>GTX 1080 can't even maintain its own Boost clock
>Throttles after 10-20 minutes
Housefire edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought the max clock was 2.1 or something around there. Isn't that what jen was crowing about before?
>This is my review of Nvidia's GTX 1080 Founders Edition
>I don't actually have a GTX 1080 Founders Edition
it's based on every other big benchmark site, and them averaged. watch the video
>YET ANOTHER thread about the shitty GPU
Holy fuck, what the hell is going on? Never seen so many nvidia threads since fucking woodscrews
You don't need to pay $700 to know that this card is a piece of trash.
he's right. when you look at everyone else's benchmarks, you can almost taste the shit
that is the most disgusting shit I've seen on Sup Forums. and I'm an oldfag who used to browse Sup Forums all day back in the day
i mean, why are kids surprised about this?
Its been the same with both nvidia and amd since this became a duopoly, but you faggots werent even born back then.
>HUR 3.5
Anyone else had sexual fantasies of Jim Keller and a male version of Lisa Suu spitroasting and choke-fucking the Nvidia CEO with their dicks in the shape of Sapphire Fury Tri-Xes and laughing when he burns out from the lack of oxygen and spontaneously combust between their dicks?
I will always buy Nvidia™ because I only play games The Way It's Meant to be Played™. Nvidia also pioneers innovative new technologies like PhysX™, Gameworks™ and the highest quality driver to ever grace Windows.
When I boot up with a brand new Nvidia™ Geforce™, I can experience the game just like it's meant to be played. Nvidia™ also delivers a far more smooth experience.
Nvidia Geforce™ is also very power efficient. A graphic card is the most power hungry device in your house. Refrigerators, AC units, water heaters, dishwashers, lights, etc all use significantly less power than a graphic card. Which is why Nvidia™ puts gamers first by ensuring that their gaming experience is of the highest quality while looking out for gamers by giving them the most value in their electrical bill
At this point in time, there's really no reasons to consider an AMD graphic card at all. I tried one one time, it caused so much heat that it exploded. It also consumed so much power that it gave on an EMP and destroyed the rest of my computer.
Nvidia™ also pioneered how useless GPGPU is with CUDA™. Years ago, everyone thought GPGPU, CUDA™, and OpenCL were the future. Now, Nvidia™ has removed those useless features from their GPUs and increased efficiency. Now you can save thousands a year in electricity thanks to Nvidia™ ensuring that useless features like GPGPU are "optimized" for gamers.
It's quite clear that OP's an AMD shill trying to convince you to settle on something less than The Way It's Meant to be Played™. Nvidia™ is the only real way to play games. We have seen recently that they offer incredible libraries for software developers like Nvidia Gameworks. He is probably too poor to afford the Nvidia Geforce Experience and can not afford to play any games The Way It's Meant To be Played™.
Don't be a poor gamer with bad drivers and a huge power bill. Play games with the Geforce™ Experience™: The Way It's Meant To Be Played™
Nvidiots are salty af that their card was supposed to save the company but ended up being a dud
lmao get rekt faggots
made me kek
kek my sides are in orbit
>save the company
>60%-ish market share
top kek everyone knows as long as you pump marketing towards the normies you'll stay a success
>Performs well
>Has heat issues
Did I miss something, or isn't this something that can be EASILY, EASILY fixed by just buying a nonreference card once they're out?
I don't get it. I mean you could even liquid cool it on release day with any old spare 120mm rad if you have a bracket and completely eliminate this issue. It'd be a different story if it inherently had bad performance. Why are people shitposting?
It's mostly just going to show how retarded nvidia fanboy are, paying $100 extra for a shitty reference card that nvidia blatantly lied about hitting 2100mhz at 67C
But it's literally the only model of the card up for sale. If there was another alternative people would buy it. When it's the one and only one up for sale, you can't blame people for buying that one instead of a nonref. Either way it's still better than a Titan X. Maybe someone wants to splurge on that. Better price/performance than a Titan X even with throttling.
Reference cards don't ramp up the fans until the card gets near the max temp target which is why the get hot, aftermarket cards ramp up the fans before the temp target (no max temp target like reference cards) which is why they run cooler.
