Ok Sup Forums it is time to discuss the job you have, want, or need. And discuss all those stupid questions you have about getting an employed.
/jobs/ Job Thread
I was looking at this job for a local hospital. It looks like mostly just fixing porn viruses on doctors computers. But the line "computer deployment imaging projects" puts me off a bit. What does it mean?
sorry then.
Test Engineering Intern starting in June
Haven't even been told what I'm going to be doing yet, but at least I'm not doing retail again
I was wondering how hard it would be to get employed with a remote job while going to school.
best girl.
Tech Support for a UTM company.
It's Ok but feels like a waste of my time fixing retarded IT Admins horrid networks. No joke I see an Any Any Any policy at least once a week.
That said, I would like to find an IT Admin position somewhere.
I'm interested in getting an apprenticeship as an electrician.
Should I to to school, or just torrent some textbooks and take the certification test?
Nice quads.
It just means you'd be reimaging computers. Nothing to it.
Systems Engineering intern at a defence contractor. It's kinda bad, but okay money and good resume booster.
>Starts thread to get a very specific answer
>Gets answer in a single fell swoop
God bless you user. I'm applying now.
I want to quit my job but need to find a way to earn money. UFCKCCCKZF
Depends on local regs. Many (most?) places require accredited instruction.
If you're white, move to Japan and comfort housewives professionally.
If you live near old white people and have the patience, they will pay a pretty penny to learn basic computer skills one-on-one. Some people will also pay to have someone help them learn random programs (DJ tools and shit). Just torrent the software and look up some tutorials and whatnot. Add that along with some computer repair and decent advertising and you have yourself a small business.
Yeah that makes sense.
Guess I'll just study in my own until I can afford classes.
Is that what you do for a living?
>Is that what you do for a living?
Hell no I work at McDonald's. I don't have a car to work that type of schedule. But I used to to something similar a while back, when I had one day of high-school a week.
I'm living in Eastern EU and there is a job opening for a level 1 help desk technician. Irony is that they want a person with Microsoft Windows experience.
>mfw I'm using Linux for the last year or so
>mfw most of my Windows experience is with pirated versions of their OS/software
>Last version of their OS I've used was 8.1 and it was only for AutoCAD.
I guess I'm fucked. I have experience they need (knowledge about DNS, cPanel, licensing and my Google-Fu is great for troubleshooting ) but not sure if this is enough because I'm not a native English speaker and don't have W10 experience. Should I even bother applying for that position?
>Should I even bother applying for that position?
Yes. The hardest part of windows 10 is the metro settings menu. But the control panel is the exact same. Some decent Google skills and moderate tech-vocab is all you will need to bullshit the job.
I want a job at a nonprofit only.
may as well give it a try, you might be ok!
I hear amazon is a slave driver, but what is the worst that can happen? Also any good resume templates around?
You are setting yourself up for failure. Evil Corp is love Evil Corp is life. Thinking about the group as far as a job is like thinking about the individual when faring in a elevator.
Thanks anons! Now it's time to write a CV, my biggest weakness.
I work at a pet store taking care of animals. I love it but it's not my ideal career path and doesn't pay much. Great college job though.
Dream job is researcher of physics and if not that working in a company like IBM's research departments.
Planning on starting my own business if I don't make it in a research program. Have a few ideas.
Software Engineer intern in Mountain View for the summer, getting paid $7500/mo. Never had an internship before, can't wait
>I hear amazon is a slave driver, but what is the worst that can happen?
have you read the news stories? it's admittedly team-dependent, but the spectrum reaches all the way to being traumatizing.
>using double spacing to make resume seem longer
Looks like I did learn some practical skills in school
does anyone do project management? I'm working as level 1/2 tech support atm but have also been involved in project managed software/hardware rollouts recently (my company just started using skype for business as our phone system) and from the looks of things it looks easy as fuck and you get paid shit loads. The hardest part about the job seems to be dealing with external contractors and deciding on who to go with. I've a good people person so reckon it would be a breeze.
just keep it to 1 page. double spacing and going past a page is incredibly obnoxious.
Just remember to word it specifically for the job your applying for and make it like 2 paragraphs max(HR don't want to read a full A4 sized cv intothetrashitgoes.jpg . Get someone else to look over it for you
I'll take your word for it and pass then. I've heard those horror stories.
Ohh ok. First paragraph about my skills and experience and a second about my interpersonal skills? I really dislike sending CVs because they are my weakness (I usually write too much stuff), most of my jobs I got over phone or directly talking to a employer. Thanks for your tips user.