2016- Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?

2016- Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?
this model can do 1920x1440 @75hz desktop and 1024x768 @ 152hz in FPS games.
all of that for less than £50

shitty sharpness and more eye fatigue...

not so much eye fatigue

I'm just waiting for a 2048x1536 one to show up on craigslist.
Last year I saw two 1920x1440 models and a 2048x1536 model that the owner was offering $30 for someone to take them off his hands. Hoping for another deal like that

i dont have the desk space

i also dont want to move those hefty fuckers around, my old thinkvision lcd is bad enough

When I go to LAN I carry it in a wheelbarrow

for me it was too much

yeah in the UK it's much easier to find high end monitors in my experience. However in the US and Canada it seems much harder

Because you were using a shit one

Because you are not using the protector!

What is that? does it work?

I had only LG Flatron FT775 and Eizo (can't remember which model, but looked like T966/T761)

I was using it, didn't helped that much.
Better was reducing brightness.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good CRT monitor under 20 inches?

Preventing something I don't remember, like blocking some electromagnetic waves or something.
Supposedly, you would suffer less headaches and less eye aches than if you don't use it

what's that keyboard?

well your best shot t finding one is just looking on craigslist and eby

noppo nano 75s
cherry reds
pbt caps

I wouldn't recommend it at the moment because it doesn't always register key presses in games

Because I have dual 24" LED IPS monitors

There is no issue with sharpness.

I love CRTs but I'm tired of discussing them with plebs. These threads are always full of the same autists who can't stand the idea that a 20 year old monitor might have some advantages over their consumerfag gayming rig's monitor they spent $600 on.

I have a 1920x1080 144hz 1ms monitor that I can hold in one hand, why would I want that crap?

Enlighten me then, what are the advantages of using crt?

and where do i get one?

Ma nigga, we got the same keyboard

I'm not poor

But I do.

No fixed resolution (no blurry images)
Infinite contrast ratio (deep blacks)
High as fuck refresh rates
90-degree viewing angles

I have a few but I'm trying to find the biggest one I can.

Still the best monitor you can buy. Instant response time, best viewing angle, no native resolution, great blacks, etc.

>but user they're so heavy

I don't go around moving my desktop every day, so who cares?

There is issue with sharpness.
All CRTs loses focus after time. Same as LCDs loses brightness.

what are some good CRT monitors?
do they come in 22"+ widescreen sizes?

The Sony GDM-FW900 is probably what you're looking for. However, those things are pretty rare to come by, and any sane person would only sell it to you on-location due to its weight. They also cost an arm and leg if you even find people selling them.

Did you steal that from an elementary school?

>Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?
Seems like you answered your own question

niggas I said I was tired of discussing this shit. Fucking google it.

CRT uses VGA connectors which everybody knows is shit, it's blurry and the higher your resolution/refresh rate, the worse it gets.

because I have long, static prone hair. The moment I turn on that monitor, my hair shoots out and sticks to the screen and I cant see anything.

Is it the 'we pretend it's 2000' thread?

Close. I bought it from public surplus for $25.

so you're saying that if you want a reasonably sized monitor you should stick with LCD/LED

no chance in hell I'm going back to tiny squares, especially not for double the price

Picture elements are not "meant" to be square, the Gaussian beam profile of a CRT is basically the ideal way of rendering pixels

Yeah nigga, maybe if you were a gullible hipster you'd know by now.

>wanting a screen behind a glass wall
whatever you say CRT is shit tier

20" is a very reasonable monitor size
>tiny square
Good luck finding a 1:1 CRT, 4:3, 5:4, and 16:10 are far more common

Whatever you say CRTs are great
We can both play this game.

>1920x1440 or 1024x768
wew, come back when it can do 4096x2160

If you're able to run everything at native resolution a good LCD/LED monitor is preferred. However this is rarely the case, giving CRT a slight advantage.

>not being bald

embrace the future, fucko

>20" is a very reasonable monitor size
in 2006 sure
currently running double monitors 24" and 22" and I'm seriously considering upgrading the 22" to a 24" or adding another one
and 4:3 and 5:4 are not acceptable (the "squares" I was referring to)
16:10 is ideal but 16:9 is fine too

enjoy your trash monitor, I spent enough time on them to know they are shit and their only acceptable use is retro computing

>and 4:3 and 5:4 are not acceptable (the "squares" I was referring to)
In case you're too retarded to figure this out, only 1:1 is a square aspect ratio.
>16:9 is acceptable but 4:3 and 5:4 are not
Oh you really are retarded

>16:9 is fine too
No. 16:9 is a shit aspect ratio for computing driven to popularity by dumbasses who get triggered by black bars when watching movies.

>In case you're too retarded to figure this out, only 1:1 is a square aspect ratio.
thank you we all passed high school geometry m8
this is what people who are not special like you call a hyperbole

:9 is acceptable but 4:3 and 5:4 are not
do you only have a single program open on your screen?
if I can't divide it in two productive halves it's shit
also non widescreen screens are terrible for movies

16:10 is definitely better but 4:3 is just terrible

>do you only have a single program open on your screen?
Of course, why would I not use fullscreen windows? If I want more than one thing visible I have a second monitor
>also non widescreen screens are terrible for movies
Which is why you keep a widescreen monitor for movies, not rocket science here.

>but 4:3 is just terrible
Yet better than 16:9 and 16:10

4:3 was also driven by television standards, which was why it was shit. 16:10 is the only acceptable aspect ratio for use on computers.

