Slow image loading

Why is image loading slow since yesterday?
10-18 kb/s here
anyone else?


NSA is accessing the database

Are you living in europe? Germany?



Yes, too.
Fucking slow here

Me too, and I'm having the same problem. Are you using Telekom? Because I#m pretty sure the problem is their shit routing

Vodafone DSL

I'm using telekom, too.

Let me just create a VPN connection, so we can find out if it's caused by them.

Telekom here

Speedtest to the USA showed me something 14mbit/s which would about 2mbyte/s and interestingly that one other chan doesn't load pictures at all.

Not one of them but yes.

Krautchan: can't download large images
Sup Forums: same
sankaku channel: completely broken
"" was unreachable yesterday, bot the local version worked

What's going on?

Just tested a tunnel through a Freifunk node, also slow, must be European/German Cloudflare that is at fault

no fucking idea
looks ok are the illuminati


Death to all non whites.

only Sup Forums images are affected here, but that has happened a few times over the last months

Connecting to a VPN server in USA helps a little.
But not by much.

Same for me, I guess its a problem with Sup Forums

> inb4 Sup Forums gold account

Hiro is saving resources.
Did you notice the thumbnail quality dropping a few months back?

OK guys it's official.
Sup Forums is going to be account-based

No, how much worse is it?

Finland here, haven't noticed shit.
Post some large images and I'll see.

Just go to

Not the cdn. Everything loads instantly here, even on .


yeah it actually seems to be fixed now

and slow again with some newer images

I guess the caching is not properly working today

i think its[]
fuck it. i am using a proxy now