Why does Sup Forums always cry about proprietary software but will spend thousands on proprietary hardware?

Why does Sup Forums always cry about proprietary software but will spend thousands on proprietary hardware?

>Sup Forums is one person

Because the opinions and ideas here are asinine, I'm just in it for the shitposting.

What wouldn't be "proprietary" anymore?

Sup Forums eats up products with proprietary microcode and is proud of it.

>Why does Sup Forums always cry about proprietary software but will spend thousands on proprietary hardware?
it takes money (and real, physical resources) to source, manufacture, test and ship hardware

also, you can resell used hardware and keep 100% of the money for yourself, because it's not free stuff anyone can make/build in their home

it takes money (and real, physical resources) to design, develop and test software

moreover software is continuously updated and adapted, hardware is not and it's subject to planned obsolescence

nice "argument"

>implying people would build hardware from scratch

Anyone is free to open up hardware and see how it works, the proprietary things are the drivers and the BIOS and stuff

Except software is free while hardware is not. With this type of reasoning, I can wager your code looks like shit.

Software isn't free unless you've conned a bunch of freetards into working on your project in order to to "build their portfolios" or for blatantly ideological reasons.

Free software is infinitely more obtainable then free hardware.

No free alternatives

>it takes money (and real, physical resources) to source, manufacture, test and ship hardware

Hardware is "stuff," it has intrinsic value. You can sell it. You can also melt it down for the gold & other valuable metals inside.

Software is just ideas or instructions, on paper or in the data of a PC. It has no intrinsic value apart from its functionality which depends wholly on the ecosystem (and HARDWARE) running it

You wouldn't download a car

>this is what freetards actually believe

or until you download non-free software for free

>Except software is free while hardware is not.
Explain (you can't).

There are very few options for open hardware, and they're all either too expensive or woefully underpowered.

Freetards BTFO. No serious responses. Face the reality.

Wait for 3d printers to get better and cheaper.