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Technology #546
So denuvo is the new big anti-piracy tech, but it seems to actually be doing its job...
Monitors are the biggest scams
ITT: tech cringe
ITT Obscure Distros
Microsoft puts you in charge of the Windows Phone team/division/whatever and tasks you with getting Windows Phone up to...
VR hype is over
Can someone please help me?
I'm ready to get torn a new asshole by you guys:
You're battery life will never be this good
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
My dad's a senior .Net developer and he just told me that some of his interviewees fail the fizzbuzz test???
In December...
Seems like a site similar to vncroulette recently popped up
Intel = NSA botnet
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Should I stop using Debian for my Desktop?
Ask someone who sold their tech startup for millions but loathes them self so much they still come to Sup Forums...
It's Not ‘Malware’ When We Have a Warrant, FBI Says
So, Sup Forums why aren't you using the best, just werks distro?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Daily reminder to sudo pacman -Syu
I haven't been on Sup Forums for two years, what did I miss?
I hate microsoft
I just ordered a 144hz monitor. Are they worth it or just a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
A hypothetical question
Who else here is /PCI passthrough/?
Windows 10 just tried to install itself on my machine. I had to cut the power to prevent the process from completing
When will the AMD meme finally die so Nvidia can make better cards?
Some guys are messing with my friend on twitter. What's an easy way to troll them back?
HP laptop
Programming requires a lot of math?
We dun goofed?
RIP in peace
Ask a Cyber Security Consultant Anything
OS X look on Linux
I have heard a rumour that DuckDuckGo is not so private afterall, are those claims true?
/wt/ watch thread
CMD opens and closes again quickly upon Windows startup
What OS did Hodor use before he died?
This is getting out of control. I am a Java programmer who is a masturbation addict...
What search engine and browser do you guys use? I use Google and Vivaldi
Terry Davis General /tdg/
A good alternative to the shitty Arch Linux meme?
Shit tier battle station thread
Speccy thread
Why does it seem that no matter what phone or your specs are...
/sqt/ - Stupid question thread
Why are the Linux folks freaking out over systemd when they've got way bigger problems already like glibc, ALSA...
What browser do you use on your Android phone?
Does a stand like this exist for android with a Micro USB plug instead of the Apple one?
PC Build
Is shis drive legit?
AN 11-YEAR-OLD whizz kid has built a high spec computer from his bedroom in East London
When you install linux but it has worse performance than W7
Spray to remove human fluids
Wishing to become a white hat
Windows has zero fucking quality control
windows builds:
Tried to post a vp8 webm clip and got:
I'm fucking sick of unity. What's Sup Forums's favorite light desktop environment?
Post Tech you found and kept/use
I am the 3% of America that still uses dialup. I am posting this from a PC with Windows 98 installed on it...
AMD showed a pic of the Summit Ridge die during their shareholder meeting
Free from systemD
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
“We investigate the anecdotal belief that end users will pick up and plug in USB flash drives they find by completing...
The 1070
Is there anything more disgusting that says "I'm poor" then seeing someone with an iPhone?
I rarely need to print at home, but I do need to occasionally. What's my best bet for a printer that's inexpensive?
Whats the best way of obtaining privacy on the web?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Rank programming and scripting languages into what tiers they are
Were these made to be some sort of torture device?
Why is HP hated so much?
He fell for the internal flash-based storage meme
Will vulkan crush the closed directx 12...
What do? It started by its own. I don't fucking want windows 10
What did you make with your Raspberry Pi, lads?
Is there a faster card than the 295X2? Will there be one this year?
Be in the middle of a coding project
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/tdg/ Terry Davis General
What is the best free alternative to photoshop? (for windows)
Is it autistic to use LaTeX (the latex logo command) in your CV?
Laptop thread
Why did you get into computers instead of cars?
When will this meme end?
Cons of programming languages you like
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Removing as many fans as possible
A SQL server
WebRTC forced ON - Chromium Chrome based browsers
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Any other fags here still using kitkat?
Why aren't you using a stand up desk Sup Forums?
His programming language can't add up 0.2+0.1
What did this man do (or did not do) to deserve to be the stickied-man for Sup Forums
ITT: Underrated companies
Technology advancing
Useful bash aliases/functions/scripts
I wish people would stop using the term "ai" until REAL ai exists
Hello Sup Forums, what is it like to be a programmer ?
