What's stopping me from putting a 128gb sd card into my Galaxy note 4 and dual boot android with a linux distro and...

What's stopping me from putting a 128gb sd card into my Galaxy note 4 and dual boot android with a linux distro and finally ditch my laptop? Tell me Sup Forums, why I haven't seen it anywhere? Why don't you put linux dual boot on your powerful device? why? why?

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The read/write speeds.

A keyboard.

I will physically stop you from doing it.


Phones are powerful enough for common tasks and if you are a linux user you don't need fancy GUI and you can save processing power.

Just dock your phone with a keyboard/mouse/display?

I just don't understand why no one has attempted this before

>Why don't you put linux dual boot on your powerful device? why? why?
1) linux has noapps, if I want a hobby OS , I'll install Haiku.
2) a tablet and/or phone is not my most powerful device and probably won't be for a long time
3) a computer without a keyboard is useless
4) 128 gb is barely enough storage for a month

I heard linux distros are ported and run with the android kernel and drivers so it wouldn't be a problem? The programs architecture would though.

>Just dock your phone with a keyboard/mouse/display?
>I just don't understand why no one has attempted this before
it's more convenient to carry a laptop, than carry a phone, a keyboard and external display and worry about batteries in all 3.

Unless your phone has a dedicated port of any Linux distros for it, yer fukd

Unless you go the shitty chroot+vnc route

because phone chip makers and manufacturers go out of their way to prevent you from doing this

nothing is stoping you, hook up mini hdmi, and get a bluetooth mouse and kb and you are set

>I just don't understand why no one has attempted this before

people have done this before, even companies have done it
normies apparently dont like that very much, maybe they like to carry around multiple applel devices instead (you know, cos more makes me better than the rest)
>t. wish my smartphone had minihdmi

>even companies have done it
see also
>ubuntu convergence
>that Windows Phone thing

The main concern would be program compatibility in the arm linux distro though, everything else is easily doable

Is chroot that shitty? what's the main difference between that and a native linux distro?

It doesn't run as well since

a) It has to share its resources with Android

b) It runs over VNC

I will fucking beat your ass lmfao

Try it and come back and let us know how it went. Don't let people scare you out of it. Do it!

>Just dock your phone with a keyboard/mouse/display?

>This is somehow easier and more convenient than a normal lap top.

Or are you implying you have a keyboard/mouse/display waiting for you wherever you go?

>4) 128 gb is barely enough storage for a month
This. I've downloaded more than that just today.

It's slow and impractical.

Stop being a cheap nigger and just buy one that already has Linux on it: ubuntu.com/phone/devices

>if I want a hobby OS , I'll install Haiku.
Are you seriously implying that Haiku is more usable than Linux? Does it even have wifi drivers yet?

android IS linux, you niggerfaggot


>Are you seriously implying that Haiku is more usable than Linux?
No, I'm implying that neither is usable as a proper full desktop OS

>Does it even have wifi drivers yet?
It had working wifi when I last checked a year ago, so it should still have them unless they fucked up (which they might)

>What's stopping me from eating shit out of my hands? Tell me Sup Forums, why I haven't seen it anywhere? Why don't you eat shit out of your hands? why? why?

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display is a far superior choice.