Think of it like windows power saving modes, reference coolers have the fan profile on the bios set to passive cooling policy and drops the CPU core to keep temperatures cool, while aftermarket cards have it to active cooling policy which increased the fan rpm to keep it cool.
At 100% fan the 1080 stays around 70ºC while still being more silent than the 980Ti reference card.
It's probably only a few weeks after that the third party cards ship, and overall the 1080 actually isn't too great a card, especially with 980ti price drops coming, probably even to the 400-500 range
>100% blower fan
>more silent than anything
Keep dreaming, faggot. It sounds like every other blower fan at 100%, which sound exactly like a jet engine. You're not fooling anyone.
And the 1080 has been proven to get to 82ºC on multiple games already, and even to 104ºC in FurMark. You're pulling that 70ºC out of your ass.
You forget to mention that nonreference cards tend to have far superior open air designs and larger heatsinks, even things like PCB redesigns to minimize energy lost as heat in the first place. Most reference cards can both run cooler and quieter.
>$700 for 2-3% performance boost over 980ti
The 82ºC is the target temp, just like it was on the 980Ti and also mentioned by Tom from Nvidia in the pcer interview, it is obvious you have no idea how reference cards works because this is how it has been from generations now, reference cards have the fan profile set for the card to hit 82ºC(980Ti and 1080, mid range card have lower temp target like 79ºC ie GTX970), throttle down core and only ramp up fans as last effort ditch before hitting the max temp target which if reached the system shutdowns.
>meanwhile at Nvidia headquarters
That's nice and all faggot, but that doesn't explain the picture in OP. If it really was the target temp, then it would reach 82ºC and stay there without throttling, but the point is, that it does throttle and can't use the boost clock anymore. If it did indeed worked like you say it does, it wouldn't have to throttle after getting to 82ºC, and would be able to handle the boost clock just fine, but it doesn't, even with fans working at full force.
What's even the point of boost clock anyway, if it's just going to be lowered to normal after 5 minutes of playing? It's just a marketing tool made up to put on nice slides with big numbers and get slightly better benchmarks without any actual substance.
It's fucking amazing how Nvidia can create a new card with a process shrink, and it's hotter than the last one. And what's even more amazing, is how people seem to be defending them for it, like you, despite all the evidence that it is indeed fucked up.
alright because you are a dum dum who fails to grasp the concept of temperature target I'm gonna explain it to you, just give me a moment.
Oy vey! Reported for antisemitism.
Alright Nvidia employee, shower me with some more marketing.
I'll have you know beforehand, that I won't buy your shitty card regardless. It's overpriced garbage.
>AMD fags getting mad about power consumption/thermals
That's rich considering each of your cards for the past 6 years have been guzzling at minimum 300 watts down and hitting 100 degrees on reference coolers.
This. They think we've forgotten about the housefire that was the reference 290X on Uber mode. It couldn't even keep its boost clock for more than ten minutes.
What do you think a boost clock is? It's different from an overclock. A boost clock maintains its frequency for as long as its temps and/or power draw allow it to.
This isn't even new. Ever since nVidia and AMD began using "boost clocks" it's always had a thermal limit. That's why aftermarket coolers exist from AIB partners exist.
the issue here is that the boost clock can't even be maintained for 20 minutes. are you stupid?
Here we have a MSI GTX 970 on the left and a Reference GTX 970 on the right.
Circled in Red is the temperature target, this is when the GPU will start to throttle down, this takes priority over fan profiles, meaning the card will rather throttle down instead of ramping up the fans.
Circled in Brown is the Maximum Temperature Target, this is when things start to get dangerous and the system will shutdown the GPU to prevent damage if temperatures increase over this.
Circled in Green is the second temperature target for the fan profile, this one determines what RPM should the fans be set at the specified temperature, 900RPM at 60.00ºC on the MSI card and 1861RPM at 78.16ºC on the Reference card, we can ignore the first fan profile since you should be able to understand how it work by yourself just by looking at the image.
Circled in Blue is the last fan profile temperature target, at 88ºC fans will be at 2300rpm on the MSI card, the Reference card will be 4200rpm at 91ºC
Temp Target has priority over this last fan profile, unless you put the card into a sock you're never going to hit this as clocks will throttle down first.
