/mpv/ - insane media player

> windows builds:
- kawaii.imo.uto.moe/
- bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mpv-for-windows/downloads

> user shaders:
- gist.github.com/igv
- gist.github.com/voltmtr

Other urls found in this thread:


>I still think interpolation-threshold needs to be set to 0.01 (same as video-synx-max-video-change).
>I have that myself and it eliminates all the issues I had with flickering frames

It seems that current interpolation defaults are broken.

Note that this failure mode only happens when video FPS = display FPS (or close to it).

Why does mpv keep changing volume by 1% each time I launch it? For example I use it with volume level of 54% and next time I start it it's 53%.

What AO?

nvm, it is because of dxva (~5% higher with it enabled).


What? Interpolation should be off on this case!

some people still don't know what interpolation does

placebo general, mpc is objectively better on windows machines

>he uses gnu/linux with a gui

why should I use mpv instead of vlc ?

you can keep using vlc if you are retarded.

Why should I use interpolation when I watch 60hz videos on my 60hz display?

It seems that mpc-hc development is dead...

I can't wait any longer.

Is there a way to get http authentication working with mpv?

This is what happens when I try using -u and -p flags

$ youtube-dl --verbose -u myuser -p mypass myurl/file.mpv
[debug] System config: []
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Command-line args: [u'--verbose', u'-u', u'PRIVATE', u'-p', u'PRIVATE', u'myurl/file.mpv']
[debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs UTF-8, out UTF-8, pref UTF-8
[debug] youtube-dl version 2016.02.22
[debug] Python version 2.7.11+ - Linux-4.4.0-22-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.04-xenial
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 2.8.6-1ubuntu2, ffprobe 2.8.6-1ubuntu2, rtmpdump 2.4
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[generic] myurl/file.mpv: Requesting header
WARNING: Could not send HEAD request to myurl/file.mpv: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
[generic] myurl/file.mpv: Downloading webpage
ERROR: Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized (caused by HTTPError()); please report this issue on yt-dl.org/bug . Make sure you are using the latest version; see yt-dl.org/update on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output.
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube_dl/extractor/common.py", line 355, in _request_webpage
return self._downloader.urlopen(url_or_request)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/youtube_dl/YoutubeDL.py", line 1905, in urlopen
return self._opener.open(req, timeout=self._socket_timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 435, in open
response = meth(req, response)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 548, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 473, in error
return self._call_chain(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 407, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/urllib2.py", line 556, in http_error_default
raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)

All these shaders are messing my video so much.
Madshi is selfish but his algorithms are much better.
Nothing can't beat this: sharpen edges (0.5) + AB (50%) + AR

Oh no, you are retarded

Yes, that's the point of interpolation-threshold.

The problem is it's set too low by default.

Well, prove itoldschmuck.

If you cared about mpv performance you would buy AMD hardware.

AMD cards get 3x the mpv performance at the same price.

Which operating system?

screenshots or it never happen.

Linux. Haven't tested any others.

Also, an R9 Fury X will outperform the GTX 1080 in mpv. Mark my words.

I tried an amd radeon with official amd drivers on linux.
It was a nightmare... Never again.

Yeah, the drivers are shit (no vsync, no 10 bit, etc) but the performance is unbeatable compared to nvidia. (Look at the GT/s)

I want to try out the free drivers again, they might be good enough to use for mpv these days - and there also seems to be a 10-bit enabling patch for them.

Still no vsync?
Free driver performance was very bad when I tried.

... ;-)

>Free driver performance was very bad when I tried.
It just needs to match nvidia hardware, which given the fact that AMD hardware intrinsically runs mpv's shaders much better, might be easy to do even with the free driver overhead.

But who knows. I just sort of want to avoid giving more money to nvidia if I can at all avoid it. Company of liars, cheats and scammers.

Why are you porting doom9's shits?

Why not creating your own algorithms?

Why not both?

Why not improving them and renaming them with fancy names.

Does anybody know how to retrieve connected display/projector names on windows like on madVR (picture related)?

What? Will you write new enhancer/sharpener shaders?

