>Add album view
>Floens committed on Apr 8


release when?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think he can release anything while committed. I don't think they let loonies use computers.


Someone please build an apk

OP here

I'm in the process of downloading 1.2 GB of Android Studio just to compile and try this shit

this better be good or else

Chanu is the most superior Sup Forums app period. Just get it on Fdroid and be done with it.

Here's a (You)

1.2.11 fork when?

counting on you faggot

you only need the Android SDK (the bottom table)

Underrated post

Did I miss something? I got it from fdroid, didn't have to compile.

He needs to add an option to add all boards so I don't manually have to do it.

And fix the app crashing when you scroll through your pics for too long to post.

What happened to floens?
He used to be really responsive here every time someone made a thread on clover but I haven't seen his trip in quite a while.
I know he said he was taking a break from developing but do we know how much longer? There are still some features from the old clover missing in the new one.

He's building it from source, so he can't just use the apk.

Did he fix the ability to delete boards?

I'm building it right now

Thanks, it works much better and it enables all boards without adding them manually

How do I sign the apk?

Is it still maintained?
Last update was over 6 months ago.

I don't know, it looks like an android 4.4 theme , clover was material but this one is much easier to use and has more functions

Can you post from it?
A lot of the other Sup Forums apps are read only.

Posting from it right now, you can start threads too and it supports Sup Forums pass

Op here

I did it

Will post pic in a sec

Did you just add the album view or anything else?

Here you go.

You can also jump from a pic to its reply.

Thanks man, this will make fapping much easier.
Can we get a link to the apk?

sure lemme upload it for you.

you need to uninstall your current clover btw

What would you guys want from a fork? I'm interested in developing more.


Custom themes


Does it still kick you out of a thread if you rotate your device?

Nope only refreshes the thread if you rotate your device

Thanks user

I'd like if you could bring back the swipe in from right side to reopen the last thread you were in.
Also add the jump to top/bottom buttons as floating buttons instead of behind a 3 dot menu.
Also if you could take the search button out of the 3 dot menu and just in the title bar.
If you could do those things I would love you forever and possibly even donate.

>Also add the jump to top/bottom buttons as floating buttons instead of behind a 3 dot menu.
>Also if you could take the search button out of the 3 dot menu and just in the title bar.

OP here

I can't do the swipe thing,
but I might be able to do the buttons and I wanted them myself.

I'll maybe make a new thread if I manage to.

fuk u op, stealing me thunder

You're pretty amazing desu.
I don't know any programming but if there's anything else we can do to help let us know.

oh by all means go ahead

nice work, thanks man

>trusting some random mook on Sup Forums not to infect your APKs

Wow, this board is shit

jokes on you I barely managed to compile

hell if I could write malware I'd be rich already

THIS. Why the fuck was it removed. The most retarded change I have ever seen in an app. Now I have to fucking search for the thread again, instead of being able to just swipe and be back in business.

Fucking hell, why cant there be competent devs.

On second thought, this might be beyond my skills.

>STILL no fast scrollbar


Why was this removed again?

I loved the swipe and want it back too, but you can always bookmark threads so you at least don't have to search for it.

It is back tho

Can we also go back to the previous capcha? I hate this new floating one that's too big for the phone so you always have to scroll up and down to see what images to press.


I'm tagging it soon, it's really stable, I just haven't had the time to do it.

The new release has an album screen, multithreaded parsing, brought back the v1 swipe layout and made it the default, configurable catalog view column count, inline reporting with pass support and a few more things I can't remember.

I'm working on some imageboard software too for fun, and I want to integrate that in Clover too (multi site support, generic api). The inline reply needs a big mode too and I'm still thinking what's the best way.

settings > advanced > use legacy

How did you get an update?
My fdroid doesn't say there is one.

In the latest version of clover, is the old means of posting back? I hate the little tab that drops down.

OP here

just bring back the top/bottom buttons

either in menu or as big ass buttons.

in fact, I saw some apps using the FAB button as a container for more round buttons

that would be cool

>How did you get an update?
>My fdroid doesn't say there is one.

I installed 1.3 GB of stuff and compiled it from git.

apk is here

Read the thread, someone posted an apk.

That's why I still didn't tag it, we need that thing back. Also, please see the trello board linked in the github readme, it's under doing right now.

That works so much better. Thanks m8.

Don't forget that you added ability to clear out your posting history. Thanks for adding it in like I suggested back in February.

Based Floens

Forgot to add, the background watcher was rewritten and is very stable now and works with the newer dose shit.
Oh and clearing stale pins.

Yes, someone did a pull request!

Also I can set the Microsd as download path

but then it says save image failed

android 5.0 btw

Still have to fix that, I'm really not up to speed with the newer permission model around external file systems.

If I was gay, I'd totally suck your dick passionately man. No homo.

Hey floens, are you going to try again putting clover back into the play store?

I instantly crashed the moment I opened it


Is the old means of replying back? I miss the screen you would reply with in clover v1.2, it was god tier.

Is there a way to mass refresh all your threads. I connect and disconnect from mobile data a lot and its kind of a pain to select each thread just to get rid of the E

Mine too, worked after I reopened it though.

Release soon please, I get autismal about apps on my phone that haven't been updated in the last few months.



swipe them


Include 8 chan and lain chan please

You talking about viewing history? You can disable that if you don't want it.

No I disabled that a long time ago this is thread watcher that keeps track of any replies I get.

THIS, a mesh of overchan and clover would be GOAT


Literally who gives a fuck other than normies?

Just stick to F-droid.

No one cares about that. If anything it's better that it isn't there.
More importantly, when can we expect the next update?

Fucking this. All the chans overchan supports on clover would make clover kickass.

I still have this app and the one problem I have with it is that I can't reply more than once without closing and reopening the app. Any way to fix this?

There is now

This was the one thing slowing my lagdroid the most.

Now let's hope he has so it clears dead threads only like 4chanx.

thank god it's not play store anymore, we haven't had any Sup Forums shitter coming here by mistake in weeks

Did floens bring back the old way of replying?

Forgot about when you have the watcher off, but it will be like that.


I will, but their APIs aren't that good and I don't want to hack too much. I'll have to work with them.

Does fdroid still require root to work?
I've always been too lazy to do it on my new phone.


Just use Dashchan you cucks.

Delete this.
Clover is by far the best Sup Forums browser.

Fuck off with your faggy proprietary app. Go shill somewhere else.


There already are you cuck

If anyone was wondering why he doesn't post as much just take a look at what the thread turned into after he posted compared to before

>Floens-sama add X!?

no, there are a few pre-made themes
i want to make my own

That's only happening because he hasn't posted or updated his app in quite some time.

The fdroid app doesn't require root, some of the apps in the store do however and remember, you need to allow installation of apps outside of play store to install any app