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by...
Lying or fluffing a resume if you can back it up with experience (from personal projects). What does Sup Forums think?
What's stopping me from putting a 128gb sd card into my Galaxy note 4 and dual boot android with a linux distro and...
Teens Explain Why Girls "Can't Code"
2016- Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Phones are stupidly big
Tell me everything that's wrong with windows 10
Consumer scumbag general
Coding money
Prove Nvidia gimps AMD and older Nvidia GPUs
Help please
Let's say I want to start an image hosting service
Invisible computer
Why does it looks so ugly? Why Google can't into design?
Comfy Sunday edition
Cellular Service
Why are Mac users so bashed? Like why does everyone call them MacFags?
No guts thread? That must change
I'm cutting the cord, but I can't decide on which streaming device is best. What is Sup Forums's device of choice...
Find a flaw - protip u cant
Best FPS mice edition!
Shoud I use Kubuntu
/VPG/ - Vape general
The Sup Forums Wiki:
Battlestation thread /bst/
2nd best language after Python
Seriously, how bloody fucked can Windows 10 get? How could anyone see this as "progress" ?!?
Top kek
When I have children, they will consider themselves lucky to have a 90 dollar chinkphone
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Gddr5x confirmed
Just try to open a PDF editor in any Linux based distribution. Why do you niggers shill this product so much again?
Does Chromium include any of the Google botnet or government surveillance features? Should I use it?
I have an extra $30 to spend, what tech can I buy?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Motherboard: Asus vs MSI ?¿?
Tfw install Linux to escape the botnet
Why haven't you moved to *BSD yet, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you part of the master race?
Git clients
Sup Forums approved android apps
Do you guys think its pretty much pointless and degenerate to learn second or third language seeing how the technology...
How do we get this fat fraud off the sticky?
Is Pirate Bay a Honeypot?
FUCK YOU Sup Forums
Will buying an iPhone get me laid? 22 year old virgin here
Best browser thread
What is the cheapest way to get a legal copy of windows 10?
Do y'all fucks remember the open office mouse
Need the best pc for 800-1000 € (pic unrealted)
My new PC I built just turns on, runs for about 15 seconds then restarts
What the fuck is with all the anti-Stallman threads lately? Are we being raided by pajeet shills from Microsoft?
PC build help
Face it. He's a try-hard. He calls himself Dr. Stallman despite only having honorary degrees...
What does SE stand for?
How much do you spend on your ESCAPE PROJECT?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Gigabit by 2019? Or totally fucked?
/jobs/ Job Thread
Meriken's Tripcode Engine No.8
I got a new toy, any tips for making it better?
Be prepared to be wrong
What does Sup Forums think of windows 10?
Why do people even bother with nvidia cards?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What killed clear shell electronics?
Indians are only codemonkeys
So I'm looking at the 1080 benchmarks
Hi, I'm here for the Java interview
Using workstation/server motherboards with standard cases and PSUs
Find my windows 7 laptop
What's your honest opinion about Technigger?
A PC for under a thousand
Why do Google and Microsoft only hire people from top universities...
Is space colonization possible?
What terminal emulator does Sup Forums use...
Why should I use Linux?
Describe your daily job
Little bother wants a "gaming laptop" what do?
How can I make money fast so I can make it to Defcon this year Sup Forums ?
Why doesn't Sup Forums support SVG yet?
What is up with all the fucking weeb threads on Sup Forums? Anime is not technology related
Hacking and Programming
How do I uncuck my shit?
I was in a coma for 12 years and I would like to see what a desktop screen looks like nowadays...
How does someone who has literally zero experience with programming go about starting to learn?
What DE do you use and why?
Looking for a mouse
Alright Sup Forums here is a tough one
/tdg/ Terry Davis General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Virtual machine vs dual boot. Are virtual machines slower and unnatural?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Does microwaving a HDD as a whole (not only the disc) REALLY makes its unrecoverable?
Are xiaomi pistons the real good budget shit? Or are $20 bluetooth earphones worth it?
Let's have a power bang thread
Tfw 10 core android phones will be coming out
Buy an iMac
Hello Sup Forums
What's a good CPU cooler that isn't a meme?
We should do a Sup Forums sings
Under the "number of sexual partners" question you responded with "N/A"
Who /Jewish master race/ here?
