Why are printers still such dogshit in the current year?

Why are printers still such dogshit in the current year?

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Who the fuck needs a printer? Do you even digital?

because things are expensive, and children refuse to accept this.

Even expensive printers are shit.

All I read about in reviews and shit are microchips inside cartridges and other shit that make a printer just stop printing after a certain number of prints. Why is this shit allowed?

Fun fact: a bad experience with a printer is what caused rms to become a free software messiah

Are they? I bought a laser printer a few years ago and it never had any issues whatsoever. It printed when I wanted it to print and the results looked good.

On the other hand, I know many people who STILL buy inkjets as though they are completely learning resistant. If you are one of those retards, then you clearly deserve it.

What printer?

I've been looking into a Brother laser printer for only black and white text prints, but then I read about them just stopping after a number of prints.

Some Samsung printer, I forgot the model. It was pretty much the cheapest laser printer out there. I can now print for free at my department, so I don't use it any longer, but for the years I used it, it did fine.

>Why are printers still such dogshit in the current year?

Laser printers aren't.

>Laser printers aren't.


You can buy printers for around $40. Replacement cartridges cost about same. You either buy shitty replacement cartridge or sell printer and buy new one, which is much cheaper if you can get the money back from printer.

But OP is correct. Printers are garbage.

Because the real money is made from disposables. Printers are shit because they're just the way the companies sell you ink, they don't care if your printer is shit and needs to be replaced every two years that's more profit for them

Monochrome Laserprinters are really good at what they're doing. My father bought me a Canon Injet Pixma or whatever the fuck it was called. The most useful part of that piece of shit was the sturdy box, which I used years later to put on my new HP Laser printer, the thing does exactly what I bought it for, print stuff and doesn't complain about any stupid shit.

I used the fucking Inkjet for 100 fucking prints maybe, very few color prints in fact. If I didn't use it over a long time the fucking time would empty one color completely and destroy 1/3 of the others. I constantly had to replace the goddamn cartidges over 4 years for absolutely not getting anything fucking done. The colors sucked ass too. Then the thing fucking overheated, i tried to clean some parts very carefully but apparently the board of the printer fried itself. Along with that the scanner part refused to work and made no USB connection anymore. Fuck Canon and FUCK ink printers. NEVER AGAIN.

who needs to print stuff in the current year?

Printers are the shit that the dogshit took.

Literally nothing but problems all the time. HP is probably the best of the shit printers though.

>When one person asked his printer manufacturer about turning off the tracking dots, Secret Service agents showed up at his door several days later.


While I understand the implications of printers tagging every page they print, this statement made me lol.

Because the whole IT sector was always a dogshit and printers are a part of it.

printers, and more specifically printer drivers, are the biggest fucking scam in modern society. the absolute subpar quality of all printers and printing related practices would not be accepted by consumers in any other industry. unfortunately that is the status quo and it seems not one company has decided to rise above and actually make a product they can take pride in since people seem to be fine with purchasing absolute dogshit printers assembled and drivers coded by 8 year olds in india and replacing it 3 weeks later when it breaks

i fucking hate printers

Office space is the best movie. Still one of my favorites

People with a job that isn't described as "code monkey".

>buy laser printer for parents
>install drivers from supplied disk on their PC
>printer spits out like 15 pages of manual
>when the next time PC is turned on, the printer wont work no matter what
>turn it off and on again, clean toner cartridge contacts with alcohol, everything
>reinstall drivers
>fucking thing works again
>but prints all the 30 copies of the same document in the backlog
>turn it off
>delete the printing job list
>turn on printer again
>still wont listen to me and goes on printing all the documents even when not connected to PC
>prints like 60 pages of paper until he's satisfied
>can finally use the fucking thing
>printer also has built in scanner
>try to scan something
>the front end application crashes every time until i reinstall drivers yet again

God darn printers are such a pain, its one of those things that haven't evolved at all in the past years. I thought laser printers would be better since my inkjet ink always dried up and i had to buy new ink, but this one has its own share of bullshit
Wired printers, never again

Legacy support
Poor protocol design even for the nineties
Printer companies realizing people will always buy cheap products and overpriced ink

Depends on whether or not you're talking about just consumer or professional tech included.
My company has a Ricoh SP C820DN which is virtually indestructible and rarely fails to print something unless the person sending the print job screws up by loading the wrong type of paper or something.
We also have an Epson 9800 Pro that has been working for over 10 years, never replaced anything except the inks and a couple times the drain tanks (user serviceable).

I would agree with regards to low-end printers, but as you climb up the price scale, ink gets exponentially less expensive as you get into buying large carts for large-format printers. The problem, however, becomes actually having a use for that much ink, you can buy 700ml carts if you want, for half the price-per-ml of 220ml carts, but even a single 220ml cart is enough for over a hundred 84x120cm prints as it is.
Although, I have inks I bought years ago and they still work fine, so you're in no danger of wasting product if you decide not to use the thing for a while, at least as far as this ink type is concerned (K3).

This is why we print from a Mac, no drivers needed, the print spooler is far more robust then the crashing RAM-hogging shit on Windows, and everything just works, seriously get a Mac if only for this and nothing else. Office space would've been a much less iconic movie if they had a Mac to print from.

Because planned obsolescence? Cheap printers costs so little now that they're quite literally disposable once the cartridges are depleted. The manufacturers need to ensure a steady revenue stream of new printer (and scanner) sales so need them to self-destruct forcing you to buy again.

aaand spotted the guy who never had to write a formal document.

...actually, it wasn't even the computer's fault the printer in Office Space didn't print, it was simply out of paper. PC load letter = paper cassette (where you place the paper), load letter size paper.