What's your honest opinion about Technigger?

What's your honest opinion about Technigger?

Fuck of shill, saged

pick none

A bit simplistic, but he's good at reviewing the important bits for normies. And he has a very good sense of style which improves his reviews.

Only tech channel I'm subbed to. Good enough to get basic info.

Brownlee is in no way a nigger.
Nigger is a mentality, just happens that most black americans happen to be a niggers. But not all.

He seems pretty brown.

Reported for racism.

Nigger is a color, he is a nigger

This guy has way too much money.
Where does he get all his money? Stealing bikes doesn't return that much. Drugs would, but I doubt he has the balls to sell the kind of drugs to make someone that filthy rich.
His reviews are all focused on visual appeal. Nothing ever important. Great for normalfags.

for the love of god is that his hairstyle or is his skull just shaped that way

please answer this

Announcing reports is against the rules too bruh.

He should give it all back, honestly.

Are you basing the assumption that he has a lot of money by how many devices he owns? Because it's very likely manufacturers give him models to review. Meaning he doesn't actually pay for them.

Also I wouldn't be surprised if he has a good job. He's a pretty smart nigger.

seems like a smaller, slightly more subtle version of "the Ananas"
or much like the exact opposite of pic related.

Don't you have to return review copies of tech or do they just let you keep it? His camera and audio set up is practically film stage grade.

Most of the time they let you keep them. One device means nothing to them financially, especially if it gets a good review and said review encourages hundreds of people to go out and buy one.

>His camera and audio set up is practically film stage grade.
Not really. All of his shit looks pretty affordable judging from the quality. He just doesn't skimp on his tech and probably knows what to buy.

I hate niggers tbfh. I don't get why this board is constantly going about poo in toilets but leaves niggers alone. Niggers are the cancer of the planet and should be exterminated on sight. Poopers tend to keep to themselves and don't go around mugging, raping (except in actual India and even then it seems the rate is low compared to 1bn popn), drug dealing, acting aggressive for no fucking reason playing nigger music loud everywhere they go, looking disgusting and subhuman, killing each other on the smallest of reasons, overloading infrastructure in 1st world countries by pumping out 25 bastard niglets per female nigger.
I honestly wouldn't mind a bit of shit on the streets if someone could remove all the nignogs from my country (UK) right now.

Tech nigga is best nigga, he's alot better then most reviewers

I watched a review of a phone from him once

it was okay and I ended up buying the phone

> 100% sponsored videos
> way too long videos without any real content

It's literally a 10-20 minute advertisement where a black person sometimes includes his personal opinion. Sometimes.

I mean there are better ways to waste time.

>100% sponsored videos
So literally every phone manufacturer sponsors him?
Wouldn't that make it fair if they're all sponsored?

Better than the 1TB usb nigger

>His camera and audio set up is practically film stage grade.
If you check that chink guy's channel on youtube (forgot his name), you can see how cheap it is really to set up something like this.

That's not how it works.
You start doing reviews, and if you get enough views and followers, companies will reach out to you.
They will send you the device, and basically include what you have to say/talk about.

Of course if Samsung pays more to say shit about HTC and sends you an HTC 10, they will say shit about the HTC 10.

You get the idea.
They are basically puppets making side money.


go to bed marques

>mfw when he covers the mic of the iphone 5s and complains "there are two speakers but apparently sound only comes out of one of them"

>Nigger shill.

It would only make it pointless

David di Franco > TechNegro

King of Sup Forums hates niggers

btw not nigger but this is the result of being user

Nothing edgy there, fairly mainstream opinion on this site

is leaking again.