HP laptop

>HP laptop

Can we get some tech horror stories or just uncomfortable tech?

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Retina" laptop
>Intel GPU



it still amazes me we don't get cooked by things we use sometimes.

Can you shave your legs?

we do.

Why would I?

We do.

It's been 2 hours and I still have a red spot where the laptop was.

Because you're faggot and must not hide it.

>have laptop with 1mb cache amd a6
>Open up one tab in chrome
>100% CPU usage

>intel skylake processor
>nVidia gpu
>Gentoo &/ Arch

Have a mini PC with an A8-5500, it's not that bad.

>because every laptop needs a $700 gaymen GPU to do basic shit

I'm sure that some of you will find my personal build disturbing.
>AMD FX-6300
>NVidia GTX 760

I actually think that's a fairly well balanced build.

ayyy wazup

Dell 7559 as faptop.

Thanks! It's handled everything that I've thrown at it, plus games in surround so I'm happy I built it 3 years ago this august.

why is your head so long

Macs with windows trigger me.
Why defile such a glorious machine with such a shit OS.

Don't even get me started with putting linux on it.

Invest in a lapdesk OP, it's only like 15 bucks at B&N if you're an Americafag.


>Good nVidia card

Yeah your gaming build is disturbingly typical, budget-minded and decent.

I know 3 guys who have FX-8350/nVidia configuration. It's the best combination for restricted budget gaming builds.

Forgot pic.

I7 870+gtx680 here, your pc should be fine for a while if you don't need to play everything on ultra.

Ausfag, last I checked they were 25 here. Rarely actually set this laptop on my lap though.

That's my knee


>be me
>be young 11 year old
>be poor African interested in IT
>save up and make sweet computer from scratch
>everybody so impressed I'm on the news
>a bunch of white man children hate this
>cyber bullye with racism

Fuck white people

>Lenovo Laptop
>only intake fans on the bottom
>playing Dark Souls 3
>literally turns into a space heater that sounds like it's about to take off

Fucking this. What were they thinking.

>HP Laptop

I use my brother's macbook pro when I'm at home since I don't want to lug my tower with me.

Whenever I boot up [spoiler]Minecraft[/spoiler] or use Opera's video overlay, the fan spins up and it makes this rattling sound like it's about to die or something. It also sits on top of an open box because it gets really hot for no good reason.

Hp Pavilion dv6
And cpu
Amd gpu
Able to run it for 5hours in winter until it turns itself off bc of heat.

Op here. I opened mine up and changed the paste as soon as I got it. The fucker would shut down every few minutes because previous owner spilt wine in it.

Cleaned it up though, no more shutdowns, even after using it for half a day at a time, but it does get to the mid 80s browsing the internet.

Great for winter.

>Because having UI lag in the most up to date OS should be normal

Theres a difference between having the bottom of the barrel, and a step above that. And that difference is usually the ability to not worry about full screen effects from my machine's native OS stuttering or scrolling at full resolution looking like I'm on a fucking $250 Samsung ARM chromebook at launch. I seriously shouldn't have to fucking enable scaling to avoid problems like this. It should have never been designed this way in the first place.

I'm on a bay trail netbook. Web browsing and the general ui runs smooth, 1080p videos don't stutter.

I don't see your point?

And make a fatter laptop????

That post was in reference to "retina" screen laptops (mostly 13" Macbook Pros) running stock Intel HD graphics.

Oh. Sorry, didn't see that.
Yeah I agree with you there, as long as the advertised use isn't hindered by hardware then there really isn't a problem.

>Asus laptop
>Nvidia GPU
>Intel CPU
I hate this so much, kill me.

I can't really name a modern chipset that can't push 1080p well under any OS it supports. But when you start hitting 1440p and above, you start to need a little more horsepower than bottom of the barrel.

Tell me about it. Glad my g3 died, SD801 just wasn't cutting it.