I've got a new S6, what do now?
Dedicates his life to free software...
Which one of you did this?
The Ara body contains a fixed CPU, GPU, antennas, sensors, battery, and display...
What should I major in, Accounting or Computer and Information Systems?
33 seeders
I present you my next PC build after 7-8 years with my actual computer :D
Black widow vs k70
Are M2 SSDs just a meme?
Is Java just a shittier version of C#?
I'm unable to type startx, so i need a retarded login screen
"just stream it" they said
Post software or apps you hate
Apple's future = India
Hey Sup Forums
Show me your phone screen, Sup Forums
What's the most Sup Forums thing you've ever done?
Questions about epub and mobi
BSD hate thread
What's the best soda for coding and building, configuring, and maintaining technology? And why is it Big Red?
ICloud removals
Need a good solution
>>>/edc/ general
/wt/ watch thread
Post your Custom New Tab and Home Pages
New Build
So what's the best password manager currently?
Why do you still use Firefox?
Carly Fiorina
Is Iridium a meme?
Show me how to transform *Ubuntu into Win 95, please
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Why on the holy fuck is this allowed?
Any Win9x emulator (especially for Linux)?
Does anybody know the homepage for this OS?
Why the fuck would any westerner learn to program in 2016 when every entry level job requires a B.S...
What do you do with your old computers when you upgrade?
Video Editing
Hi Sup Forums
Phone addiction
My 4chanX extension keeps reloading the page im on
The motherfuckers in my country block facebook again. They even block tor. what should I do?
Thinking of switching from Linux mint to some Arch based distro, to explore the posibilities of AUR
/bst/ Thread. Old is near bump limit
Intel BTFO
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Homescreen General
Best HTML Editor
OpenRC vs SystemD
Have TN gaming panel for years - VG248QE
Modern text editors
ITT we make Sup Forums approvd insults. I'll start
be me
Ok, let's talk about one of the most crucial parts in our battle machines, Sup Forums
Why the fuck does legacy ports exist on even on todays mobos?
Is there anything more useless/retarded than Amazon reviews?
How do I get rid of those lines in this monitor?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Speccy thread
How do you argue with
Have you ever had exploding capacitors or other spooky shit happen with your computer, Sup Forums?
Find a flaw
Buying Scamsung
What makes Python so comfy?
Getting rid of the Google botnet
Win 10 and NSA
Is Sup Forums excited for season 2 of Mr. Robot?
Oh man, I can't wait for that RAZR android t9 flip phone, it's the phone Sup Forums has been waiting for
Macbooks are overpriced
ITT: Only the sexiest pieces of technology
Tfw HD 7950 finally died after 3 years
Hey Sup Forums, do you use the audio enhancer that comes with laptops? SRS, Dolby, DTS, etc
Rebuilding your PC
Hide away Windows 10 and make it look like Windows 7
Who can recommend me a good lightweight laptop for playing with linux on it?
Do you guys think the market will be oversaturated with CS graduates by the time I graduate (3 years)?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is this the only usable browser on OS X?
Asus A6U
Why Firefox for Android is like a needle inserted into urethra, I wonder...
Let's discuss PC cases, Sup Forums
I need help finding the right laptop Sup Forums
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Google’s Making Its Own Chips Now. Time for Intel to Freak Out
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I love how AMDcucks never learn and are getting their hopes up again. This is how it goes EVERY time
Dude, look how fast technology is developing >*proceeds to fly on a an airplane developed in the 60s*
What are smartphones going to be like exactly ten years from now?
Do people actually use Linux as their daily driver or is it a meme?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hello Sup Forums
Home Server Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Seriously considering getting an SE
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Thanks Sup Forums for the endless gentoo shitposts
So how many of you troglodytes are still using a PC?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
Why doesn't someone just make a competitor to Windows that isn't Linux or OS X?
/mpv/ - keep it simple, awesome
Its been so long yet its still so fucking expensive
Why bother with boring, lame self-driving cars, when it's all about SKILL and SPEED?
Will sex robots really happen in the future?
Thoughts on C++?
All macs
At what point did Microsoft go downhill?
I'm installing Win 7 on an old Pentium 2 266mhz dinosaur. It's been stuck at 30% expanding files for the last 3 hours...
Windows 10
How can I make my linux mint look good, Sup Forums?