Meanwhile I'm using Plex Media Server with the browser client. Works fine for me. Keep being autistic Sup Forums.

Plex desktop player is based on mpv. they literally hired the lead mpv dev

I'm not using a desktop based player. I'm using my browser.

What's with the amdrones on this thread?
I've never tried plex, do you mind telling me what it is about?

>I've never tried plex, do you mind telling me what it is about?
It's analogous to having a self-hosted Netflix. You point Plex to your Video library and it can automatically look up metadata online and stream to all your devices. It can also encode on the fly into different bitrates in case you do not have enough bandwidth to stream the full quality version.

The only "gotcha" to take into account is that the thumbnail generation process will eat a lot of CPU if you point it to a massive library of videos which it has not scanned already. It should be fine once it gets caught up though... These thumbnails are used for seeking, so you can see a little preview image before you seek.

It is by far the best interface for organizing and browsing a video library.

Thumbnail generation can be disabled btw

>It can also encode on the fly into different bitrates in case you do not have enough bandwidth to stream the full quality version.
The main reason is to re-encode on the fly into formats that the target device understands. Let's say your movie is a mkv file but your TV can't play them.
This only works with decent hardware though. You can run Plex on small NAS hardware but they usually don't offer this simply because the hardware is not fast enough.

How come?

Probably because the Windows desktop market is dying. Linux and OSX are steadily becoming more popular within the desktop market. Additionally, the desktop market as a whole is rapidly losing popularity as more and more people turn to tablets and smartphones.

Oh boy. How come as in how did you came to the conclusion that MPC-HC development has stopped.

I didn't. I was simply providing a plausible hypothesis. I personally don't care one way or the other because I haven't used Windows for personal use in years.

Is anyone working on something like madvr or daala deringing algo for mpv?

What's the point of using nightly builds?

No, but you could try making your own.

I like this kodi's feature:
Boost center channel on downmix.

How to do it in mpv?

test latest features

There's an audio filter that lets you control the mixing matrix.

Or you could do it in ALSA (or pulseaudio, if you use lennartware)

I am on windows and I prefer to use a mpv option. Do you now what to put on mpv.conf exactly to simulate "boost center channel on downmix" feature from kodi?

>no playlist ui
>no option to repeat a video

>Shift + L Toggle infinite looping.

How about audio?

Sounds like you could use this to achieve your desired result (boosted center channel)

>no playlist ui
show_text "${playlist}" works for me.
>no option to repeat a video
You mean apart from -loop-file (files), -loop (playlists), A/B repeat and shift+l?

>show_text "${playlist}" works for me.
No, it does not because you can't rearrange the order.

>and shift+l?
Doesn't work per individual video.

Not to mention that there is no easy way to go to the next video.

>No, it does not because you can't rearrange the order.
But I've never needed to do this

What the fuck, do you want to play your anime like Ep1 Ep2 Ep4 Ep3 Ep5 Ep6??

>But I've never needed to do this
I did

>Doesn't work per individual video.
Then make your own.
L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"
wow so hard

>Not to mention that there is no easy way to go to the next video.
What, is pressing > to go to the next video too difficult?

I'm beginning to think mpv might not be the right player for you. It mandates a certain base level of hand-eye coordination and capacity for understanding of abstract concepts like causality.

>I did
So what? How does that change the fact that my solution works for me?

>What the fuck, do you want to play your anime like Ep1 Ep2 Ep4 Ep3 Ep5 Ep6??
>He doesn't know about Haruhi

For haruhi you need a script to enable “loop-file inf” as soon as episode 2 of the second season starts.

It doesn't change the fact that it "works" for you, but it doesn't work for me simply because it doesn't do what I asked.
Just because you present it as a solution it doesn't mean that it is one.

>L cycle-values loop-file "inf" "no"
Very user friendly :^) Does it go to the config?

>What, is pressing > to go to the next video too difficult?
Am I supposed to know every single shortcut?
Aren't the >>| and |

>Just because you present it as a solution it doesn't mean that it is one.
But that does not give you the right to reply “No, it does not” to “It works for me”.

