What the fuck is the point of this pattern lock, when smudges on the screen reveal the pattern?

What the fuck is the point of this pattern lock, when smudges on the screen reveal the pattern?

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Such is life when you're an android fag

Wipe the cheetos off your fingers and it wont be very noticeable.

They are generally shit for that reason, but you can pick crossing patterns and wipe your thumb across as a habit to improve things.

I've tested this with freshly washed hands and cleaned screen.

Wash your fucking hands holy shit

Yet another problem that the Apple iPhone 6S Plus doesn't have.

Because what, it has slide to unlock? I can do that on my Android phone as well.

Wash yourself more than once a week lardass

shouldn't your screen have so many smudges that it won't be easily recognized?

you also usually unlock the phone before using it, use it(which should create new smudges), then lock it without the good smudges on it.

Convenience, as it relies on the fact that after you enter your pattern you will use your phone and thus scramble the evidence. Also unless you eat chips and use your phone, the pattern input won't be visible at all.

Also if you're doing something really shady then use a password lock. Pattern locks are easier to guess compared to a password even if the attacker can't see the pattern smudge on the screen.

If you had ever used a touchscreen device, you would know that this happens with clean hands.

I have a habit of cleaning the screen often. Fucking hate having smudges.
>tfw fell for the touchscreen meme

Then smudges revealing your unlock pattern shouldn't be of too much concern.

Long time touchscreen user here

Clean hands prevents this. In any case, marks like in the OP only happens if you use your phone for unlocking it only

This isn't meant to be secure. For me it works perfectly as a "child repellant". My kids are still way too stupid to figure out the smudges-thing and thus can't drain my battery and install random gaymez whole I'm asleep ignoring them fuckers

Who needs a pattern lock when you're born with fingerprints?

I don't think I'll ever get used to smartphones either

cleaning screens has been on my mind ever since I first realized I had to turn my first Windows 95 PC off in order to clean its screen cause it was a CRT

holograms fucking when silicon valley?

This is even worse, people can dust for fingerprints. Gonna remember that next time I find an iPhone though, thanks.

Anyone spending time in America, where a pattern is Constitutionally protected and a fingerprint is not. I don't want cops seeing the photos I have of my friends' pets.

Thanks senpai, maybe I should buy pic related "just in case" :^)

Such an awkward position for a fingerprint reader.

>fingerprint reader
This has got to be the stupidest thing apple has ever done

agreed. Sad to see all the android manufacturers following suit

The unlock pattern is a somewhat large, unique pattern that's swiped just about every time the phone is picked up. Unless they play Fruit Ninja a lot, most people will just do taps or swipe up/down in one place to scroll.

Your fingerprints aren't protected in the US. A police officer can make you unlock a fingerprint lock but not a pattern lock. So your iPhone might be convenient, but you better hope that you never find yourself in a situation where Touch ID is actually supposed to protect you from something.

Source: blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/10/31/judge-rules-suspect-can-be-required-to-unlock-phone-with-fingerprint/

>surf facebook buy/sell groups
>see a lot of iphones in sale
>"details:the fingerprint reader doesnt work"

But droidies love it.

This is like faggots who never used the device complain about faults of the device.

Man, this is so much fun!"
+5 for retards.

I have this problem with my G4.

Has anyone here actually used the fingerprint scanner on the iphone? Of course not! I was pretty doubtful myself, but it's really not all that bad. It's so fast that it's actually sort of inconvenient sometimes. Since I wake the screen with the home button, it'll unlock before I even have a chance to see the unlock screen. You don't have to rub your human grime off the reader as often as you'd think either.

>not using a fingerprint sensor


Nexus S was shit phone.

Sucks for iPhone users. The Samsung I have requires you to swipe your thumb across the button so it'd be all smudged anyway. The NSA aren't tracking me today.

>thinks using a finger print sensor is a good idea

Possibly, issue is not limited to this phone though.

That's not the problem. Nobody gives a shit if they can't get a fingerprint off the sensor, they have the entire fucking screen to work with. Stop using that shit.