I'm pretty sure if you've got a brain you could understand the rest by yourself but I'm going to help you out because you sound really dum dum.
The reference card has the fan profile near the temp target, meaning that the card will throttle down before ramping up the fans, the MSI card, since it has the profile set to 60ºC it has plenty leeway for the fans to increase speed before hitting 71ºC.
>It's okay because AMD did it too!
After spending years mocking AMD for having worse temperatures, now that it's turning, it's suddenly fine, even though it was a major selling point for Nvidiots for years.
rofling @ u
Anyone buying this fucker over the 980 Ti is an idiot.
You guys should stock up on 980 Ti's before people realize that they're still good and raise the prices.
>104ºC in FurMark.
Pic related.
More like 20-30%
If you are upgrading from an older card, it's better to buy 1080 than 980ti
Nice try.
Who cares. 10-20 minutes is more than enough time for reviews and benchmarks.
Nigger, are you retarded? What does any of that matter?
The cooler fan is at 100% while at 82°C, which is the target temp, and it's THROTTLING the clocks down to keep the temperature, even though the fan is already at maximum capacity.
The card is actively lowering the clocks to stock clocks to prevent it from going over the target temperature, because the fan can no longer hold it. At fucking 82°C. It means that this fucker can't even keep a decent temperatures at stock clocks, and this is in games made for the previous generations, all the while being only 10-15% better than the previous ones, AT BEST. It also means that it can't OC for shit, unless you have your fans at maximum capacity at all times, and allowing it to go over 82°C, unless you want it throttling again back to stock. It's a massive blunder, it fucking blows.
You're quite literally fucking retarded.
Jesus Christ you are the most retarded AMD shill I've seen in a while.
You can't even grasp simple concepts.
You're trying to prove to me, that there's nothing wrong with a card throttling its clocks to stock, at 82°C, while the fan is at maximum capacity, and I'm supposed to be the shill?
There's everything wrong in what I just described, and you can't fucking prove otherwise besides describing what target temperature is, despite it not refuting any of this.
No, there is nothing wrong, all reference cards do this, GTX970, GTX 980, GTX 980Ti.
You're embarrassing your fellow AMD shills at this point, even AMD cards behave this way.
You're forgetting the good 'ol
t h r e e p o i n t f i v e
They don't throttle their clocks the way the 1080 does though, that's for fucking sure. Stock clocks after 20 minutes, and at maximum fan capacity, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
It's a fucking joke at this point. The 980ti also didn't reach 104°C in FurMark, and jt didn't throttle itself like this when it was released.
Yes they fucking do, even a G1 Gaming GTX 970 which is one of the best cooled GTX 970, does it too.
Fucking, show proof that they do or they don't, nobody cares about your spastic argument.
If you don't like it
or use K-Boost inside EVGA Precision X to force constant boost clock.
Temperature Throttling can be avoided completely and is not an issue at all unless you're a retard.
Also, if you're not happy with the fan at 100% and 82ºC then wait for aftermarket cards with better coolings, they will also be cheaper too so there is no reaosn to complain unless your an idiot cry baby who can't wait.
Nigger, the fan can't hold it at fucking 82°C. AMD cards only throttle at 95°C or some shit, and they never get there unless you intentionally shut down the fans. This one, with a fan blowing it at fucking full speed, still gets to 82°C, and has to throttle to stay there. No fucking AMD card stays at 82°C while being blown at 100%, and neither does that 970, they all get much lower temps than that at said speed. However, this one not only gets to a high as fuck temperature, it also has to throttle itself, while the fan is at maximum capacity.
It's just fucking shit, it will run hot as fuck and barely be overclockable above the Boost, if even at all.
We'll see how much aftermarket coolers can lower that temp. 100% fans in the reference cooler can't keep it under 82°C without throtling, I wouldn't hold my breath to see much better from anything else.
