Why aren't you part of the master race?
Why aren't you part of the master race?
ahhaha is this real?
I prefer 0 parts Windows 8, though. No thanks.
Because I game on PS. And my MMOs work fine on homOSeX
Of course it's real. Windows 10 has bash now
One part NSA.
I prefer three parts Linux.
"Do you like Windows 8? You'll love 10!"
But I am (;
How about one part Linux, zero parts Windows?
Fucking hell Microsoft are desperate.
>One-part linux
How is that? They added a part of kernel?
Masterrace and Windows are mutually exclusive.
Also, >>>/global/rules/11
Talking about Windows 10 != advertising
Try to use the same logic in linux threads.
>Talking about Windows 10 != advertising
In this specific case it does, the only ones who like Windows 10 are the ones who are paid to.
>Try to use the same logic in linux threads
Don't need to, I just got done explaining Windows 10's special case.
>the only ones who like Windows 10 are the ones who are paid to.
I wasn't paid to call you a retard, retard, yet I enjoy my Windows 10 Pro.
Windows 10 is much better than linux (hobby os for permavirgins). It just works, it looks beautiful and I haven't paid a single dollar for it.
I think you need to contain your butthurt, faggot.
I just don't understand who this marketing is aimed at.
The kind of people who would find BASH support as a reason to choose an OS are the kind of people who already read stuff like Hacker News.
You can't bullshit them with this half-assed terminal
They added a virtualisation layer that emulates an Ubuntu system to my understanding. It's more like 1/1000th Linux, since the install is like 3gigs in the Appdata folder.
>yet I enjoy my Windows 10 Pro.
I think you need to leave this board
>Windows 10 is much better than linux (hobby os for permavirgins)
Yup, you definitely do.
>It just works, it looks beautiful
pic related. Also, >>>/global/rules/11
Your understanding is wrong.
Nice shitpost. It has no value in it.
All professional software used to do productive work is for Windows. Same goes to games.
Linux belongs to servers.
it's more of a compatibility layer. It translates kernel calls of linux to NT.
Think of it as reversed Wine. But actually done okay since they didn't have to deal with reverse engineering shit like Wine devs
One shit-part of Windows 7.
One shit-part of Windows 8.
One shit-part of Linux.
Windows 10 is the perfect combination of shit.
Schedule your free downgrade.
>Linux belongs to servers.
Nice shitpost. It has no value in it.
Windows users belong on Windows 10 users are reminded to review >>>/global/rules/11
pic rel is you
Enjoy your hobby os with no usable software.
>master race
>the user doesn't have complete control over incoming/outgoing Internet traffic and general connectivity
Get the fuck out and don't forget to take your poo with you.
Linux users belong to Also seek psychiatric help you fool.
they got the hyphen right in Anti-Phishing, but
>System Tamper Proofing
what is it they are actually conveying here?
yes, there appears to be a system of sorts
they have tampered with it, e.g. telemetry (tamper has bad connotations, as well as denotations)
they put it in a hot, moist box with dough?
They could have written Tamper-Proofing if that's what they meant, but they don't.
Just built my parents a new PC after they went with a Core 2 Duo / 4GB DDR2 / 512MB HD3850 for eight and a half years and it finally shit the bed.
I tried to install Win7 SP1 Pro with the May 2016 convenience rollup (I did the DISM and updated the ISO and everything) and it refused to accept the SATA Driver.
So I installed Windows 10 clean from USB, popped in my Win7 Pro Retail key from the Win741 promo back in 2009, and it activated. Apparently that's a thing now if you prefer that over an in place upgrade.
Win10 has been great for me thus far, my two personal laptops, my work laptop, and my desktop all run it.
I'm not into anime faggotry. What are you still doing here? You've got a videogaymes board to shitpost on
>How'd I do
utter failure.
What do you mean by "complete control"?
You can gain complete control by controlling the background services. The only thing Microsoft has done wrong is removing ability to disable services through services.msc applet.
But it still can be done with group policy, registry, 3rd party apps or simply purging service from windir. You don't even need to boot into linux to do that.
Start by trying to understand how telemetry works on Win10/Win7/Win8.1 and then try to open your stupid mouth, fuccboi.
That's a very nice computer, user.
Did you optimize it properly to prevent sending telemetry data to MS?
>expecting my parents to use Linux
Cool story bro.
Of course
>implying such a thing is possible
>complete control can still be done
>you just have to do 10 times more work than you would on Linux
>and some of it would fuck up Win 10
I like how your whole post makes Windows 10 look worse than Linux for the same reason people shit on Linux.