Lmaoing @ the niggers who say gaming isn't possible on linux
Meriken's Tripcode Engine No. 7
XPosed framework
Bitches prefer Mac users and here's why
Stallman is a fat fuck who needs a fitness tracking device to show him how unhealthy his lifestyle is
Just bought a Nexus 5x for $200 with Google Fi
Sup Forums what would be a functional...
My face when the amount of Random Access Memory in my Personal Computer is equal to sixteen Gigabytes and it is a meme
How do you keep your notes Sup Forums? Do you keep them in plain text or markdown, store them in a personal wiki etc
"Install Linux" they said
ITT: Your most used applications
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
What the fuck is this? I can't open xcode while the update is downloading
Acer Chromebook 14
Post your text editor and color schemes
Falling for the CS meme
Exactly what made this company so awful?
Comcast is the worse company in the world, it is built on lies, and poor customer support
How much does it cost to build a low storage home server? It doesn't have to be an uninterruptible failure proof tank...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are there any laptops under $300 that have REALLY fast boot up times? Or is Chromebook the fastest?
It's that time again
Google is glorifying a Bin Laden/Mao sympathizer. Does it get any fucking lower than that?
How did this happen?
/cpug/ CPU general
Buy gtx 970 for 1080p gaming
How do you organize your folders?
Why arent you using a smaller phone?
Best torrent program for raspberry pi 2 running rasbian? Also how does Sup Forums read and write ext4 in Winshit 7?
This thread was created to prevent anons from spamming new threads, for technology questions they have
Free as in freedom
All these fucking threads about people getting mad because their computers upgraded to Windows 10 without them telling...
Are Integral ssds good?
GPU Smell
Hey Sup Forums, rather ask this here than in Sup Forums. What's a good piano keyboard that I can purchase...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is JSON the best way to structure data before sending it over a network?
Be me
Hello Sup Forums I am planning on pranking the Indian Windows scammers, they are fucking assholes...
What are you currently using to edit code Sup Forums, and why?
How can i learn to use the fucking linux terminal?
Why does Sup Forums always cry about proprietary software but will spend thousands on proprietary hardware?
"Hey bro, you mind if I use your laptop for a sec to check Facebook?"
You wouldn't use a 7 year old GNU/Linux version, so why would you use a 7 year old version of Windows?
Tech Support
Why is Sup Forums against trans people in IT/CS? Care to explain?
Be honest Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Housefire edition
Free from systemD
What the fuck is the point of this pattern lock, when smudges on the screen reveal the pattern?
Ok, Sup Forums my friend told me a while ago that he thought of a new kind of Internet system...
Post useful bash functions
Project Ara Lives: Google’s Modular Phone Is Ready for You Now
Why so much wasted space?
Back in the day, which company made the highest quality VCRs?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
TFW you go six for six technical questions in a job interview
Macfags on suicide watch
Slow image loading
How the fuck do I go back to Windows 7...
What age did you grow out of video games and focus more on programming and other productive computer-based activities...
Primary USB monitor?
Turn on pc
Mycroft AI
Yahoo only worth $2~3B
Homescreen thread
Are there any professional penetration testers here...
Sup Forums X is slow and bloated
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
We pretend it is the year 2000
Will Sup Forums be buying a GTX 1080?
On my good old GTX 670
Automatic Oculus Update Adds DRM
Whats a good monitor to buy for gaming guys?
Hey Sup Forums, I have a question
I need some help. Just over 2 months ago I built my first ever PC...
/wt/ watch thread
I indent with spaces instead of tabs
So Quickpic has been cancer malware for a while now and the old clean versions look like ass now
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
14 year old programmer refused $30m buyout
Isn't dual booting awesome Sup Forums?
What convinced you to give up Windows?
ITT tech illiterate people
Thanks for saving the Internet again, Jon
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
What is it about Indian people that makes them so technologically savvy? Especially more so than white people
Best Linux distro
Windows 7 was the last good OS
Does anyone rememer that car from the early 2000s that could run on food?
$25/month for this. Yay or nay?
Google Drive and Porn
Show us your PS1s Sup Forums!
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Embracing the botnet
So Sup Forums, I just bought an ideapad 100s laptop. Never before have I seen a new windows laptop so cheap...
I pay $120 a month for this
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Tfw 10 core android phones will be coming out
Windows 10 Free Upgrade Deadline Approching
Is Discord botnet?