It does as it is not a solution to the original. If you wanted to control the playlist your "solution" wouldn't work.

>Very user friendly :^) Does it go to the config?
Maybe you should try RTFMing before shitposting.

>Aren't the >>| and |

>Maybe you should try RTFMing before shitposting.
It's not shitposting if it's correct.

>Or what?
I mean for the buttons that mpv has that are grayed out.

Is there a way to disable interpolation for Internet video without copying the entire vo line for every protocol? Stutters like fuck when streaming via rmtp.

>I mean for the buttons that mpv has that are grayed out.
Oh, you're talking about the OSC? (Yuck, that stupid thing should be disabled by default)

No, those are for navigating between chapters.

Can't get user-shaders to work on either nightly build. Fuck this going back to madVR

No "yes/no" easy option for it? :(

This is my setup:

What option should I use to increase voices volume.

many 5.1/7.1 sources have the voices mainly on the center channel, if you play back only the left and right channels without downmixing, the voices will sound muted, as you're not playing the center channel at all
the solution is to downmix (that is, mix the side, rear, center, and lfe channels into the left/right channels)

In windows I'm still compiling with Msys.

Can anyone tell me if it's deprecated now that "bash for windows" thing exists?

Thank you for those explanations.
But it doesn't solve my problem. :(
How to mimic this "very useful" kodi feature?

i'm pretty sure it does
perhaps the problem is that mpv is being told you're using a >2 channels system when you're not
for example, your tv is recognized as 5.1 channel, but you're only using the stereo output of it

if this is the case, i'd recommend setting your OS to stereo, otherwise, you could configure mpv to assume 2 channel (audio-channels=2)

This is my mpv.conf:

Downmixing works but not like kodi with boost center channel option enabled.

Question, the mpv.conf on the main folder affects the mpv.conf on the appdata folder?

also should I just save all my shit on my main mpv folder rather than the appdata? how would I go about that, even with the shaders.

Seriously, why do I need to run all these commands just to play a fucking video? explain me why is it any different from MPC-HC in terms of quality. Like a real comparision SBS

Bash for windows thing doesn't come with an X server. Even if you use an external X server like Xming that runs in Windows side, you are limited to OpenGL 1.1 which is not enough for mpv opengl output, nor mpv can call native windows libs like directx inside that subsystem. If you are ok with vanilla x11 crap slow output you can install Xming and run DISPLAY=:0 mpv, though I'm not sure if anybody has tried it yet

>This isn't wikipedia you fucking idiot
AKA I have no evidence Im just making up bullshit because Im an AMDrone

Why do jpg files ring so much? This is just with opengl-hq.

Oh I can't use it to compile an executable for the windows environment?
I'm sticking with Msys2 then

Bash for windows is reverse WINE if you will, it runs pure linux executables

I have an AMD GPU, which OS is the best for mpv for performance?
- Is it that bad on linux?
- If windows, should I use windows 10, 8.1 or 7?

Does dxinterop work with hybrid Intel (3rd gen) and AMD Radeon?
Is angle good enough now or is it still a dumb shit?

I prefer my media players to be sane.

Right dumbass!

sigmoid-upscaling causes those artifacts with jpg images!

why would I choose this player over mpcHC?

I wouldn't trust AMD drivers on any platform

Am I supposed to see a difference between the three?

no, in case you are blind.

I'll take that as a no

>http authentication
You mean old ass http auth? why are you not passing user:pass@yoursite/file.mkv ?

Windows 10 is just awful (slow, bugged, ads, no privacy, ...) and I can't use Ubuntu because it uses my GPU too much and are bloated with so many useless applications. I think to install xubuntu core 16.04 (unit193.net/xubuntu/core/) on my laptop as main system, it's xubuntu without default pre-installed applications, it worked great with virtualbox.

However I have an Intel HD3000 iGPU and I saw in the wiki that Intel drivers on Linux can cause tearing. Is it still the case? Have you got any issues with Linux and this iGPU?

Still no PPA for MPC-QT?

How do i make mpv to play the next file in folder when a video ends? send help

>Colbie Caillat
I've fapped to her so much

Is this right?