Did you remove diagtrack service?
I bet you didn't.
I disabled it in services.msc, I didn't remove the service entirely.
But I am. Fully switched to GNU/Linux a few weeks after the upgrade shit started.
No you stupid fuck, removing ONE file from windows directory takes less than 1 minute. This file is the ONLY service that can't be fully controlled.
You are a butthurt retard who tries to force people to do things you like. That's an antisocial behavior and you should be purged off society.
Oh wait, you already removed yourself from society XD
Enjoy sitting 24/7 on a containment Sup Forums board.
That's not the OpenBSD masterrace
you can't disable it in services.msc, the only way to stop it is to remove it from %windir%
>what is GNU
Hmmmm, it's not listed in services.msc anymore (after getting all the updates). I'll just run the sc delete commands in a command prompt as admin to be sure.
been using Winix 10 Pro for free, unactivated since last november, its great
especially when you add total security 360 with bitdefender and avira engines
GNU? This stupidass movement created by a fat neckbeard fuck understallMan?
It won't help.
You have to remove it manually.
I'm telling you desu.
Ah, if only you weren't spouting bullshit, your posts would be convincing.
But alas, you keep spouting bullshit misinformation you don't understand.
Even removing the service doesn't change other outgoing telemetry.
I don't see how setting a service to disabled is any different.
By the way, Diagtrack does appear under services.msc (if you don't delete it) - in the November 2015 updates they renamed it from DiagTrack to "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Service"
Because i don't need it.
Because Windows 7 sandboxed is just fine because i don't have to look at that retarded Metro GUI that's disgusting and retarded for a desktop user.
Because Linux/OSX depending on what one likes is better for everything else that isn't gayman.
Take your gayman OS back to Sup Forums.
WIN7 till the last frikkin update..
Because I'm part of the Gentoo Linux master race powered by KDE4 Plasma Desktop
Only three and a half years left until Windows 7 exits extended support and no more updates.
>KDE Plasma
Welcome to 2010
Are you sure, familia?
It does change everything. And you're spreading FUD.
Stupid nigger, people can test this by themselves. They don't have to believe me or you.
>giving a fuck about updates
The only update of relevance is the font security update, which is far before any Windows 10 related shit was forced into Win 7 via further updates down the road.
Beyond that, just sandbox everything except gayman (use Comodo is you must, it has a good way of tracking file states and making comparisons if you are really aspie about someone somehow implanting shit via Steam or gayman multiplayer), and you are good till the end of your life. Use OS X or Linux for everything else as a 2nd boot.
>Reading the About screen
GNU isn't a movement, but i guess it't not Unix either
I prefer 1 part GNU and 1 part Linux.
>linux terminal
>implying bash is a part of linux
>not installing Linux
This, after win 10 I dumped Microsoft entirely.
>I wasn't paid to call you a retard, retard, yet I enjoy my Windows 10 Pro.
>Windows 10 is much better than linux (hobby os for permavirgins). It just works, it looks beautiful and I haven't paid a single dollar for it.
>Nice shitpost. It has no value in it.
You don't get it. All what you're saying and all what you believe have no value. user just memed because he eventually gave up having an argument with you and doesn't care either.
>All professional software used to do productive work is for Windows. Same goes for games.
>Linux belongs to servers.
The fact you don't figure out that managing servers is a bit more productive than all a Windows gamer can figure out is compelling.
This exact board is about development, Unix systems and servers administration. The intrinsic value of your arguments aside, why the fuck are you writing these here?
Also we don't care about your graphics shit, all you have is the Adobe suite and videogames. You may like these and we don't care, but we precisely don't care. Bye.
Oh user must you see the glass half empty?
It keeps getting funnier every single time I read it.
because Windows 10 is cancer
Because I don't willingly install malware on my computers.
i don't want a keylogger sending my data to external servers.
Have they removed the data-stealing privacy-breaching botnet yet?
5 rupees have been deposited into your Microsoft account
let me guess... they still haven't done anything to improve the appearance and custom-ability of the terminal?
>I just don't understand who this marketing is aimed at.
People who don't know what Linux is, don't understand GNU/Linux, but have heard about "that obantoo that my niece runs on her hacker machine".
It's a positive buzzword that makes it sound more technically advanced than it is.
I'm rather comfy with 8.1, thanks.
>running Ubuntu on shitty windows kernel
Sounds like it could be better than cygwin, but still worse than actually using Linux.
I am.
~Windows XP Pro SP3 Master Race ®©
mah nigga. Got the small taskbar at the top, it is max comfy.