What browser do you use on Linux? I used Chrome on Windows but Chromium sucks
Fiber internet advertised
Sup guys. I want to power my PC with 2 power supplies. 1st one is 550w second is a cheap old 300w
Whats wrong with JavaScript Sup Forums?
How fast does your phone charge?
R9 390 vs GTX 970
Does anyone think google might suffer a backlash due to this?
Convince me not to buy a Lenovo Yoga 2 in 1 instead of an old Thinkpad x230
Apple just revealed the future of its retail stores
What's your uptime?
>>>/edc/ general
Why does Sup Forums dislike Lenovo so much?
Is Project Ara dead?
Nexus 6P Desperation
Desktep throd
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why the FUCK is it down?
Is there a program that writes down the name of every file on a hard drive to a document?
As someone who kind of hid under a rock right when SSDs took off as a viable alternative...
What do you do first with your fresh install of Windows? (Or OSX / Linux Distro / BSD)
Completely new to this board but not new to Sup Forums. Let's hope there's some intelligent life around here
Apple Macbook 2016
Can I still oc an i3?
You now are head of a division of DARPA to make a robot that runs on linux
Why is Sup Forums so antisemitic?
LGA 2011
What's so bad about PHP?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What do we name android n?
What is the worst piece of software you've ever had to use for work or school?
Is 16GB of RAM a meme?
ITT we make Sup Forums approved insults. I'll start
Internet speed thread
How many fans is too many fans
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Polaris will defecate on Pascal
Why do girls pretend that they like C?
Why can't this shit just die already ?!
Why do people still user iPhone?
Do you have an e-reader? Do you like it?
You have 60 minutes to make an excuse for your OS not being this smooth
Look at thread, op is asking what linux distro is good for a beginner
Is there anything more disgusting that says "I'm poor" then seeing someone with an iPhone?
When your internet friends are brainwashed nvidia sheep and don't realise AMD is better bang for your buck
Sup Forums humor thread
Is there anyway to stop this bullshit?
Best ThinkPad being currently sold?
/bst/ - BattleStation
Hey Sup Forums I built this:
College Thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why do people think light/medium gaming at 4k is impossible on a laptop?
What desktop environment do you Sup Forumsuys use?
Nvidia using the exact same fucking graph
Hey Sup Forums
Favorite fan is making annoying metal scraping noise
Has anyone on Sup Forums attempted to use Linux without GNU? How was it?
Is switching to Linux a good idea?
Actually good SMS app other than Google's Messenger?
Windows 10
Esport team Evil Geniouses announces sponsorship with AMD
You can now run Half Life and any of it's expansions (including Counter Strike) on Android
Post the greatest women of /tech/
I just cant use this any longer. It's getting slower by the day...
Apple Opens Development Office in Hyderabad, India
Chromebooks outsold Macs for the first time in the US
I5 6600k Vs i7 6700k
Is this healthy?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I think the answer is obvious
Have you ever considered pirating software?
Which framework do you use/prefer and why?
Sup Sup Forums, lost my job today...
Hey Sup Forums, I'm going here for the first time tomorrow. I'm buying components to build my first diy desktop...
How the fuck is Sup Forums even breaking even?
/dpt/ daily programming thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Tfw school computers use Windows
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
For people that have learned to use it, do you think it's worth it?
Unpopular opinions thread
He fell for the lets pay premium for WD because Seagate is unreliable meme
Would you a Xiaomi™ Stainless Steel Suitcase?
Why hasn't someone reinvented coding to make it simpler?
I have a Chromebook, but want to play some games online with a friend
So Sup Forums, what are for you the essential programs to install in a recently installed Arch Linux? Your opinion
Best mobile web browser?
Fusée-chaîne edition
French billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30
GTX 960 4GB
Not using TPU's instead of CPU's to get the leg up on gaymen
Best/good books for learning learning Linux shell?
Being poor
Burned-out on startup
It's over, Apple reinvented programming
The GTX 1070 will be a long step from the GTX 980 Ti to keep the pricing up on the older cards
ITT: Rate my first build and tell me what I can improve
It's accurate
Google unveils a custom chip, which it says advances computing performance by three generations
Vr edition
EGPU Thread
/sqt/ - Stupid question thread
SP1 updated or SP2 w/ removed telemetry
Is he the Prince that was promised? The stallion to mount the world
Is there any distro as furry friendly as Arch?
