Show us your PS1s Sup Forums!

Show us your PS1s Sup Forums!

How you gonna post a screenshot but not provide the source code?



its not mine, im looking for inspiration. it looks like basic powerline though with shittily patched fonts

Is it yours?

Nice setups

Pajeet pls.


\W $


>calls a terminal emulator PS1


I have virtual studio 2015.When i start a new project it seems there is Form1.cs extension and i want .vb extension.How do i change it?

mv Form1.cs Form1.vb

export PS1="\[\033]0;Terminal: \u@\H (\w)\007\]\e[0m\n\e[0;93m┌────(\e[1;31m\u\e[0;93m@\e[1;92m\H\e[0;93m)───(\e[1;36m\w\e[0;93m)\n\e[0;93m└─[\e[0;97m\$\e[0;93m] \e[0m" ; export PS2=" \e[0;91m>>\e[0m " ; export PS3=" \e[0;91m>>\e[0m " ; export PS4=" \e[0;91m>>\e[0m "
How did I do Sup Forums?
I did it by myself

Step up

prompt $L$T$G--$L$P$G$_$E

PS1='\[\033[1;36m\]┌─[\[\033[1;33m\]\t\[\033[1;36m\]]──[\[\033[1;31m\]\w\[\033[1;36m\]]\n└─>\$ \[\033[0;38m\]'

pic related

I like it

more details,please.i`m a newbie

>more details,please.i`m a newbie
mv -v Form1.cs Form1.vb

Wish I had one of these

what does mv -v means..?

simply epic xD

read the manual for it?

Yeah, dev ps1's are pretty epic
I feel bad for those plebs that bought these shitty Net Yaroze kits instead of a proper dev kit

mv moves a file
-v gives verbose, more detailed output
Form1.cs is a filename, this should move/rename to somewhere else
Form1.vb the place to move it too / whats its renamed to

Instead of moving a file he is renaming it because no directory is specified


code tags didnt work out apparently

posting the only one i've got