Let the CRT meme die!!

Its 2016. Get over it already.

Only when LCD monitors can display non-native resolutions without looking like a steaming pile of shit.

>waah stop liking what I don't like

>Too large and bulky to fit anywhere
>Generates too much heat and costs to much in power
>Widescreen CRTs are impossible to find (only model I know of is the FW900 and thanks to autists that obsess over it, the asking price is usually $500+ for an obsolete POS that is approaching the end of its usable life)
>Quality IPS panels pretty much match the performance of CRTs when it comes to black levels, color reproduction and general quality, and with OLED monitors coming soon there will literally be no reason to use a CRT.

>If I want more than one thing visible I have a second monitor
>not having 4 programs open at once
currently have monitor 1 split between Sup Forums and normiebook and monitor 2 has music and a terminal I should have closed a while ago but haven't bothered to
would hate not being able to have at least 2 browsers and an extra window for music or yt or some tv show

>Yet better than 16:9 and 16:10
literally how?
what are the advantages?

16:10 is the best
nobody but the autist denies that
16:9 is inferior but generally alright imho though

>>not having 4 programs open at once
Good for you. I find such a thing unnecessary.
>literally how?
There isn't a metric buttload of wasted horizontal space.

>Quality IPS panels pretty much match the performance of CRTs when it comes to black levels
Not even close when it comes to black level, or motion performance for that matter. Also all LCDs suck for legacy games and such that require low resolutions.

yeeah, don't think I'd trade slightly better motion for worse contrast, screen estate, much lower PPI and resolution.

Thankfully OLED will get rid of that and place itself ahead of both CRT and LCD for everything your last point.

I used one for a few months a couple of years back.

It was so bulky I had barely any space left on my desk, and it had color issues that I couldn't straighten out no matter how much I fiddled with the controls.

It couldn't be helped so I switched back to LCD.

because I haven't seen an FW900 for sale in my country since 2010

the website publicsurplus or an actual physical auction?

OLED is no better than LCD when it comes to legacy gaming. The other stuff, sure.

What movies don't have black bars on a 16:9 screen? TV, sure. but movies are almost always wider than that anyway.

Physical store. They have all kinds of computer stuff lying around for sale, and some are even new.

Good idea. What is a good way to find such stores? I searched in my area, but just got some thrift and secondhand shops.

Most universities have them, and state governments also might have some. The one I usually go to is part of UC Davis.

Yeah it's not like this is a thread dedicated to the discussion of crt monitors. I know how to use Google you miserable faggot, sometimes it's nice to get input from other people.

Thank you very much. You are a gentleman, and a scholar.


Because no one is making CRTs anymore.

Oh, so being helpful is reddit now? No thank you, I'll continue contributing to discussion here instead of shitposting like you.

Great post my good sir, hat's off to you. *tips fedora*

I have a 19" Dell M990, 1600x1200 with 160hz max.

Is it still worth anything? Just been sitting on a table downstairs for about a decade unused.

/r/technology is looking for more posters like you

Because eye cancer. I don't want eye cancer.

Also there's numerous advantages of using digital over analog (HDMI or DVI over VGA), the CRT itself is very power-inefficient, heavy, large, and subjectively I find them rather aesthetically unappealing. I desktop monitor barely has any bezel, I wouldn't have it any other way.

OLED has failed to deliver so far

* blue emitter half life remains under 20k hours
* poor rendering of shadow details
* can't be driven hard enough to match CRT motion
* uniformity issues (green and pink tinting)


I'm used to a 144Hz 1440p monitor.
My 980Ti died a month ago and i actually used a CRT for a while but it gave me a headache.
The strobing is on a too low frequency, the model i had could handle 1920x1440 at 75Hz as well, might've been the same since it looks exactly the same (same brand as well).

Also the sharpness and image quality/positioning was a BITCH to get right.
The black levels were fucking GOD TIER though, we really need that on our flat monitors as well...

Enjoy your lag

And no lag

I though that was common knowledge by now. Even Sup Forums memers know that.

>saying actual year
>everyone knows what fucking year it is

>argument basically = why do people don't use 'x'? They're so stupid

Go back to /r/technology and your tumblretards

My W900 is eating shit so I'm getting a 1600SW for my workstation instead.

Is there a crt like the one in op's that I could double as a non HD console monitor?

hahah Couldn't agree more

Not worth much because it's a shadow mask.

I have a problem with mine when I spam adadada wbu?

I figured as much, didn't think it was anything SUPER high end or anything. I have dual 2560x1440 IPS for my primary desktop, so I'll be fine without it.

PC monitors suck for consoles because you need to go through a converter which leads to quality loss and/or latency. Good for emulation, though.

Hardcore console gamers usually use high end CRT broadcast/medical monitors, but those suck for PC use.

>>Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?
>Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?

>Why aren't you using a CRT monitor?
I am of course.

However unless it's a slow scan unit you're going to cook your eyes. It's good for a terminal though.

Nice looking radio you got there. Is it just for listening or do you have a license to broadcast?

Are there any modern CRT monitors that don't look like toys from the 90s?

>modern CRT monitors

That's my Elecraft KX3 with PX3 panadapter. Yes I'm a licensed radio amateur with a General class license.

Not going to post my call though.

Under the monitor's my morse code key and my *original edition* mouth fedora, the Ventolin inhaler.

Can you recommend some cheap CRTs that can run at 1080p at least?

1600p, cost me a tenner m8