I just came back from India. The shitting streets are an actual thing. Wholy fuck it was terrible...
Workstations that evoke the jelly
They told me to come here for free net
Why are printers still such dogshit in the current year?
Have you ever tried to impress a girl with cool tech you own? How did it work out
Helsinki works with startup training asylum seekers to ease coder crunch
Behold the power of Linux
What's the largest phablet available with the best specs?
How do we feel about rust today?
Racist asshole business
Xposed thread
AMD releases a 4k capable card that is designed to run at 95C in 2013 and everybody loses their shit
With AMD's recent new $80 quad core FX release...
I just want to build a big computer for gaming
It's 2016, why aren't you programming functionally yet?
Coding school 42 thread
What would you put on a 1petabyte hard drive?
6 Am
Year is now 2016 and GNU/linux still using X garbage
Staying awake is technology
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why do people here use GNU/Linux as a Desktop OS? Isn't the OS meant to be used as a Server OS?
Music Players
Linux so irrelevant it's listed as "other"
Torrents and shit
Tfw too dumb to install arch linux
Are coding bootcamps legit? Most jobs seem to require a degree in Computer Science or something related
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Just got pic related. What should i do first ?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What does Sup Forums think of minis?
You know what the best feature of Windows 10 is?
Talk me about Windows 10
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Watching csi: ny
Be me in computer architecture class
What in the actual fuck
Why is tech so hard for our Indian brethren?
Would you use a Macbook if you could afford it? Why or why not?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tell us which languages you've written code in
Intel apologists will defend this
Art Tablets
Hey Sup Forumsuys and Sup Forumsirls! I've been wondering... Where do hackers buy things like exploit kits and malware...
Speccy thread?
Arch Linux vs Debian Unstable
Someone stole my cellphone
Does your place of residence have in-wall Ethernet cabling?
Programmer snacks: What kind of snacks and drinks you enjoy while coding up?
I don't know why Sup Forums dislike iOS
Anyone know where I can find the drivers for Broadcom BCM43142 so I can actually do this damn Debian netinstall?
Daily reminder
I barely remember anything from highschool math (and barely knew any of it when I was in school)...
Is Arch Linux only useful for hobbyist stuff, or can I use it for actual work like I can Windows...
This just about sums up the mobile revolution, don't you think?
Year of linux desktop/gaming never
The new Nvidia GPU runs hotter than the 2 previous generations
Hello Sup Forums, I am conducting a survey
Jesus fucking Christ, what did the poos do to this company?
Stop saying it wrong. The creator specified how to say it in his documentation 20+ years ago...
Finishing the install of the greatest OS
Live on my own, alone
Where does John McAfee rank on the list of most influential computer programmers, Sup Forums?
Faces of Sup Forums i will start
980Ti: $550
Order Tech item from cuckmazon
XPS vs Macbook
My VPN costs $15/month
C++ preference
Windows 10 bash cannot even run MySQL server? What a POS? This is supposed to replace Linux on the desktop
Is this a meme?
GNU HURD was just updated
What would you do if Google disappeared for one time to another?
What's the deal with this guy?
What is THE MOST customizable desktop environment?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cpug/ CPU general
What the fuck, Lisa
Apple won
Just finished fucking my bitch. Looked up and saw this. What do?
What are decent gaming laptops these days? I haven't shopped around for a laptop in a long time
Why the HELL is Sup Forums so obsessed with Linux? I tried it out and it's fucking stupid...
Your stuck on a deserted island...
What happened to YouTube Red? Was it a success?
Which OS is the best for java development?
Why does this board jerk off hard for linux here...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Homescreen Thread
He uses a GNU/Linux distribution as his desktop OS
Why arch has so many updates?
Switching my iPhone 5S for an Android, what does /g suggest? Thinking S7 Edge
Hey applefags, why haven't you ditched your fagbook for a Surface Book?
Whats up gangsters
/sqt/ - Stupid question thread
Why is it so hard to do things in Linux?
What kind of advanced math do you need for programming again?
There is still not a single Linux distro that can get as much work done as a 15 year old OS
What does /g think about DAC amplifiers, especially portable USB ones. How do they compare to a dedicated sound card?
