The Virus Jew

Symantec Antivirus Products Vulnerable To Horrid Overflow Bug

>Tavis Ormandy of Google's Project Zero team has discovered a vulnerability in Symantec Antivirus Engine. The said engine is vulnerable to a buffer overflow when parsing malformed portable-executable (PE) header files, reports ZDNet. "Such malformed PE files can be received through incoming email, downloading of a document or application, or by visiting a malicious web site," Symantec said. "No user interaction is required to trigger the parsing of the malformed file." For Linux, OS X, and other Unix-like systems, the exploit results in a remote heap overflow as root in the Symantec or Norton process, Ormandy said in the Project Zero issue tracker. "On Windows, this results in kernel memory corruption, as the scan engine is loaded into the kernel (wtf!!!), making this a remote ring0 memory corruption vulnerability -- this is about as bad as it can possibly get," he said.



Are antivirus a scam?

Other urls found in this thread:

Antiviruses are more like your less drunk friend asking you if you're sure that you can jump that far.
Nothing can actually help you if you're retarded or a cripple.
Of course, if you really want to be secure, you just have to lock yourself at home and hope no one comes knocking.

>>Tavis Ormandy of Google's Project Zero team
>>Google's Project Zero



>linking to a /. entry instead of the actual article

>shit analogy

>unfunny leddit humour

I want neo-Sup Forums to die.

>Windows developers

Fuck off, pedantic faggot. I'm not an oldfag, but I've been here for 9 years and it has always been like this.

Doesn't symantec distribute the most viruses so they have a reason to sell their products

Back to Sup Forums, asshat.

That's kaspersky

Fuck off, kike. Go back to Auschwitz.

>Are antivirus a scam?
Did you just realise?

choke on your own shit

Back to plebbit, kike.

>Chairman of Symantec: Dan Schulman
>His mother was named Ruth Schulman

>not knowing all of Sup Forums is aware of Jewish tricks

so when does " tavis " go to jail for hacking?


The German ending is usually mann, with two n. Also, her mother's name is Ruth.
Stop trying to trick us, merchant. The JIDF has no effect here.

We're all pol user

>The German ending is usually mann, with two n.
Yiddish is practically a dialect of German.

The number of 'n's simply comes from the surname being used in an English-speaking country, as it would've been standardised to conform with German orthographic rules if it was in a German-speaking country.

It's completely meaningless.

>Also, her mother's name is Ruth.
Being from the Bible, Ruth is a name common to both Jews and Christians. All of the Ruths I personally know are Christian.

Also completely meaningless.

Nice try Schlomo, but I'm not falling for it.

stormweenies BTFO

he works for google zero and probably makes a lot of money for this

>Hillary Rodham Clinton
>More like RodMAN
>not even RodMANN

Also, Dennis Rodman is a Black Hebrew Israelite.

>current year
>not using Common Sense 2016