Oh and
>believing aftermarket cards will be cheaper just because Nvidia set the recommended price to lower than what they sell
>implying brands won't just sell at the same price as Nvidia, or higher
Cucks will still buy them, and they know it. The card is a big chip, with low yields, which will have very little availability for months. There's no fucking way they'll price it under Nvidia. You price shit for what it will sell for, and these GPUs will sell and be out of stock, no matter what price is slapped on it, they could even sell it at 1000$ and it would be out of stoxk. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
GTX 1080 has:
REF clock: 1607MHz
MAX BOOST clock: 1733MHz
Clock after 20 min: Above 1607
People still think its "THROTTLING"
You people are straight fucking retarded, its not "THROTTLING" until it gets below that 1607 dipshits
100% fan couldn't keep AMD reference cards under 95ºC either and now the 300 series has no heating issues, though the do use a 2.5 slots, which isn't an issue since if you want SLI/CF all motherboards have better spacing between pcie slot unlike years ago.
>with low yields, which will have very little availability for months.
They literally gave away tons of 1080 for free to reviewers to keep, small time reviewers even got 3 cards, they are also already available on Taiwan if you have the money and the connections.
You are tech illiterate.
I'm sorry facts disprove a insane point that the 1080 throttles
Now go and google "throttling video card help". Then come back with results.
No need to, since it never falls below 1607, it never actually throttles.
It seem you are afraid to do what i say you to. You're afraid to find out that you actually wrong on the subject.
I'm using the infographic that was provided during the creation of this thread, and that infograph clearly states that the 1080 GTX NEVER falls below 1607, and since 1607 is the clock that ALL 1080's can guarantee, there actually never is REAL throttling
You dont get it do you? Google "throttling video card help" right now. The results might enlighten you.
I have, i get a shitload of results from random people about random video cards that dont pertain to this discussion
>tfw you didn't fall for the Gsync meme and aren't forced to buy an Nvidia gpu
>since it never falls below 1607, it never actually throttles.
throttling means
"slows because temperature is high"
not "slows below an arbitrary threshold"
If it CAN go faster, but does not (because temperature), that's throttling aka passive cooling.
For the uninitiated, the difference between passive and active is:
card gets hot -> fans speed up (active / not throttling)
card gets hot -> card slows down (passive / throttling)
>Stock 980 Ti
>Gets gimped
>slows below an arbitrary threshold
That's exactly what it fucking means ....
That's the reason there is a "base clock" and "boost clock"
then my core i7 is constantly "throttling" because it's not running at 100GHz
wew lad
>then my core i7 is constantly "throttling" because it's not running at 100GHz
It only throttles if it falls below its stated speeds, jesus is this what Sup Forums has become ?
It can be easily fixed by not using the stock fan speeds. With the fan at 100% you can maintain a 2GHz clock at under 70 degrees easily, yes it's a bit noisy, but it's a blower (they're always pretty noisy) and as far as blowers go they don't even sound that bad since they're made of metal and shit so the acoustic profile is better.
>10 Mhz on CoH2
>the same throttle that all cards do on Furmark
Literally nothing to see there
This happens every time new hardware comes out newfag
1080 is a decent, just a shitty value. 1070 will be much better assuming it retains the same OC headroom.
this entire launch was messy and rushed
Wait what? They have 80% market share.
Not with the current faggot prices.
Maxwell has 0 DX12 support though
oh, stop being so dramatic. It doesn't have async compute, that's it.
Boost clocks are a meme. It's only used for benchmarks so the card gets better scores and reviews.
This is a correct post.
also, check 'em
You keep replying to him....
>The cooler fan is at 100% while at 82°C
This is exactly what he's trying to explain to you is NOT happening. The cooler ISN'T at 100% on the reference card and NEVER gets to 100% because they try to make the card quieter. If you change the fan profile so it DOES go to 100% you can run the card at 2.1GHz at 67 degrees just like Nvidia showed off.
Is it deceptive? Kinda.
Is it outright false? Not even a little. The card can do those speeds at those temps and is no hotter than Maxwell or Kepler was.
why are you replying to cancer? It's obvious he doesn't actually believe it.
I was gonna buy one if a non reference could actually OC to 2.5ghz
Doubt that now
You're a retard
Brah... you're dumb as fuck. Fuck off out of here.
As with any Chinese knockoff, This Steve Jobs wannabe gets it just wrong enough for people to not be fooled.