Want to learn about some PL/SQL
I want to be a white hat hacker
And the people were raging about the predefined responses
What is this called
Cyber Enhancements
Clock master Ahmed Mohamed on Archfags
Literally a meme
To sum up I/O 2016:
Why are you browsing Sup Forums while using an iPhone?!
Want to order pizza online
Battery life thread?
So seconds time the charm with trying to be generous for you fags
What name did YOU suggest?
What is Sup Forums's preferred compression software?
Is Sup Forums the last bastion of anti-capitalism on Sup Forums?
Name Android N
Windows 7 SP2
Jealous /g?
Can we agree that Carmack is the best?
Hope you didn't fall for the Western Digital meme
How do I make my Linux look cool?
/mdg/ - Microcontroller Development General
Microcucks will defend this
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Screen tearing: the distro
ITT share your startup ideas
Can Windows 10 be modified in such a way as to prevent Microsoft from fucking me in the ass?
Who here has made the switch from Android to phone or vice versa? How was it...
Hello Sup Forums, I dun goofed;
/csg/ - chink shit general
Core Tor Developer who accuses FBI of Harassment moves to Germany
Do you guys decorate your cubicle?
/tdg/ Terry Davis General
300 dollars for a metal cuibe
What is your stance toward the new hard disks with helium? Are there any failure rates known for these new drives yet...
Rate my android homepage, and post yours too
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Want to buy a new PC
GeForce GTX 1070 Specifications Revealed
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Look at those controllers
It's a combining the download and install progress into one bar even though you have shit internet and an SSD installer
It's over, the Pajeets won the CS meme
Give me one reason I should get an intel cpu
Not sure if I should study CS or go into the military
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is a respectable hourly rate for Tech Support?
How do you pursue a cyberpunk lifestyle in 2016?
Is the Vidya-Warez-Scene dead?
Lightweight Linux distros
/spg/ - Smartphone General
In the market for a new OS
Literally everyone eating shit from their own hands
So, I'm yesterday's user, I finally installed Arch, but I don't know what interface to put...
Who's Android pay here?
What would you do with you room if you could do anything with it?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
French billionaire found a 100% tuition-free coding school in Silicon Valley
Guys I need a small netbook for class...
Humor thread
Much like the DJ/Producer of yesteryear, programming...
The Virus Jew
VR headsets and cardboard
Falling for the GTX 1080 meme
/csg/ - chink shit general
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Smartphone Keyboard
What does Sup Forums use to listen to music on Android?
Microsoft is getting more aggressive
/mpv/ - insane media player
Here's 5 cute facts about Maki:
Google something
Mfw people say microsoft is shit
So why do you want to work for us user?
Is this the most bloated piece of shit app ever to exist?
Tfw when are talking to a camwhore about linux and webdev
The GTX 1080 presentation slides have already been edited
Why is Sup Forums so racist against Indians? I am from India and I hate the constant racism on here...
What the fuck, Sup Forums
I used to pay for Opera
Sup Sup Forums, unsure if I should make this thread here, on Sup Forums, or elsewhere...
Why do you guys like linux so much?
Where can I find the source code of extensive C programs? All I can find are stupid calculators and snake games
So, do you fit the criteria for this $9.50/hr entry level job Sup Forums?
Implement any of following (or all if you're pro) in your favorite language
Why aren't you using RedStar OS yet, Sup Forums? It's like you want corporations and the NSA spying on you all the time
Why can't girls code?
Face it. He's a try-hard. He calls himself Dr. Stallman despite only having honorary degrees...
/wt/ watch thread
What calculator do you Sup Forumseeks use, and why isn't it the TI-83?
How do I get these fuckers to stop calling me short of just changing my phone number...
/sqt/ - Stupid question thread
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Innovation is dead
/internet outage general/
Attaching parabolic grid antenna to linksys router
I say chaps Good morning
XPS 13
Accounting major here
Is Sup Forums attractive to females?
Hey guys, I'm new to MTG and would like your personal opinions on the best way to build a deck...
18 year old restores a surplus mainframe
Old PCs
Shill currencies of Sup Forums
SSDs vs HDDs
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Well, this is the final nail in the coffin for Linux anti-windows faggots who don't know what they're talking about
Cpu thread
Stupid questions thread
Which GNU/Linux distribution is the best and why is gentoo?
Is this the approved monitor of Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...