I never used a lockscreen, password or anything for my phones. If someone would steal it, they'd have access to the files either way unless you encrypt them manually.

The NSA most likely already has your fingerprints. Hell, I know for a fact they've got mine. No point in using something you already know is compromised.

Do you also leave your front entry house door unlocked? Mind if you share where you live, maybe we could have a party or something :^)

the fingerprint scanner on the iphone uses depth data, something you lose with a dusted fingerprint

No but I also don't have my house with me in my pocket at all times.

It's not just the government you have to worry about. Anybody with a fingerprint kit can dust for prints all over the front screen and possibly even the back if it has glass. The kits are also pretty cheap, see

Not if you use full disk encryption, which you should do on any modern Android phone with cryptographic extensions. All you need to do is check a box.

You are supposed to wash your hands and clean your phone every now and then, neckbeard.

>not using randomized keypad lock on an encrypted cyanogenmod motorola device

It's easier to just give you a water bottle or something and pull the prints from it after you throw it out. You get nice solid prints because of the firm grip you put on a bottle.

Doesn't work when there are cameras everywhere.

Then apple needs to improve it because there are hundreds of people on youtube proving you can unlock an iPhone with a dusted fingerprint. Of course most people don't actually use the scanner at all so most ifags are safe, at least from niggers. The government knows software and/or hardware backdoors present on iPhones so your data is never safe on an iPhone.

the thing you fail to see is that this is not the only form of password that you have on android there is still the option to use a pin number or a standard word password just like an iphone and if you want a fingerprint reader just get an android with one
its simply another option to have nothing more

>being this filthy

wash your hands.

No we don't.

why the fuck would the nsa dust fingerprints off a phone that belongs to some fat neckbeard who posts on Sup Forums about trivial things like what phone people use

is this thread a meme?

This is why America needs Rand.

If this is so much of a problem without cheeto fingers, OP, why don't you go ahead and tell me my passcode?

>even worse
It's not worse. It's a lot easier to just repeat a pattern based on smudges than to re-create a fingerprint to trick a fingerprint scanner.

>It's not worse. It's a lot easier to just repeat a pattern based on smudges than to re-create a fingerprint to trick a fingerprint scanner.
It is but you're assuming your victim will enter their pattern while eating cheetos and instantly lock their phone thereafter. This scenario isn't really that likely.

Then just use the pin lock or fingerprint unlock.

Both are shit ideas, password is the only sane way to lock your phone. Though at least with the pin people can't dust for fingerprints I guess.

>We demand you put your finger on the phone
>Use non-registered finger
>Phone locks, requires password

>tfw my motorola g 1st gen 4g just softboots when i try to enable encryption, in both LL and MM

Feels bad man

If it needs to be secure you shouldn't be doing it on a phone. Phones aren't meant to be secure. They're designed to report everything you do back to google, apple, microsft, any alphabet soup agencies you can think of as well as the creator of any apps you installed. It does so using an encryption scheme that has a cipher text only attack over easily intercepted rf signals.

All a password is good for is making jamal pay a cell phone repair store in the ghetto to take your password off before he sells your phone.

>not using a pattern that traces back over itself so the smudge doesn't reveal what the pattern is
Sure is single digit IQ in this thread

Gross. How about not having greasy fingers to begin with?

If you guys haven't felt a v10 yet find one and have sex with the scanner.

Tactile fingerprint reader with perfect sized volume buttons to compliment. Ive clicked the thing out of fun for the last 5 months now and its still in great shape to boot

Phones carry personal information, saying that one shouldn't care about security is absurd.

Holy fuck I know the kid in the bottom left.

Is it your wife's son?

epik meme

> not cleaning your screen on a daily basis

Microfiber cloths are your friend.

>get charged with obstruction of justice
>still refuse to unlock phone
>judge places you in contempt indefinitely
Encryption is for protecting yourself against thieves. The government will always win.

i can slice your hand off and use it on the phone discarding the severed hand later after harvested relevant information

if i use your phone every time i can walk around with a freezerbag filled with ice where i keep the hand

you obviously have disgusting hands, or you don't dry your hands completely

why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to let us see your disgusting, cum-stained phone?