GUI it has now (gtk3/gnome)

And then the X desktop group bloated the everloving fuck out of X because they wanted spinning cubes, and linux users decided they didn't want a GUI anymore


Alright I've calmed down from my sperglord bullshit now and I'm willing to admit I probably was being straight up stupid with what I was doing on Debian. Near the end though, I became so fucking desperate to get shit to work I just started doing everything I could find. I tried enabling the 32 bit architecture too with the command but it still wouldn't work. Linux just isn't for me.

Linux isn't for people who just want to get work done, or spend their time using their software. It's for people who want to spend their time on the actual OS itself, rather than software.